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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Police in Minneapolis withdraw from locations in the city as looters take over during protest

The police chief says it's too dangerous for his officers

The Minneapolis Police Department has pulled its officers away from several locations in the city after protests over the death of George Floyd erupted in violence, looting, and vandalism on Wednesday night.

What are the details?

As a Target store, a liquor store, and an AutoZone were all overcome by looters, a KARE-TV reporter noted to Police Chief Medaria Arradondo that there was no police presence at the locations during an evening interview. Arradondo explained, "Our main priority for our officers there are the safety of those who are out there."

The chief noted that there were peaceful protesters who were "in the mix of those who are causing destruction" and said the MPD wanted to make sure they had the resources in place to protect the peaceful protesters and to preserve "life and safety."

The KARE reported then asked, while showing footage of the looting at Target, "I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. So, what you're saying is it's too dangerous for police to directly confront the looters, so, you've made the decision to maybe let that site go for now and focus on keeping the rest of the neighborhood as safe as possible?"



  1. Gonna be a long Thursday nite. Hopefully it will rain.

  2. Shocker! Let the losers destroy their own city. Maybe they all will kill each other off.

  3. Blacks have a history of taking big smelly craps on their own tables. Areas in the cities where riots have occurred have never recovered. In Baltimore the only thing the riots accomplished was the black on black crime sky rocketed and the murder rate broke records. This because police stop being proactive.

    1. Lawless thugs are lawless, regardless of skin color. The media is trying to turn us against one another and we’re buying it hook, line, and sinker. If we’re divided we can’t stand together against injustice and lies. This is not about political party. There are good and evil on both sides. It’s the evil we need to stand against, not some humanly contrived party affiliation.

    2. I see a lot more whites than blacks in the video coming out of Minneapolis. Looks like people of all races have had enough of police committing violent attacks on civilians with no accountability and they have taken to the streets to demand change.

  4. WOW! Too dangerous?! I thought they were the police!! Shoot those bastards!!!

    1. Toss some gas on the fire. Brilliant idea.

  5. If they won't protect and serve then they should be taken off of the payroll and send in the National Guard or reserve

  6. This is a very real example of the power the people possess. The police can’t arrest everybody.

    The people should exercise this power to stop the illegal shutdowns.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    If they won't protect and serve then they should be taken off of the payroll and send in the National Guard or reserve

    May 28, 2020 at 8:36 PMj"

    It's not their duty to protect.


  8. "The people should exercise this power to stop the illegal shutdowns.

    May 28, 2020 at 8:38 PM"

    Won't happen. Those protesting the shutdowns are civilized human beings Those in Minneapolis aren't civilized and it's debatable if they are even human beings. They certainly aren't ones who evolved like most of us into civilized people They are some sub species who still have primal instincts in them No other explanation.

  9. I was looking on google street view and the police dept is right across the street from the TArget they broke into and were stealing things. I can't say I feel for the store. They should know better then to ever open in those areas. Those people aren't worthy enough or deserving enough to have a nice store because their inherent violent natures can take over in a flash.

    1. Sadly it will be us the taxpayers that will pay to have everything rebuilt they are burning down. They will just get a pass for their actions. This is not a protest, this is a riot.

  10. 8:36-The Supreme Court ruled police do not have a duty to protect. This includes people and property so if they want to crap in their own nest let them Now if they get close to more affluent areas then shoot every single one of the thugs.

    1. That's fine. If they are not here to protect us and have no obligation to protect us ok, im fine with that. Then why are they here? What is there job then? Lets Lets actually call police what they are. So its unanimous they are not here to protect and serve. So whats there job then?

      Once you think about it a little bit like i did 20 years ago then youll feel how i feel.

      So whats there job? What is there duty and who do they serve. Since the supreme court has stated they are not here to protect civilians.

      Whats there job?

  11. See the police will NOT PROTECT YOU.

    1. Just like how Hogan hates small business.

    2. Because many police officers are cowardly criminals themselves.

  12. Maybe have the officers involved in the murder of that man take over patrolling the riots? After all if you are tough enough to kneel on someone's neck or to have your buddy's back while he does, then a few little rioters shouldn't be a problem!

