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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Gen. Flynn’s Initial Law Firm Covington and Burling Defies Court Request – Resists Turning Over Eric Holder Phone Records on Flynn Case

On April 25, 2020, The Gateway Pundit reported on former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’srole at Covington and Burling as his law firm was representing General Michael Flynn from corrupt deep state operatives.

President Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, left a corrupt life in public office and returned to the law firm Covington. While at Covington, lawyers from his firm represented General Mike Flynn and requested dirt on President Trump while withholding important information from General Flynn. It needs to be asked. Was Eric Holder involved?

After working for President Obama for six years, Attorney General Eric Holder returned to the law firm where he had previously worked, Covington, where he became a partner in 2015.



  1. It's a very deep state, probably goes all the to the top (obama)

  2. Holder has always been a dirty cop. Look what he done on Fast and Furious gun deal

  3. Hang them all for treason!!!


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