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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Judge allows California's stimulus payments to illegal immigrants

A California judge shot down a request Tuesday to halt California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to make stimulus payments to illegal immigrants to help them out during the coronavirus crisis.

Judicial Watch has sued to stop the payments, calling them illegal, and had asked for a temporary restraining order to prevent the state from spending the money while the case proceeds.

A judge rejected that request.

Mr. Newsom has earmarked $75 million in state money to go specifically to illegal immigrants. He’s also working with a charity to collect another $50 million.

Judicial Watch said the judge agreed Mr. Newsom didn’t have the authority to spend the money, but rejected the temporary restraining order because there was an immediate public interest in getting the money out the door quickly during the coronavirus crisis.



  1. Yes let's get the money out the door as quickly as possible so all the thieves can get their cut off the top. Sounds like this judge has played this game before

  2. Double edged sword give or don't give to illegals - all the while many citizens have yet to receive a dime.

    A true melting pot - indeed!

  3. Hope this state goes bankrupt!

  4. Anyone wonder why this Gov. did this? He is Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law!

  5. Notice how these liberal retard judges twist themselves into pretzels in order to justify their activism?

    He says it's illegal buy allows it anyway. Should be thrown off the bench.

  6. This is insanity !This judge should be disbarred

  7. I thought CA was already bankrupt. How are they doing this. Federal funds? They should not get a dime of federal funds if they are doing this.

  8. I have to go take a blood pressure pill, be right back!

  9. Now let's hope that Trump and congress can block any money going to this state. CA residents should be raising hell! ...smh

  10. "...He is Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law!"

    Not quite. Gavin Newsom's aunt was at one time married to Nancy Pelosi's husband's brother. I don't know what the proper term is but it is not son-in-law. Good try, though.

  11. Great but my college age kids who are now in the workforce get nothing! So disgraceful.

  12. Since they are violating the US Constitution California should not receive any Federal money And return the same amount they gave out to illegals.


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