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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Figures RINO


  1. Open Maryland. You are not keeping anyone safe by being stupid.

  2. Are we gonna’ get the horns?

  3. RINO or not I really thought Larry Hogan was somewhat intelligent. He sure fooled me. He is completely void of any and all forward thinking skills as is whoever are the "advisors" he chose to guide him through this.
    What sense did it make to close all the retail but allow places like Walmart to be open? It made no sense and was an incredibly ignorant decision.
    Walmarts were packed with no chance of staying away from anyone. Anything anyone needed or wanted had to be bought there. For instance the makeup aisles. They were jammed. This because Einstein Hogan thought it would be a good idea to close make up stores like Alta which hardly are never crowded and always easy to stay away from others.
    All Einstein Hogan did with his not one bit thought out intelligently shut down order was put more people in danger

    1. And let walmart ptofit from this shut down. Fat Ass's bank accounts need to be audited to see if some extra deposits appear.

    2. It is to soon to open people need to stop complaining like babies it is better to be safe this is far from over and life is more important then going out in crowds and getting sick or making others sick

    3. Work on sentence structure before you try and work on our State’s response to a Global Pandemic. You sound like a middle schooler trying to solve a (global) pandemic, therefore you should leave the ones doing their jobs working day and night thinking 20 steps ahead about how to ensure what’s best for everyone as a unit instead of just you and your makeup issues.

  4. Front page Picture on CNN.COM at 8am 5/26/20 - Rickie's jammed boardwalk this past Saturday.

    Now is that one person with a mask photo-shopped or not?


    You really can't make this stuff up - Unbelievable.

  5. DC considering to continue the Alcohol to-go sales after this "situation" has passed.

    Don't let Rickie "Money-maker" Meehan hear about that - its a guaranteed revenue generator AND can be further taxed!


  6. He's a plain a**hole for doing it this long, damn.

  7. After Trump is re-elected there will be no need in this guy holding things up. He will be done and career as he see’s it will be in the past. I can understand keeping a eye on PG and Montgomery Counties, but turn us shore folks loose.

  8. Violating Constitutional Rights is an act of Treason against all Americans. Throw in abuse of power and violating humanitarian rights for good measure.

  9. Hogan has bosses.
    They finance his campaign.
    Wake up folks

    You will never understand how the world works until you research who funds the campaigns. It is also important to understand how the blackmail works in the Chabad Houses and the Lodges.

    1. All controlled from Langley LOL
      Right 8:53??

  10. Spending 9 million of taxpayers money on test kits that couldnt be used because they hadnt been FDA approved is criminal, at the very lest extremely negligent. Then telling the world you must hide them from Trump, using the NG and the MSP to assist you in this illegal scheme. It wont take much to figure out these test give a false positive result everytime...keeps those false numbers up high right. Total corruption.

    1. And your president telling the country anybody who wants a test can get a test. That’s an honest Abe for sure ! Lol And Trump n pence telling us tests were perfect when they knew from the get home they were flawed, but kept letting ppl believe we were all safe n soundv

  11. He Really wants to FORCE you back to work , regardless of Health , so
    Maryland can CUT off your Unemployment checks !!!!

    If you DIE , OH WELL, that's Tuff !!!

  12. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 26, 2020 at 9:44 AM

    This is what happens when you elect a squad of empty heads who can't see the difference between anarchy and precaution. All the mice ( Eastern Shore Delegation,Ha!) are in their holes silent with nothing to identify them but their eyes. A bald headed bastard who's never had any authority in any facet of life is playing Castro/Putin fast and loose with peoples rights. Next time, look at who you vote for. Trump has done more for the Country than any President since Truman because he has some balls and can't be bought. I bet Hogan would like to be able to say that.

    Wake up people, look before you vote.

  13. I say we get together in Maryland and have our own impeachment of Hogan, another media hog and wanting more time and attention is all he's about. I would vote for a tuna fish sandwich over this idiot, and I have nothing agaist tuna fish. Let's pretend were all Democrats and get this impeachment started. And while were at it let's impeach Jake Day another Maryland looser.

  14. WoW does he look and act like Benito Mussolini!

    Benito Hogan!!

    You want economic health it is about PUBLIC health, not just your own. We are supposed to be in this together . What part of that do you not understand

  16. Hogan is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich

    Hogan is a Trump hater and will do anything to criticize / go against Trump / conservative policies.

