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Sunday, May 24, 2020

BREAKING LOCAL NEWS: OC Bars/Restaurants Will Remain Closed To Normal Business Till May 29th

While I have been diligently working with Eastern Shore Elected Officials hoping to open all bars and restaurants for outdoor dining I received word this morning this will not happen until at least the 29th. 

I have to give credit to these elected officials as well as our Worcester County States Attorney, Liquor Board and Health Department. They have made every attempt to help us in every way possible but Governor Hogan refuses to work together to reopen Ocean City. Yes, we ALL head Hogan say he will leave it up to local leaders but that just wasn't true at all. 

I was told this morning that Pickles got a $5,000.00 "social distancing fine" for individuals using their porch area drinking. So THINK about it. We are being policed and IF we open our doors there's a strong possibility we could ALL get similar fines and get punished. It's just not worth it. Just imagine we get a bunch of people come in and now we have to tell them, YOU'RE TOO CLOSE, SEPARATE OR LEAVE! No way! For me, it's not worth opening, especially with a 30 to 50% occupancy.

President Trump, WE NEED YOU NOW to override Governor Hogan!


  1. Well Well ...Sucks ! ..Another Weekend Drinking Alone At Home !

  2. It's all political. He doesn't want his name out there as someone who went to early and screwed up.

  3. How the hell did Fish Tales open? They were on local news and then Fox News showing the new 6' rule with patrons shown in the middle of an inner tube so as to keep their distance. To me it looked like they were open and I even had out of state contacts send me pictures.

    1. Marketing ploy staged with employees I think

    2. Those in the video are not patrons

  4. With 6 ft distancing, many people with diminished hearing cannot communicate. Are out leaders now discriminating the handicapped?

    1. 1050...u need to get on Netflix and binge watch this sh*tshow from the beginning. Then you will understand who is in charge in these parts.

  5. Hogan is an enemy of the people.

    1. HOGAN loves to visit restaurants to eatMay 20, 2020 at 5:11 PM

      What Hungry Hogan fails to realize, he will be out of office soon...

      Probably be better for him to move out of Maryland.....

      I'm sure people will be very negative verbally to him as he goes about...

  6. and just like that..."conservatives" stop caring about states rights...LOL

  7. They were 3 deep at Pickles. On the sidewalk in plain view. You would have to be blind not to see it. Didn’t exactly need surveillance to see it.

  8. Only open for carry out, they just showing how they are prepared for when they can open

  9. Other counties are going against governors orders, why can’t Worcester?

  10. Hogan the Horrible is using this to shake down businesses. What a P.O.S.

  11. Open anyway it’s an illegal order we are a free people

    1. This! Cases have already set the groundwork for it. If old ladies can bump carts into you at walmart why can bars and restaurants be open? Its discrimination to small business

  12. Even Maryland's website states "the overwhelming majority of people who get this recover with no residual effects".
    So, the only thing to do to get over all the collapsing of our institutions/business's is to REOPEN.
    Please President Trump - give the whole country the go ahead!!!

  13. I TOTALLY understand what you're up against, but to say that the fines aren't worth it. BUT....though this situation isn't the "revolution"...YET, It reminds me of how often we hear folks complaining of their freedoms, and liberties being stifled, yet when their told the ONLY way to make a difference is to STOP whining, and START standing their ground! My God, our fore fathers sacrificed EVERYTHING defending their freedoms! Were separated from their family's, business, were frozen, starved,etc, but the FINES aren't worth it??? Is that what we've become? YES, i know its your fine, not mine, but I'm confident that if you and all the other business owners STOOD FIRM, AND DIDNT BACK DOWN,that you would have 1,000s of people that support liberty would stand with & behind you! We are many, and we WILL stand ground with you! There is NO rational reason you must not open, yet we can stand in line at Walmart day after day! Or people can walk all over the boardwalk. I hope it works out, and God speed, but we have to stop giving ground, or they'll never stop taking ground!

  14. If you agree with Hogan you are against the working class and small business owners. Wake up people! Hogan doesn’t care about your health. It’s all about power and government $.

  15. How is this a surprise to you people?

  16. 11:03 what are you smoking???
    How about Constitutional rights??
    What part of what Hogan said about allowing the local government to make decisions did you not get???
    Wow, small minded people (smh)

  17. IF EVERYONE would just open and have business as usual, using common sense...what could the Gov. do??? NOTHING as it would be overwhelming to do anything. JUST get together and do it.

    1. If people can't read the "Do Not Enter" or "This Way Only" stickers on the floors in stores and the HUGE SIGNS at the front door...common sense is lacking not to mention intelligence

  18. Pickles got a warning, not a fine. and, while we would love to stand our ground and just open, the gov't takes your liquor license and you don't open for a year....

  19. Screws Memorial Day pretty much.

    1. Overrated weekend...always has

  20. Hogan is allowing Hospitals and the medical field to report fake virsus cases. Hogan need to keep up with Gov DeSantis (a Republican). What Hogan is doing is totally WRONG.

  21. I really feel sorry for those of you who don’t realize yet that this has NOTHING to do with a virus. This is a massive global financial / economic reset.

