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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Maryland bar owner claims employees won't return to work because they get more money from coronavirus relief aid - as unemployment rate hits 14.7%

A bar owner in Maryland said her employees won't come back to work because they make more money from coronavirus relief aid.

In the days leading up to Maryland's reopening, Melony Wagner hoped to unlock the doors to Charles Village Pub and Patio in Baltimore.

But she told WBFF her staffers who are collecting unemployment aid aren't eager to come back to work.

'They don't want to because it's less money. I'm not even angry or upset, I understand,' said Wagner.

'Why would you want to come back and actually work and make half as much money and you're working as you can get to stay home?'



  1. 'Why would you want to come back and actually work and make half as much money and you're working as you can get to stay home?'

    Because it's the right thing to do. The 'windfall' money is TAX money. It didn't fall out of the sky. You are taking it from your neighbors and others that are paying taxes.

    There is very little sense of honor and integrity left in our country. That is why we are in such dire straits. People just won't shake off their selfishness and do the right thing.

    1. 10:43
      No it pretty much fell from the sky.
      It was created with a keystroke on the Fed Bankers’ computer screen. Literally.

      The massive inflation of the US Dollar is the cause of this problem. The virus is simply a cover story for the banking system reset.


    1. Dog
      I agree
      If one sheep gets out of the pen, we will all scream until the wolf comes. We don’t like it when others get away with something

  3. Per the rules on unemployment if you are called to come back to work then you must go....or benefits will end. There are a couple of stipulations for being sick and poor work conditions to protect you from getting the coronavirus but otherwise you need to return.

  4. Dems knew this would happen that's WHY they did it.

    1. Duh...to get more people hooked on the government test... promote socialist ideas...

  5. Good for the American people! Why should Americans be loyal to their employers?
    Maybe business owners will now start appreciating & valuing their employees. Especially OC business owners who treat their employees like dogs.

    1. You make it sound like by definition "employers" are evil...that is NOT true. Employers are no different than "employees" other than the employer has the additional burdens of EXPENSES, LICENSING, CODE COMPLIANCE, etc, etc. Not every business has massive margins. Some do, but most don't. Lets just keep it real

  6. And this is why socialism will not work in the United States. Someone must work and have taxes taken from their paycheck to transfer that money to someone who doesn’t want to work. Sooner than later, the people who must work will simply get tired of have their paycheck stolen from them and will choose to join those that don’t want to work. Why young people who are so eager for a socialist economy are incapable of understanding the basic laws of economics makes me just shake my head in total disbelief.

  7. Train new people for heaven sakes.

  8. Ok, we ALL get this...

    When I was in the business, I still needed to find bartenders/hospitality folks so I could stay open. I "imagine" this is the same with our fellow establishments on the island and in West O.

    I also "imagine" there are folks out there who want to work and all it takes is a few phone calls.

    Hell we all know one another after YEARS of doing this.

    Gonna be a long season, so glad I'm retired!

  9. Power to the People BABY !!!

  10. Easy there 1045...if rules were adhered too ALL of us would be screwed. We collectively in the hospitality industry have/continue to work very very hard here in OC/West O. However when off season comes, owners/employees work together to make it thru the winter months. Its been happening for many years and we all make do with the system.

    Now a curve ball has been thrown to us, rules prohibiting us from opening like the norm and we must make do again with the system. Its easy to say REPORT THEM, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT - yet we are talking about working folks who choose to do what they do and love it. This isn't a perfect world like SOOOO many believe it is and we must make do with whats presented to us.

    At the end of the day, folks work, get paid, customers get served, happy and we all make out - BASED on the system.

  11. Why would anyone risk getting sick from an employer that probably doesn't think they are worth $15 an hour minimum and doesn't provide health insurance. Ride out that unemployment and then go back to work. I don't blame them.

    1. You apparently have ZERO idea of the expenses required to operate a business, by your statement. If a person making milkshakes is getting $15 hr and the cashier is making $15 hr, then the manager should be making a min of $20 per hour, and since the employers are required to also cover unemployment, Social sec, workers comp, etc its now about $90 - $100 per hour to just cover those 3 employees. We havent even considered rent insurance, code complieance, advertising, inventory, electric, plumbing, etc. So unless EVERYONE is prepared to pay $15.00 per hour for 1 stupid milkshake ya better re-think that statement! Or better yet...How bout YOU open a business, and pay even the lowest level staff $15.00 hr, then let me know how it feels!

    2. Chic Fila pays close to $15.00 to all their employees. That’s why they have good employees and people like doing business with them. Wawa is another good example of this. I will pay $15.00 for a milkshake, when is the last time you had a Dumsers milk shake. It almost that much now.

