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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Maryland COVID-19 Data 5-24-2020

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland

Number of confirmed cases : 46,313
Number of negative test results : 194,049
Number of confirmed deaths : 2,162
Number of probable deaths : 115
Currently hospitalized : 1,290
Acute care : 787
Intensive care : 503
Ever hospitalized : 7,939
Released from isolation : 3,319
Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result 
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic
By County
Anne Arundel3,307(145)8*
Baltimore City4,782(222)9*
Baltimore County5,373(285)15*


Prince George's13,521(468)22*
Queen Anne's146(12)
St. Mary's393(14)
Data not available
By Age Range and Gender

Data not available
By Race and Ethnicity
African-American (NH)13,762(899)37*
Asian (NH)889(81)6*
White (NH)9,232(898)59*
Other (NH)2,272(28)
Data not available8,775(65)6*

****A new, interactive map of COVID-19 testing sites is now available. Users can find nearby testing locations and learn more about their hours and appointment policies. More sites will be added in the weeks to come.



  1. And if you look at the nursing home death tolls you will see they total more than half. We should have protected the vulnerable and gotten back to business long ago.
    I'm just hoping soon we are back to being ourselves - no masks, no social distancing, just us being normal.

  2. Do not know how many times it needs to be said, the numbers do not in anyway justify the action that has been taken. As I have said from the beginning more harm is being done and has been done by this “shut down”, than good. It appears from reading many obituaries that most of the deceased had underlying medical conditions, and the number of deaths would probably have resulted from an intense flu season.
    I refuse to wear a mask in this big “masquerade” party and as I have been doing and will continue to do, live my life as normal as I can, although I am surrounded by “sheeple” and people that are consumed with anxiety and fear.

    1. Refuse to wear a mask? Maybe you’ll like a ventilator better. Something to think about.

    2. You’re absolutely right. These numbers don’t justify the action that has been taken. The numbers that do justify the action taken are what the case count and number of deaths would have been if we hadn’t taken these actions. Without these actions to slow the spread of the virus, our healthcare system would have been quickly overwhelmed and the death toll would have been astronomical. Even with all that has been done, we’ve lost nearly 100,000 in the U.S. alone and the number keeps on climbing. Imagine the numbers if we hadn’t taken action.

    3. The average non medical mask only stops about 2% of virus particles.. it's a feel good thing...not really that effective

  3. Thank you 5:22. I was in another forum a week ago saying the same thing. I was viciously attacked - and i mean vicious and yet the numbers still don't add up to justification of this lockdown. Truly depressing.

  4. Yep underlying condition including being overweight. Something for those who are overweight to think about and start planning a diet and exercise plan.

  5. Larry Hogan is getting slammed on his latest FB post "encouraging law enforcement professionals in the state to roll up their sleeves and give blood". If Hogan had posted this 6 months ago, not one commenter would have complained. Giving blood is a good thing. But his reaction to this virus has eliminated any chance of him furthering his political aspirations, in my opinion. He has alienated the majority of his Republican base, and most Democrats only vote for a name with a "D" after it. My favorite comment on his post (so far)... "Governor Hogan is excluded from this initiative, because his blood type is chocolate milk". LOL

  6. Justice Warrior Susan OlsenMay 24, 2020 at 9:11 PM

    I'd rather be safe than FREE

    1. Then you really need to drop the justice warrior from your identify. Maybe replace with naive, i dunno.

    2. Justice Warrior, dumbest statement ever!!

    3. That's a terrifying statement, Susan.

  7. Not sure how freedom and wearing a mask are somehow mutually exclusive. It just a means of protecting yourself and others.

  8. And the world population increases by 200,000 per day above the deaths.No wonder Bill Gates is so concerned.This coronavirus death toll isn't a speck on a dogs butt compared to the incoming population.Coronavirus is the equivalent of that 100 year old driver who hold us all up in traffic.It's nothing,notta.Don't glorify nothing.