    The Central Bankers destroyed all the fiat currencies worldwide with their criminal printing. Now they are working on the planned reset.

    Wake up
    The government is lying to us

    1. 12:27- wow, I think your tinfoil hat is too tight, but thanks for the laugh. I’ll pass this on to the Illuminati

    2. They already know.

    3. 1:01 Maybe you should pull your head out of the sand. Read hidden dangers of the rainbow and dark majesty. Your Tin foil comment to 12:27 is the typical ignorant response. If you beieve in GOD. then you ll understand that a luciferian cabal is real! Call it what you what illuminati,swamp, masons, shriners, NWO, CFR, UN. Its nothing new just re-invented pretty and shinny for the ignorant and lost.
      But its ok! keep your pom poms up you little swamp cheerleader

  22. 11:29am is totally correct. They will keep moving the date again and again. This is not good and here it is a holiday weekend also.

  23. "maryland constitution:
    Art. 8. That the Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers of Government ought to be forever separate and distinct from each other; and no person exercising the functions of one of said Departments shall assume or discharge the duties of any other."

    clearly the governor is in violation of the maryland constitution.

    creating laws and defining the punishment for violating those laws rests solely with the legislative branch of the state government not the executive branch.
    imposing fines or punishments for violating laws rests solely with the Judicial branch of the state government,not the executive branch.

    The governor has taken it upon himself to assume and discharge the duties of all three branches of state government,by issuing epidemic mandates and proclamations.which is a clear violation of the state constitution.

    one other little tidbit from the state constitution.

    "Art. 2. The Constitution of the United States, and the Laws made, or which shall be made, in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, are, and shall be the Supreme Law of the State; and the Judges of this State, and all the People of this State, are, and shall be bound thereby; anything in the Constitution or Law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding.

  24. Just know when you start hearing the term "dark winter" that this has all been planned for a very long time. Be prepared and be vigilant. Something much bigger is going on worldwide.

  25. I`ll be traveling and celebrating memorial day and spending my money in another state where the weather is nicer and adults are free to live their lives as they see fit.

  26. 1227 explain to me how it is a reset? I don’t know

  27. Great news...maybe ocean city wont get flooded with all the New York and New Jersey people who are infected and not social distancing. I rent out 3 units in oc and cancelled all my out of state reservations. Local residents only. I'm making less but feel giving back is more important.

    1. 1:14
      That comment is so very sad.
      You are naive and clueless about the US Government and the Psyop of COVID-19

    2. 1:14. We are all going to be exposed. Nothing is going to stop it.

    3. I'm glad all ppl worried about is coming out having a good time well I had 2 people very close to me die with this virus and their lives were and are more important than going to oc and having a grand ole time IM GLAD THE GOVERNOR SHUT IT DOWN and Trump could care less all he has done is expose real racial discrimination but u think he cares about small business....isn't he being sued right now for taking advantage of small business owners until it hits home yall will never understand why opening up too soon is detrimental to us as a society...but of course going to bars is more important than saving lives but then again all lives matter smh walking contradictions shut up already and stay out of ocean city...and for the smartasses no I did not intend on using correct grammar or punctuation

  28. We would all want Joe to open and blaze a trail of righteous resistance. He can't. He knows Brian Frosh is licking his chops in his liberal ivory tower, just waiting for a chance to bust down on Joe. When Joe tried to open on Mother's Day, Frosh stopped that by calling and insinuating that the governor would think it was a violation. Joe wisely closed. If all the bars in the county opened up without "permission" it would be Joe's that Frosh would bust first. No warning this time, just a heavy fine. Brian Frosh is the best argument in Maryland for bringing back the guillotine.

  29. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. " Anonymous said...
    11:03 what are you smoking???
    How about Constitutional rights??
    What part of what Hogan said about allowing the local government to make decisions did you not get???
    Wow, small minded people (smh)

    May 20, 2020 at 12:07 PM"

    Hogan did say he would leave it up to local leaders BUT that was for each phase if they wanted to keep the restrictions in place. A local official can not over rule the governor. We are not in the phase yet to allow outdoor dining. Personally I think the whole shutdown thing was ridiculous and we should be opened and back to normal already

  31. 1:59, You have no clue what you are talking about. Phase II has NOTHING to do with outdoor dining.

  32. I just wish every business owner would defy these orders and tell Hogan to screw off. Unfortunately, I can talk easily with no skin in the game. Government has way too much power.

    1. Are you going to pay the fines? Are you going to bail Joe out of jail? Would you like to pay lawyer fees to fight the government? This is so much bigger then just open up! And I'm sorry to say, eventually it will trickle down. At some pt it won't be the small business our govnt is going after, it will be you.

  33. Governor Hogan is sounding like he’s warming up for a Presidential run. He’s changed and playing things very carefully. But he’s screwing all businesses in Maryland.

  34. You guys shouldn't have had St. Patrick's weekend maybe we would have started a week early, but this should be no surprise if you follow everything there was no way Restaurants were opening this weekend.

