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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

U.S. Court: Constitution Promises Detroit's Illiterate Kids 'Adequate Education'


  1. Laughable. "Detroit's illiterate kids" are minorities who because of generations before them have allowed themselves to be nothing more in life but slaves. Oh they may think they are free but they aren't. They've always been in chains and because of the way they continue to vote stupidly will continue to be chained up. And just like good slaves they obey without so much as a word to their democrats masters. So forget "Detroit's illiterate kids" or any other inner city kids getting a good education And until THEY start voting intelligently they have no right to complain don't they dare complain. They have grown it now they have no choice but to live with it The shame of it all is they obviously could care less about their own children otherwise they would vote smarter.

  2. Yeah, good luck.

  3. I don't recall seeing a clause like that in the copy of the constitution I read!

  4. Yeah, good luck with that...as well as WHATEVER.

    Do it for one - do it for ALL.

    Or continue to kick the can down the road.

  5. the constitution promises me the right to life, and yet 13% of the population are committing over 60% of the murders, what is the court going to do about that to ensure my right to life??

  6. who decides what is adequate?


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