  13. " Anonymous said...
    See the police will NOT PROTECT YOU.

    May 28, 2020 at 9:10 PM"

    It's not their duty according to the Supreme Court. Not that it took the Supreme Court to tell me that. it's common sense. That would require police to be everywhere at all times. If their duty was to protect PD's would be getting sued every day.

  14. Why do people always loot and burn after something like this happens? It does not help any situation, only makes it worse, yet it happens over and over again. So incredibly stupid to burn up and loot the stores in the neighborhood where you live. Some of these store owners have poured their life into having a business then these imbeciles come along and loot and burn.

    1. Some people just love Chaos. They thrive off of it and it fuels them. This has zero to do with the man that lost his life, or the way the cops acted. This is for their (the people rioting) personal pleasure.

  15. So sad....in a few days the script will turn to the rocket launch, then monday all states being open over the weekend, then back to the virus, the at weeks wee another unemployment figure

    Lather rinse repeat.

    So very sad.

  16. The cops must be all Democrats. They don't have any balls either!

  17. You can blame that on the Democrat mare, he encouraged the yo's to protest. Just like Baltimore's mare in 2015. All Jakie boi's heroes.

  18. The rioting and looting aren’t about the death. It’s about people just doing what they want and feeling entitled to get away with it. This kind of lawlessness happened when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr died as well as the incident with Rodney King. All that was accomplished was burned out sections of towns and cities. As for justice or anything remotely close, the unlawfulness yielded nothing close to the justice they proclaimed to desire.

    The truth is, no one at this point, knows the full story. No one has a clue about the real evidence. They have a video. Yet no one has been forthright with the incident details of what led to the actions on the video. As with any given situation, there’s an inciting incident, but people who want to cause havoc in society, don’t wait for evidence. They feed off pure emotion because they’re predisposed to believing everyone has done them wrong. Yet seldom are they right in their first blush assessment of these types of incidents.

    With other incidents of date, it was learned some alleged victims had tried to take officers’ guns and were violent which meant the actions were by the police were lawful. Jumping to conclusions caused a whole lot of people looking foolish in the end.

    These actions didn’t work in 1968 or 1993 — Therefore, why would anyone assume they would have any different result now is astounding and frankly, mentally unsound.

    Those who fail to learn from history are always doomed to repeat it.

  19. Well, maybe we are missing something.

    When the police pull over an eighty year old woman and yank her out of the car (and body slam her into the road), they can't wait to tell us how dangerous their job is....that eighty year old woman was SAYING some really mean things.

    BUT when REAL danger presents itself to them, they RETREAT and say it's too dangerous.
    So, where is the Danger Line"??

    It seems that it is dangerous to hand out speeding tickets, but too dangerous to confront REAL criminals??

    Now, time to answer 10:52's pointed question.
    It is to enhance revenue. Collection of money from citizens. That's it. At the end of a gun if necessary.

    Keep cheering.

  20. Say what you want. But there is a reason he was on the ground. He didn't deserve to die. But he must have resisted to have this happen. The cops wouldn't just do that without cause. Especially with cellphone reporting everywhere. Like every other incident like this. The animals are allowed to DESTROY their neighborhood. They allow outside morons to help. Then the evidence comes out. The Black's always want this and that. How about following directions when a cop tells you too?? Always have to run your mouth. Take a swing. ALWAYS trying to be a badass. Well your dead now. Some badass.

  21. This goes to Trump for getting Barr involved and the ignorance of the U.S. attorneys press conference on Thursday. They should've burned the city to the ground.

  22. "Those who fail to learn from history are always doomed to repeat it."

    aint that the truth 641....aint that the truth!

  23. Call in the Marines > Stop this shhhht !!!!


  24. So whats there job? What is there duty and who do they serve. Since the supreme court has stated they are not here to protect civilians.

    Whats there job?

    May 28, 2020 at 10:52 PM

    LEO Law enforcement officer. Their job is to enforce the law. Not to protect, Not to serve, to enforce the law, which did not happen during this riot. Who gave the stand down orders this time?

  25. Police should NEVER withdraw !!! Call in the Military if needed !!!!


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