  35. Grow some balls and open.

  36. I love it! This is the thanks you get Joe for defending this POS Hogan. 90% of the bad things posted here about Hogan you won't post, see how he repays you. Now you can lose even more money on this fake friend of yours!
    Still think this bastard doesn't deserve to be sick and dying again from Cancer or the Virus?

    1. Wow KAREN if that’s your real name, I don’t agree with Hogan either, but do you seriously wish him dead? Is this what we have become? If so, the economy is the least of our worries.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. That’s bad karma Karen
      Try to focus on positive energy

  37. I don’t understand how some can be successful at it while others can’t......is someone trying to cut corners and circumvent the temporary orders?? Bull on the Beach, M R Ducks, Waterman’s and FishTails......on and on and on!!! Hell Thrashers had lines on the Boardwalk.....

  38. I wonder how people are liking socialism? You are being controlled by the Government,told when you can work, where you can go, how your children can be educated, what businesses can open and how they can open etc.

    The gov does not get it. They are still getting paid, have health insurance and a retirement while they are telling you cannot go back to work.

    We as a people are stupid. We keep sending them back to Washington to
    help us.


  39. Thanks to Joe, and other responsible business owners for trying to find a way.

    Missing the holiday weekend business will be a blow, and of course since local and state authorities are your silent partners via taxes, they will suffer, too.

    In-law out of state got the bug and has been on a vent since Easter; finally got two negative tests but still on reduced vent, feed tube etc. Not going home yet. So catching it and surviving is scary and life altering.

    The good news is that most won't get sick, and if exposed may not even know it.

    Don't see why business with enhanced cleaning can't be open, perhaps with all patrons signing hold-harmless release acknowledging they are there voluntarily. Take their temp, record it and get them a seat.

  40. Everyone has so much to say, why don't I see one person commenting under their name and not Anonymous???
    So Brave???

    1. 1:48 (aka Unknown)

      We use Anonymous because we fear the intelligence agencies who murder those who disagree with the official lie.

    2. Don’t see your name ....

  41. Looks like it will be a lousy weekend weather wise - it will be fun watching all of the kooks from out of state running around with nothing to do at all. Good call there slick Rick.

  42. I guess we are all States Rights people till we are'nt?

  43. VA opened restaurants up to outdoor seating last week! In fact our city is even closing off two streets, so the restaurants that don’t have outdoor seating can move tables outside!

  44. 8:27, it's the way of the world. You can supposedly fundamentally believe in something until it affects your pocket book and profit margins.

  45. "Anonymous said...
    I guess we are all States Rights people till we are'nt?

    May 21, 2020 at 8:27 AM"

    You aren't making any sense. You are aware that the US Constitution and federal laws override many state orders and laws aren't you? Do yourself a favor and take a few online civic courses.

  46. Anyone I know whose around 70 or older have said-and this goes for every single one-that we shouldn't be destroying the country over them They all feel while they aren't going to go looking for coronavirus but if they get it and die so be it. maybe it's because i come from truly unselfish people who would give their own lives for their family. Many claim they would give their lives but most wouldn't even for their own child. We see this with coronavisus. It's okay to potentially destroy your child's and grandchildren's future so you can live a few years more. What selfishness on display we have going on. I have also talked to several older people complete strangers who have said the same thing. If they die they die their lives are almost over anyway they say.

  47. Anyone want to place a wager on a second round of covid 19 hitting just before the election, for another shut down, and the dems pushing for mail in votes ( how did the SC votes end up in MD) - no chance at all for voter fraud there!

  48. I just hope when May 29 rolls around, they don't up the date on you again, cause you know they are good at doing that. I believe Hogan just does not want Summer 2020 to happen plus he wants everyone to think it's the virus and Trumps fault so Trump won't get elected again. Well F you Hogan, you Rino POS, people out here can think for themselves and can see what you are doing. Vote Trump 2020.

  49. This week may be telling. Many of the lawsuits being filed and injunctions ruled on in the fed courts. This week and next. One to watch is from the Northern District of FL about masks. Governors/local officials have a lot of leeway when it comes to emergency declarations. Example would be when a hurricane is expected alcohol sales suspended, businesses closed, mandatory evacuations. State court judges have been ruling on coronavirus the threat has to be actual as opposed to theoretical. What we do know is the so called threat many times goes beyond theoretical and can be classified as purely delusional on the part of those coming up with some of the orders and mandates.

  50. One thing we've learned is that we are surrounded by hypocrites with all the fake virtue signaling going on. Yes this virus does kill some. Well Welcome to the Club is all I have to say. 10's of 1000's die from infectious flu and viruses every year in this country not related to cornoavirus. Have we ever shut down like this before. NO. The goal was to not overwhelm hospitals. That didn't happen anywhere including in NY the so called epicenter. Beebe could have handled every single case in the State of DE if they had needed to. Any hospital worth a damn is going at around 96 percent capacity during normal times. To go to 100 to even 105-110 for short periods of time is not a problem. The point where there is a concern of overwhelming hospitals is long past. that is due to something called hydroxychloroquine. Ya'll heard of it haven't you? It's use alone has been the number one factor is lowering hospital admissions.


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