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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Former 47 ABC News Employee Speaks Out


  1. I am sorry you are going through this but those of us who have lived here since 47's 1980 start in Salisbury have known these facts for years. Unfortunately you are just the "latest victim" in their "act".

  2. Maryland law says they can fire you for any reason or for no reason , sorry , it is a law . The order to wear a mask or do whatever is not a law , you and the people of the U.S. have been had . This is the biggest scam the democrats have made so far.

    1. Your employer says wear a mask or be fired. Lawful?

    2. This case of employer bullying is one of the main reasons Unions were formed well over 100 years ago. Anti-union people wake up, this happens every day. Do you have a comment sbj?

  3. I drive a bus and still have no idea when I will be called back. Just apply for unemployment and fill out an Ocean City application in the event they ever resume the bus schedule this year. You be getting paid while your looking for a job at least. Better hours than 1AM.

  4. Welcome to the world of 24-hour news. What did you think? 9-5 with weekends off. Did you think the morning anchors show up to work a few minutes before 5 and then just read the news. Someone has to write the scripts ang plan each show and newscast. If you can’t do that, then WMDT will simply replace you with someone who will.

    1. 47 ABC news scripts are written the same for every ABC outlet for anything pertaining to national or world news! Just watch and they all say the exact same words. The only they might write is local news and if you think they are going out to get their stories you are dreaming!!!

  5. Stories like this is why the chicken processing plant workers were afraid to not go to work even if they felt sick. Fear of being let go. In this case not having the same position but just as bad.

    One thing this has all shown us is who the good responsible businesses in the community are. 47 wins the award for irresponsible and downright despicable.

    Aaron did the right thing for his co workers and others by quarantining. That he was not welcomed back to work with a celebration and his same position is reprehensible.

    1. 2:57 - How did this incident show us who the good responsible businesses are?

    2. How do you expect your exact position to still be there after six weeks after no communication with your employer ? You knew you weren’t going to be back for a while maybe you should’ve been responsible and had that conversation with your boss.

  6. They have always had a bad rep as an employer.

  7. So sorry. This isn't fair.

  8. Sounds to me like you are one of those employees that everyone has, “I can’t work nights because of a sleep disorder, etc”. Wah wah. Then go find another day job. But I’ll bet u a 100$ your perfectly capable of working those hours. Like I said, every business has a place like you. Which is probably exactly why they saw an opportunity to wash their hands of you and did.

  9. Do your job or leave .

  10. Oh boo hoo hoo welcome to corporate America if you can't do the job they are asking for you then they'll find someone else

  11. I'm sure there is more to the story .

  12. I'm fairly certain that, with a doctor's "note", this isn't legal. I am aware that Maryland is an "at will" state, but I think the medical excuse may override the "at will" thing. Any attorneys out there who could weigh in on this?

    1. In MD they can fire you even with a doctor's note. I worked for Verizon landline and got fired for an "attendance infraction" when my doctor told me I had to take maternity ONE WEEK early because of fluid around my heart. I qualified for unemployment though because of the note. He will too until he finds a new job.

  13. 235 what if a person is injured and becomes disabled but can still work just not in the same position? Just curious

    1. If you get injured and can not do what is asked if you . Then you lose the job. If you get hurt on the job and after a year you lose it . Been there had it done .

  14. Md is a "at will" state. They can let you for any reason, at anytime and vs versa, If you leave, you do not have to give them a reason. I don't watch the local news on tv. I get it online so i can scroll on or do a look see. WBOC is the worst. Ryan Eldridge was the best there at 47 and he left. You are probably now alone. Others probably go through the same but don't voice it to save their jobs. I can understand the fear of losing a job due to being sick. Its the same where i work. That's why so many still go to work sick and spread it all around. They are afraid to stay home. They need the money plus are afraid of being fired! Unfortunately to many businesses, Money is more important then your health. A small business man always treats their people better then the bigger fish do, they seem to understand and have been in those shoes but the richer man that own the stations or business, or the big headed managers, Its all about that bottom line dollar to them. They just care about making themselves look good and make sure they get their bonuses and raises. When it comes to you, they don't give a rats hairy ass if you feed your kids or not.

