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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Dem Rep: Reopening Economy Must Be Racist Because 'They're Just Opening Up the Things Black People Go To'

During a virtual event for former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign on Monday, Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge falsely implied that reopening certain businesses was — you guessed it — racist.

The event featured failed presidential candidate and California Sen. Kamala Harris, who recently endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee despite all but accusing him of racism just months before.

Other prominent black figures joined them in the livestream event dubbed, “Confronting Coronavirus: Addressing Impacts & Disparities in the Black Community.”

The discussion touched on many topics, including states that have begun to reopen certain businesses that had been closed to stop the spread of coronavirus.

“You know, they opened the beauty salons and the barber shops and the bowling alleys and the movie theaters,” Fudge began. It wasn’t entirely clear if she was referring to a specific state, though Georgia has taken steps to allow all of those businesses to reopen.



  1. Well; good than, this will help in Nov. for our President. Less voters for Demo-RATS!

  2. The worlds imploding "WOMEN & MINORITIES effected most". We might as well just add this phrase at the end of EVERY issue.......ENOUGH!

  3. Comedy gold. I laughed and I laughed and now I feel the urge to drop a deuce...


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