    The longer Adolph Hogan, aka Hitler, keeps MD closed he thinks he is destroying Trump. He is pushing more voters to Trump.

    Hogan is keeping MD closed so his 44+ LLC's can collect millions in tax dollars. Hogan's bosses are the Democrats. Hogan has no political future in MD. If I am wrong it will be because he switched to the Democrat party.

  17. The governor think people will obey him. Wait until summer really begins around the second week of June an see what starts to happen at the beach. He dislikesTrump and doesn’t want to help him by opening Maryland! The people are tired of the politics and will start going their own way!

  18. Keep the Lock-down going all the rest of 2020 !!! I Love it !!!!
    Keep those checks coming !!!! Keep me Safe !!!!

  19. Increase Unemployment to min of $400 per week , NOT that piss ass
    $179.00 crap !!!!

  20. Gov. Ground Hogan, you must grow some testicular fortitude, put aside your special interests, and open our great state of Maryland. The people are ready. If only they had a leader. May be one will show up.

  21. Someone I know needed a new pair of work boots ASAP so had to get them at Walmart. They usually get their shoes at one of the shops in the OC Outlets. They said people were 4 deep in the shoe aisle. They were looking over the shoulder of someone to see the boots and had someone looking over their shoulder. No chance in hell of staying away from anyone. This was back in April. Now if the outlets had been open everyone knows sometimes you are the only person in the store. Hogan is one stupid individual to have thought these close downs were smart. He put people in danger by being so stupid and you have to wonder if anyone did get sick and die because this governor is so stupid.

    1. Walmart loves this lock down of their competitors

  22. Hogan is still making his money. He didn't close down construction. He still gets his check for playing governor also. He doesn't care if you peasants go broke or not. He doesn't develop properties for the middle and lower class worker. Only his wealthy friends

  23. Keep MY $$$$$$$ coming & FIX your Disaster Unemployment !!!!

  24. Stop crying about the shutdown life is more important then going to the ocean

  25. I am with Gov . Hogan my life mean more to me than partying beaches , shopping and anything else that requires me to be out for a long length of time . You dump asses he looking out for the people. How are you going to go back to normal if you’re DEAD . My life means more to me than money because I’ve been broke before but not dead.

  26. 11:46 guess you do want the lock down to continue. That means you are collecting $780 a week, $178 + $600. That means you are drawing approx. $40,500 a year laying around on your lazy a$$ while I can only draw $300 a week, $15,600 a year, on Social Security and worked all my life.

    Since you like it so much then be responsible the Democrat / socialist way and spread your wealth with me.

  27. Gov Hogan is a great man he's got more balls than two thirds of Congress I have the upmost respect for him he's taking a lot of heat right now from all angles let's remember all the great things he's done for the state of MARYLAND like saving lives the people complaining just like the handouts that they are receiving right now they probably wouldn't feel safe if Hogan opened up the state they making more now than if they were working complaints about can't pay mortgage or rent can't pay car payment or boat payments or travel trailer payments but race to the Beach and hair salon get there nails done or want to go out to dinner but claim they can't afford to pay there electric what's wrong with this picture KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GOV HOGAN

    1. Hahahaha !!!! Now that there's funny, I don't care who you are

  28. For the ones who are concerned for their life, don"t go! Stay home, it is ok but the ones that want to go,. they call that freedom.

  29. Unknown = Corozza 7:39. Same crap she was spouting at Crisfield a while back. No balls for her, if she did have she'd sign her name. Vote Democratic next time around. Repub's need political science classes so they could recognize some backbone, not issued to them.

    See the hypocrisy when you defend a 'loser'. Only a misguided woman, wow!

  30. KEEP doing it ALL of 2020 !!!! & Keep my checks coming too !!!!

  31. Maryland should be giving out Stimulus $$$$ to us + the Unemployment should be Raised from the Low amount they offer !!!!

    On Top of the Federal $$$ for stimulus + the $600.00 Fed $$ for
    unemployed !!!

    Fix the Disaster system of Maryland Unemployment , need more
    phone lines that WORK & Faster Internet site with more capacity !!!

    Let the PUA people file Webcerts on Sat & Sun like you let the Regular ones !!!! Pay the PUA people all day on Tue like the regular ones & not make them wait until the afternoon , last in line !!!

  32. Get MY $$$$$ to me on Time !!!! Keep Lock Down ALL Year !!!


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