  15. Just go dig in to see information at the SA office in your previous employers county. You can be the first to report what no one else has yet! Funny how quiet the top two have been about the issues they stood on their soap boxes for at county meetings just a few months back. Our “ethical” obligations blah blah blah. Bye JD and BM, remember this, people know!!!!

  16. BTW...What ever happened to Ryan (5:00 news anchor)?

    1. He got a new job in philly!

  17. "Anonymous said...
    Your employer says wear a mask or be fired. Lawful?

    May 17, 2020 at 3:54 PM"

    Depends. Some businesses are mandated by Governors' orders to require employees to wear them so yes if you work in such a business then yes you can be fired. As far as if it's not mandated then the area becomes gray though I will say in order to fire someone for not wearing one the employer would have to have a valid reason for requiring them.
    What comes to mind is take a landscaping company. It's not mandated that masks are worn outside. An employer couldn't fire you for not wearing one outside. BUT many drive to and from jobs in a truck together. The employer could require them to be worn in the truck because there is a valid reason-protecting the other employees in the truck

  18. Ryan took a job elsewhere and moved. Smart of him to do. Get out of scumbury.

  19. 4:55 Because of the stories of the generosity of some businesses. I know of small employers who wiped out their own saving to pay employees who have yet to receive unemployment. Others have paid the bills of laid off workers and bought them food. I myself spent the better part of 2 months delivering groceries and other needed items to the front porches of those home with Covid 19 all over Sussex county. Most of them strangers to me then but now friends. I know what businesses helped out and which didn't life a finger to help even when it was their own employees.
    Maybe if you got out and helped you too would have seen it.

  20. May 17, 2020 at 4:33 PM

    With Family Leave they have to provide a similar position.
    With disability, the employer only has to make a reasonable accommodation. Employee would need to provide medical evidence from his doctor on the disability.

    All you arm chair idiots, at will employment DOESN'T mean he can not sue for wrongful termination. He still can.

    This is a blessing in disguise. give it time. You will see. There is no "cause", the people at unemployment aren't idiots they see this stuff all the time. You will get unemployment, may have to live thru an appeal but you can do it. Go see Attorney Cox.

    1. Go enjoy the 1,000 a week like the other turds that CHOOSE not to work

    2. Cox firm doesn’t handle this.

  21. 3:54pm. Of course an employer can require you to wear a mask. Just like they can require you to wear a uniform or a food worker to wear gloves or hairnets. Masks will be here for a long time and rather than worrying about your rights being infringed how about worrying about the health and safety of your colleagues, friends and family.

  22. Medical diagnosis? Sleep study? Big deal. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP. I worked rotating shift work for 25 years. Listen up you new fangled softy...be a man and do your job. Stop making excuses. They have the right to change people and positions. They are THE BOSS!’

  23. why was he out 6 weeks with covid? most are 7 days AFter symptoms are gone, usually 14 to 21 days. 42 days makes no sense.

  24. I give you credit for putting your name on this but who do you think will hire you by going public.
    Not very smart on your part.

  25. My Wife put in for work at this station.
    My wife is a Republican, and highly skilled for any position available at their station.
    Because of her political beliefs, WBOC did not even call her for an appointment for interview.

    1. And you know this how? This is an ASSUMPTION by you and your wife. Please don’t come on here and state YOUR assumption as a FACT.

    2. This post is about WMDT

  26. Omg, this same thing happened to my daughter few weeks ago, she was in hospital, they weren't testing here then for corona here, the eff y treated her as if she had it. She had to be in quarantined for weeks, plus she was sick week before she couldn't breath, so in total was out 3 weeks, with hospital note and her dr note for prior week before hospital. When she returned to work, her employer said her position was permently deleted. She has 2 yr old child, and shes been with her job 5 yrs , with no problems. It was a small company in laurel de. Ppl dint care about their employees anymore.

    1. Funny how that works...when you aren’t there to DO YOUR JOB..the company realizes they can get it done without you and actually save money. An employees greatest resource is AVAILABILITY. If you aren’t “available” to work, the company really has no need for you. Her illness wasn’t “work related”. Therefore, the company owes you NOTHING.