  9. "Do not know how many times it needs to be said, the numbers do not in anyway justify the action that has been taken"

    According to who? You? The "action" has prevented this from becoming a lot worse than it otherwise would have. You see the current numbers and then YOU and a few others decide that it's time to go back to work and get back to normal, because the numbers don't justify keeping things closed - when keeping things closed kept the numbers down. Hello?

    "It appears from reading many obituaries that most of the deceased had underlying medical conditions, and the number of deaths would probably have resulted from an intense flu season."

    Maybe that's how you and some others want to interpret it, but that doesn't make it how it actually is, no matter how many times you say it. This has caused more deaths in a couple of months than an entire flu season causes. And the lasting effects on the survivors is NOTHING like the seasonal flu.

    Do these people look old and infirm with serious underlying medical conditions to you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_AKe07J7tE

    "I refuse to wear a mask in this big “masquerade” party and as I have been doing and will continue to do, live my life as normal as I can, although I am surrounded by “sheeple” and people that are consumed with anxiety and fear."

    You naysayers are always the loudest with all of your ill conceived crackpot theories and conclusions. Well, that is, until you or yours get this and then it's always, "Oh this is serious y'all. Y'all need to listen to what they're telling you" Well, DUH!

    1. I agree with 1017! It's like my magical tiger attack prevention rock which has prevented me from being attacked by tigers for over 20 years now! Imagine how many times I'd have been attacked by tigers if I didn't have that rock!

  10. @10:17 WTF is y'all? Another wicomico county high school graduate??

    1. It's a southern thing. Bless your little heart.

    2. 2:42- It's called a contraction. We learned about them in the 2nd grade. This one means, you all. It's in the dictionary. So, what's the problem? Maybe you need to go back to school.

  11. I have tried working and reviving my old blog but too lazy for that. But going through your site has motivated me once again to sit up and work hard. Thank you sb

  12. justice warrior? etf is that? you ever been to war? or you just one of those pos's we see protesting everything. you do not deserve the freedoms that so many perished to secure for pablum puking lefty's like yourself. you warrant neither safety or freedom.
    who the hell promised you tomorrow?

  13. 10:17 according to science that's who. Science hasn't proved or even justified at this point that all the lock down actions etc were justified.
    No one including you can say yet that this virus is more deadly or that it causes a more severe illness then any other. There is no conclusive science to back any of what you claim is true.
    What can be said is since it's a new virus it will infect more due to no immunity.
    Another thing that can be said is it's under reported. In other words not everyone who is getting sick from it seek medical intervention so go undiagnosed. Some US researchers are suggesting only 1 in 20 go diagnosed. The number varies but I've seen it 1 in 5 to 10.
    The only way to reasonably conclude this virus is more deadly would be widespread random antibody testing which would give a more accurate picture of the true number of cases. Only with an accurate number of cases can it be concluded it's more deadly etc.

  14. 10:17 If you think looking at a You Tube video gives any kind of indication that someone doesn't have an underlying condition then you have no business commenting on this subject. No business at all Also while there have been more deaths that does not in anyway shape or form equate to this virus is more deadly. You people who are getting your "facts" from social media and the MSM need not be offering up your useless opinion

  15. 10:42 you are speaking theoretically and not what actually may have happened if the lockdowns didn't' occur. As far as hospitals getting overwhelmed that turned out to be not a concern. A few did get overwhelmed for a very short time mostly in high density areas such as a few of the boroughs in NYC but almost all of even the NYC hospitals were empty. One of the reasons some did see a lot of covid patients showing up at ER's was because of the fear being put out by the MSM. This caused people to not seek medical intervention at clinics and doctors' offices many of which had closed down themselves and only when they got worse did go to the only option the ER's.

  16. "Anonymous said...
    Refuse to wear a mask? Maybe you’ll like a ventilator better. Something to think about.

    May 24, 2020 at 8:02 PM"

    That is not something to think about unless you live in LaLa Land and not reality. I am going to die and you are going to die and who knows it may be sooner rather then later. Life is a risk honey. One big risk. You take a risk every time you get in your vehicle and drive. Plus you are a science denier. WE can't have that. Masks do not prevent infection according to every scientist, study, etc out there They may prevent someone spreading but even then it's hardly effective according to the SCIENCE.