    3. 1215 tha ks for the bad assumption. Ive been on both sides of the equation. Yes owners have expenses and need to make a profit. That doesnt trump a worker's right to protect their health

  12. I would immediately report them to unemployment. If a job is offered someone refuses that is voluntary unemployment.

  13. Welcome to SOCIALISM.

  14. I ain't going to return to my server job till my employer will stop being greedy and comply with the limited capacity. A crowed Bar is just too dangerous with even 1 sick person. Plus that extra $ from my great President is the best yet! I get this extra till at least July so why would I return?

    1. Why do you feel like you should be making more now than you did when you were working?

  15. 11:21 how is that POWER TO THE PEOPLE when they are dependent on a hand out from the people who actually produce a good or a service

  16. 10:43 the right thing to do lol.

  17. 11:26 socialism would provide a liveable wage, wouldn't deny science and would have a more robust public health system so we likely wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

    1. And just where would the money come from when nobody wants to pay the extra money for basic goods and services? No sales, no workers, no taxes for your socialist utopia... socialism has NEVER worked..and killed 200 million people in the 20th century...look it up.

    2. You were the kid in kindergarten that always ate the glue weren't you?

  18. 11:26 care to comment on the fact that the more democratic socialist countries are past the tipping point and already opening back up while the most hard hit countries are the capitalist authoritarian style countries?

  19. 11:26 100% guarantee you cashed your gov't check.

  20. I agree with 10:52. Ocean City employers don't care about their workers, only their bottom line. Work them to death every summer while paying them peanuts.

    Many of us in Worcester County are enjoying watching business owners struggle and are hoping they fail after mistreating and underpaying us for eons.

    What goes around comes around. Karma's a B---.

    1. You do realize no one forced you to work there right?

  21. turn them in cut them off and hire new people. they wont be getting that money after they are cut off. then they can laugh about not having a job

  22. "Jennifer said...
    I ain't going to return to my server job till my employer will stop being greedy and comply with the limited capacity. A crowed Bar is just too dangerous with even 1 sick person. Plus that extra $ from my great President is the best yet! I get this extra till at least July so why would I return?

    May 19, 2020 at 11:34 AM"

    You would return because that is the intelligent thing to do. Now unless of course you wish to remain a peon your whole life then by all means don't return. Successful woman never unless it's out of their complete control allow themselves the be dependent on anyone/anything especially the government. When the government controls your livelihood that means you have lost all control over your own life. It's the worst position anyone could ever be in in the life. Once you go that route most end up stuck there the rest of their lives.

    1. Now come on did she really sound intelligent to you?

  23. When they are offered reinstatement they get off the dole

  24. Jennifer said...
    Is Jennifer capable of doing math? Enjoy that tax bill at the end of the year.

    Greedy employer? If is weren't for that greedy employer who is trying to survive you wouldn't have a job.

    Come July when the season is over and there are no jobs then what Jennifer? Homeless and hungry?

    Jennifer, I see both sides but calling people greedy just makes you look stupid. They have been paying rent, utilities, etc with no income for months now... how is that greedy?

  25. "Anonymous said...
    11:26 socialism would provide a liveable wage, wouldn't deny science and would have a more robust public health system so we likely wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

    May 19, 2020 at 11:51 AM"

    The problem with you people is you don't get out much so have no idea what goes on in the real world. "robust public heath system"? first off drop the "robust." I know you heard Fauci or one of the others say it and thought it would make you sound intelligent to use it but it's trite. Secondly the counties with public health care systems fared miserably before during and after their numbers spiked. Spain a country that has both private and public health care for the poor is an example Almost all the deaths and the illness more serious in the public medical facilities
    Close to home NYC an example. Manhattan has not only a significant number of lower cases but deaths. The others boroughs were hit much harder and had a much higher death rate. Break down more to zip codes and the zip codes hit the hardest were in the areas that rely on public health care.

  26. so now all the small government conservatives want people to tattle on employees to the government because those employees for once get a decent wage (that their own hard earned taxed income pays for) because their employers are cheapskates? Fuck'em...let those businesses fail and better paying employers treat the labor with respect...

  27. " Anonymous said...
    11:26 care to comment on the fact that the more democratic socialist countries are past the tipping point and already opening back up while the most hard hit countries are the capitalist authoritarian style countries?

    May 19, 2020 at 11:52 AM"

    I would answer except the question is asinine. What countries are you talking about exactly? There are numerous reasons under the sun why and it differs among all countries.

  28. Lived in Australia for 4 years, all service workers have a living wage minimum of $16.50...the world didn't end, businesses still made money and their is no need to rely on tips since the workers actually get paid enough to....make a living. But no, the system here is great...LOL

    1. Ok 12:44 Are you referring to the Australia that has one of the strictest immigration systems in the world, so their citizens DON'T pay massive taxes to support illegals? Or are you referring to the Australia that FORCED their citizens to hand in their weapons? Oh, or maybe the Australia that has like 1/5th the population of the US, and DOESN'T spend TRILLIONS on entitlements to illegals, and those that are dregs on society? Ya know....Yes they make more, but all ya need to do to see past the "quick" answer is to look at the actual METRICS to see why some countrys can and some countrys can't!