  27. As someone who was a corporate middle manager for seven years, owner of a retail jewelry business for more than 24 years and someone who has been in the broadcasting business for the past 11 years, I'm not surprised at this employee's experience. I found the broadcast business to be run by, lets say, less than honorable folks. Ownership and management present the firms as solid, trustworthy and community minded. None of which I've found to be true. The BIG markets do pay their people pretty well. Outside the top 25 markets, most employees struggle. Owners/managers tend to see humans as simply a resource that can be used and abused. Sure, I understand this person may just be a disgruntled employee however, I watched this from both sides. One side, as an advertiser and another side as a broadcaster. Local owners want the respect and notoriety in the public as the strong and successful when most times, they exploit and use good people.

  28. Very well stated and detailed.
    Oh...and by the way, good luck ever finding another job in media. Potential employers see this stuff. It does not bode well.
    Unless you're suing for a ton of bucks, you really should've just taken your lumps and moved on.
    Life is full of hills and valleys. You just went a little further down the hill with your posting. Too bad.

  29. I have been around for a while. I have lived in many different places around the country including Salisbury. I have watched the local news go from career professional personalities to whatever they can get cheap to be on camera.

    The local news is dying.

  30. Call me Monday morning


    1. How's he supposed to do that without a phone number, idiot?

  31. Wmdt is one of many bad employers. They have sucked forever.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Cox firm doesn’t handle this.
    May 17, 2020 at 7:06 PM

    Hey clueless. He handled my unemployment appeal and that of another person I know and won both.

  33. " Anonymous said...
    3:54pm. Of course an employer can require you to wear a mask. Just like they can require you to wear a uniform or a food worker to wear gloves or hairnets. Masks will be here for a long time and rather than worrying about your rights being infringed how about worrying about the health and safety of your colleagues, friends and family.

    May 17, 2020 at 6:14 PM"

    True and not true. It is not as cut and dry as if employer says so employee must comply or get fired. If the businesses' employees are required to under the Governors orders then the employer is the one responsible to make sure employees comply and can take action if they don't. What many don't know is masks in the workplace has always been under OSHA's control. In some workplaces it can be dangerous to wear masks.

  34. At least he had a job; the hours may not have been what he wanted, but he would have gotten a paycheck.

    1. 100% agree. More b.s. from the victim generation. Pathetic.

  35. After reading that poorly written letter, I'm curious about two things: What college did this guy graduate and What did he do at WMDT? I'm way old enough to know there are two sides to a pancake. I also know that Maryland is not a right to work state. Unless this person has an employment contract, he's an at will employee. As for the equipment at WMDT, it's clear to see that it's a small market, entry level job for people just graduating college to get their feet in the television media market. I've seen many college broadcasts that are on par or better than what WMDT produces, but I think that speaks more to the talent and experience of the people they hire then it does the equipment.

    1. Apparently, you're old enough to be a moron. Maryland IS a right to work state, Moron. I agree the letter is an embarrassment to the person that wrote it, but so is yours. Grammar issues abound you mental midget.

    2. Who cares about grammar on a blog

  36. Right to work for less

  37. Sorry, but I have no idea who he is. Never heard of him.

  38. He obviously got fired because the position was gone due to budget cuts or something, just like literally every business right now. He's not special. They even offered him a new position. Most employers would have cut him no other offers. Be glad you even had an option during this economy.

  39. Typical of the majority of business owners here in the Delmarva region. They expect you to sacrifice your life to them and be loyal, but treat you like a dog and throw you away like a piece of trash whenever they feel like it.

    Paybacks are Hell and they're experiencing Hell now (LOL!). Hopefully the evil ones get their butts kicked this summer financially and go out of business soon!

  40. Funny how that works...when you aren’t there to DO YOUR JOB..the company realizes they can get it done without you and actually save money. An employees greatest resource is AVAILABILITY. If you aren’t “available” to work, the company really has no need for you. Her illness wasn’t “work related”. Therefore, the company owes you NOTHING.

    Bingo. This here is exactly what happened.
    We need to stop giving participation prizes to kids. When they grow up they expect not to lose .

  41. You could have saved a lot of writing and said “ my employer switched my hours and I didn’t like it.” Your boss can switch your shift.

  42. There are always 2 sides to every story. I would want to see and hear WMDT's version before believing this.

  43. You didn’t have covid and you don’t have proof of medical problem because you haven’t had a sleep study. You are a lucky person to have had a job. Now you are jobless good luck finding another producer job during the biggest global recession in history.


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