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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

BOOM! Sidney Powell Drops Bomb: Comey and Company Prosecuted Flynn So He and Trump Would Not Expose Their Crimes – Flynn Was “First Key Part of Insurance Policy”

On Sunday General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell joined Joel Pollak on Breitbart News Sunday to discuss the latest revelations in the Flynn case.

Sidney Powell told Breitbart News that former FBI Director James Comey and other senior officials in the Obama administration likely committed federal crimes in their use of “lawfare” against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump

Recently unsealed FBI documents revealed that the bureau “completely made up what they said [Michael Flynn] said wrong,” said Powell. “I think that’s going to be more evident with the next productions we’re expecting this week. The government has advised that we will be getting more documents, including more text messages between FBI people. What we have right now only goes through approximately January — maybe some into mid-February — but what it shows is an extremely disturbing conversation — and multiple conversations, frankly — between the agents that were in the small group at the FBI determined to set up General Flynn and make up something to prosecute him for or get him fired — their own words even, with respect to their goal.”

On Monday Attorney Sidney Powell dropped this bomb on the deep state. According to Powell General Flynn would have blown up all of the Comey and Co. crimes and he and President Trump would have learned it all.



  1. Lock up the CRIMINALS then !!!! Expose the Democrats !!!

  2. Replies
    1. You like being controlled by Dems. Pillock.

  3. Who exactly is going to expose the Dems?

    99.999999% of all media are in this shit up to their eyeballs - never gonna happen.

  4. High Desert DawgMay 6, 2020 at 9:56 AM

    We can only HOPE, they get prosecuted, but as is "Historically" evident, the RIGHT will talk a good game, but they'll just jump on FOX news BANG their chests long enough to get noticed yell the voters what a great job THEY'RE doing, then all will be swept under the proverbial rug, and its business as usual.....Come on Freedom Caucus, make the bad cops pay, just like us peons pay when we make errors in judgement!

  5. We all knew this, because someone us actually use a brain... But still wasting yuor time, no on e is going to jail over this...


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