  29. 11:01 is spot on! Who is going to work when everyone gets stuff for free???? Simple economics & COMMON SENSE will tell you that! The money comes from somewhere, where does it come from when everyone is riding the gravy train?? When the trash man makes the same as the doctor because the government makes everything "fair" who is going to want to be a doctor?? Quality of life decreases and this creates disaster. Government control is an attack on freedom and a means to CONTROL you. Socialist dummies don't get it.

    1. 12:45
      The US Dollars do NOT come “from somewhere”. That is the magic. They are PRINTING the currency from thin air. Remember, in 1971 the US Dollar became 100% fiat (backed by nothing).

      Bretton Woods was ended because the European Countries called the bluff of the US for counterfeit of the world’s reserve currency.

  30. "Anonymous said...
    I agree with 10:52. Ocean City employers don't care about their workers, only their bottom line. Work them to death every summer while paying them peanuts.

    Many of us in Worcester County are enjoying watching business owners struggle and are hoping they fail after mistreating and underpaying us for eons.

    What goes around comes around. Karma's a B---.

    May 19, 2020 at 12:11 PM"

  31. I had no idea it took an hour to make a milkshake.

  32. All the employer has to do is turn them in. If you are on unemployment and your employer or another employer offers you a job and you turn it down, an issue gets set and the benefits stop until there is a telephone interview as to why you refused to return back to work.

    This can also set up an issue for over payment (fraud) concerning the start date of when employment was offered by the employer. So in another words, you will have to pay the money back with interest.

    Also what they don't realize is all this money is taxable will if they chose not to have taxes taken out, they can look for a very unpleasant surprise when they file their income tax for the 2020 tax season.

  33. Companies need to pay more. This will drive up the cost of goods, but oh well. I don’t see how these business can pay low wages and profit big money for themselves. American Greed.

  34. @11:21 EASY HELL! I am one of the ESSENTIAL WORKERS who has continued to work EVERYDAY! Either go back to work and earn your money or I hope your employer reports that you refused to return to work and you loose that unemployement money! GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND GO BACK TO WORK!!! YOU WANTED THE COUNTRY BACK OPEN NOW GO BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. 1:01
      We are writing our comments.
      Not yelling them.


  35. Open up.. those that won't return, notify unemployment office about said employees so their benefits stop and hire someone else to replace them.. it's sad in the world that we live in that people have such a poor work ethic that they would rather sit home collect the government's money and feel sorry for themselves that they don't have a job. Screw the lazy there are plenty of others that want to work and will work

  36. I didn't be wanting to be laid off anyway. So til something better comes my way I staying unemployed.

    1. 2:01
      So you DID want to get laid off?
      Or you DID NOT want to get laid off?

    2. 2:28
      He did not exist (be) as a person who wanted to become an unemployed person.

      He existed as a person who wanted to remain an employed individual, aka a person who has a job.

      He is an existentialist, and is primarily concerned with the conditions of his existence in time.

  37. It's no different than the able bodied people on disability that do odd jobs on the side under the table and manage to maintain their rental properties their home two cars a truck and boat and are proud flag waving wacko hypocrites.

  38. I would report them immediately and then hopefully their unemployment will stop. If they don't want to come back, let them go out and try to find another job! Sorry, I was an employer at one time who saw employees take advantage of the situation and it cost me dearly.

  39. "I pay my employees slave wages and am SHOCKED they don't want to work for me!" yeah no kidding lady

  40. For everyone saying to "report them". You have no idea how backed up and overwhelmed the system is just getting benefits (many illlegal) out. They won't even answer the phone. It will be a long time before there will be any enforcement effort. It's a shame the "we are all in this together" BS includes so many that use the system, and will continue to. Welcome to socialism folks!

  41. @8:35 Employers don't call the same number to report employees who refuse to return to work that people call to collect unemployment! I guarantee you that there are plenty of people answering the line for reporting FRAUD!!!!!!!!! Totally different side of the system - one that people like you would never see or begin to understand!

  42. ALL DESERVE to stay home & get more Pay !!!! Blame CHINA !!!

    ALL DESERVE to be SAFE !!!!

    1. peace Alliance of the lower ShoreMay 24, 2020 at 10:32 PM

      yes, we need safety over the United States Constitution

  43. The USA is strong when the people understand how and why it was created in the first place. The willing to work and worship for a better society. Our system has flaws but it offers much more than other countries do and would be even better if the politicians had not become corrupt and the people complacent in their ignorance.

  44. I really believe they are putting people back to reality. Everybody tries to live like they are high class. Everything they have is financed. Save your money and pay cash. Stop trying to be someone your not.


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