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Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Comment Worthy Of A Post: Caribbean Joe's

I would never go to your establishment because of your undying support of Donald Trump, however as a fellow business owner CONGRATS! and hopefully you have a kickass season - if any place can do outside dining and social distancing in West Ocean City its you!!! Good Luck!!!!


  1. Awwww maybe that lib sak of shit likes being closed by the Rino Hogan I wish he posted HIS business name so WE made sure not to show up or maybe he should just stay CLOSED.

  2. So another business owner makes a political decision instead of a business one...typical dumbocrat...

    Glad we don't know the name of your business...and make political decisions!

    1. Do you old white Trump supporters think that making up nonsense words like “dumbocrat” is a good insult? That type of “humor” if it can even be called that, has literally never been funny. It’s certainly not witty if that’s what you were going for. That’s the type of dumb crap that 10 year old boys think is amusing. I guess you haven’t matured very much. Come up with some better material man.

    2. 6:47 How about “pandercrat” ? Cause God knows they’re the party of pandering 😁

  3. Please let us know the name of his business so us Trump fans can do our part to never go there. Some people have too much free time on their hands and make bone headed comments.

  4. Starting a 'compliment' off like that is truly stupid, disrespectful and insincere. Just because you support the only President in recent history who has actually worked for the prosperity of ordinary citizens.
    Shame on that poster.
    BUT, I also wish you the best year ever Joe.
    Thanks for the blog and the next time I'm down your way I will come by to eat.

  5. That's all the more reason to go because he does support President Trump. In case you are out of touch with the real world see how he has made things a lot better. Just dig in and see all the accomplishments. Where do you think you and this country would be if Hillary had been elected.

  6. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 28, 2020 at 1:02 PM

    The crackpot who penned this rot can only wish he had been as successful as the President in all respects as he has aspired to be so and attained as planned.

    The most effective President since Truman and a figure commanding respect from all nations because they can't equall his resolve in any situation.

    I don't blame you to spread Democratic crap to detract because talk is all your group of misfits can do. I see they've got you indoctrinated to a life of being led by the nose down
    paths of failure time after time.

    As for Joe, he'll do okay because he relies on what he knows to be reasonable and customary
    in the business World. Again concepts unknown to Democrats who prefer to become wards of the State via entitlement and 'wadda gonna give me' complexes.

    Well, the Sun don't shine up the same dogs heiny all the time and the tide's finally turning in the favor of 'Stomp the Dems in November'. About time!

  7. You just showed yourself as a fool. Simp.

  8. Personally, I don't understand how they can be a supposed business owner & not be behind our President. The fact that they'd choose not to support a local business due to their political leanings says a lot about their character, or more specifically lack thereof, IMO.

  9. That is the proper attitude we can agree to disagree but all businesses we hope to succeed

  10. Of course a Trump supporter can make it work. This because anyone who supports the President is intelligent.

  11. I would like to know who wrote this because I would like to avoid his business because of his lack of support for our country's president.

  12. It's all good for all.

    Hatred is too exhausting. Suds, burgers, good hospitality AND GRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT prices at Caribbean Joe's is AWESOME!!!

  13. Donald Trump was 6’2 and played football, tennis, and squash in college. After he graduated in 1968, he conveniently had “bone spurs in his heels” exempting him from being drafted for military service in Vietnam. I don’t think he would be able to stand on the tank as pictured.

    1. Exactly. We can like him for the good he has done, but let's not glorify him for something he is not. Save that for the ones that have given it all.

    2. There is nothing convenient about bone spurs. I have one and it hurts like the dickens.

    3. What war was joe Biden in? C’mon maaaan!!

    4. Nobody's born with bone spurs 206, they develop with age.

  14. Very gracious.
    The writer might secretly be a conservative.

  15. I bet anything that this guy inherited his business from his parents. Guaranteed.

  16. That sounds like someone just trolling to stir the comments and get a ride out of everyone. Followed with a backhanded compliment.

  17. Only a loser votes democrat.

    1. Hilarious 329

      Sometimes the Democrat Party wins
      Then those voters are not losers.
      They are winners.

      Mr Trump was a life long Democrat and very close friends with Bill and Hillary. They attended each other’s daughter weddings. They are real actual friends.

  18. This idiot is just another jealous anti trump socialist who is losing business because of his inept ways in business.

  19. Funny how they'll NOT support your business due to your politics, yet They'll GLADLY Take the cash the president had authorized....Hmmm, I smell hypocrisy!

  20. 206 Biden graduated law school in 1968. He could have been used to sniff out the enemy.

  21. Sad his only objection is Trump. I wonder how this person feels about Joe
    Bidden? Hilary Clinton ? Oh I get it , it is trump's fault. Before it was George Bush Fault, etx.

  22. If he believed what he said, then tell us who you are. I am sure you do not
    want me in your establishment. OH it is really about the money!


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