  17. Lock downs, mask wearing NO none is/was justifiable. This because it's since been learned that this virus just like all other respiratory viruses is mainly spread by prolonged close contact. With this being so it would make more sense for people to wear a mask while at home and not while out in public.
    It's becoming more and more apparent every day that the prudent thing to have done would have been to focus on how to contain cluster spread-i.e nursing homes, meat processing plants instead of closing everything down.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Do not know how many times it needs to be said, the numbers do not in anyway justify the action that has been taken. As I have said from the beginning more harm is being done and has been done by this “shut down”, than good. It appears from reading many obituaries that most of the deceased had underlying medical conditions, and the number of deaths would probably have resulted from an intense flu season.
    I refuse to wear a mask in this big “masquerade” party and as I have been doing and will continue to do, live my life as normal as I can, although I am surrounded by “sheeple” and people that are consumed with anxiety and fear.

    May 24, 2020 at 5:22 PM

    You don't need to wear a mask unless you go into a store like Walmart or Wawa. If you don't wear one you won't be able to enter. So why the long dissertation?

  19. Anonymous said...
    @10:17 WTF is y'all? Another wicomico county high school graduate??

    May 25, 2020 at 2:42 AM

    I say "y'all" all the time and I am a highly educated, post graduate Southerner.

    At least most "wicomico county high school graduates" know how and when to capitalize "Wicomico County."

  20. 10:17 You are so off base that it's funny. You say-
    "Maybe that's how you and some others want to interpret it, but that doesn't make it how it actually is, no matter how many times you say it. This has caused more deaths in a couple of months than an entire flu season causes. And the lasting effects on the survivors is NOTHING like the seasonal flu."

    FYI The seasonal flu most certainly does leave some people with lasting effects the same effects as does Covid.
    Also as stated above it's ludicrous to even suggest with any accuracy an accurate death rate. How many died while sad it only fuels unnecessary fear and paranoia. What matters is the death rate of those infected.

  21. Northwest Woodsman: Except for the usual Pedomarxist democrats, this Kung Flu panic is beginning to wear thin. I see progressive signs everyday that tell me that rational, intelligent people are beginning to think critically about this bull$=,t and realizing that they have been had.

  22. The long term effects can be just like the seasonal flu or any other contagious and non contagious infections. Look what Strep can do to the heart values. People like 10:17 just don't know. They've never thought about it before and didn't know until now and this being constantly covered by the media. They are only hearing what Coronavirus can do without any knowledge of other infections viruses and bacteria so they fall in lockstep and repeat what isn't always true.

  23. LOL 10:17's been ripped apart and proved wrong but I see one of their notions not addressed yet They claim "You see the current numbers and then YOU and a few others decide that it's time to go back to work and get back to normal, because the numbers don't justify keeping things closed - when keeping things closed kept the numbers down. Hello?"

    "Hello?" I guess 10;17 didn't see the data coming out of NYC that suggests the opposite. Keeping people locked down actually caused an increase in infections. That it was clustered proves this. This because the fact is whether anyone wants to admit it or not this virus is spread with very few exceptions by close prolonged contact such as being locked down in a home with others. This is why in China they are required to wear the masks even at home. Many of us have seen the videos of people who didn't' comply in China being dragged out of their homes and forced into government run quarantine centers.
    I suggest to 10:17 if they do happen to have a degree from some where obviously it would be a 10th rate school to immediately go and demand back the money they spent on it because an education they did not get.

  24. That is true about a lot of things can turn into complications. 30 years ago chicken pox was going around my family and many of us kids got it and many were very sick which is unlike chicken pox. One cousin did get pneumonia and was on breathing machine for almost 2 months at the University of MD pediatrics unit in Baltimore. I do remember the doctors asking some of the adults in the family and some of the other kids to give blood because they wanted to study it to see if there was something in our blood that made us predisposed to having such a bad reaction to chicken pox. At the time we didn't' quite understand but now we know they were looking at our DNA.


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