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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

South Carolina Woman Arrested For Licking Spree in Grocery Store and Sandwich Shop

Shenir Gibson Holliday was arrested on Saturday after a licking spree at an IGA grocery store and Sub Station II sandwich shop in Sumter, South Carolina.

Sumter Police said surveillance footage from IGA grocery store showed Holliday licking her hands before touching freezer doors and food.

In a separate incident, a manager of a Sub Station II sandwich shop said Holliday was seen licking her hands then wiping the debit card machine and counter tops.

Holliday was charged with aggravated breach of peace and food tampering and is being held on a $100,000 bond.



  1. All I can do is SMH. WTF is wrong with these people? I would really like to know what goes through these peoples minds to make them do this, and why do we let this keep happening? Remember awhile back, taking the lid off ice cream and licking it? Never heard another word about what happened to that person. If we did and the punishment was harsh enough, perhaps others would not be doing this. Instead the legal system buries it and others don't know the consequences of their actions. This is a fuc*ed up world we live in, and people wonder why I have a CCW permit.

  2. Sick, sick person. Perhaps a lobotomy is in order.

  3. Whack job. It'll be an expensive 15 minutes of internet fame.

  4. Lots of folks with issues out there. LOTS!

    Everytime something requires attention from a national standpoint, another hot item crops its ugly head.

    Things that need immediate attention for our nation include and not in order:

    - jobs

    - general well being

    - infrastructure

    - paying the debt

    - mental health

    - medicare

    - Social Security

    - overall health insurance

    - issue of taxes to include those items that do NOT provide enough bang for the buck

    - immigration

    - world trade

    - veterans

    - USA manufacturing

    - civil servants (medical/fire/police/local,state,fed workers)

    - etc.

  5. Sentencing choice; Let coronavirus patients lick their hands and touch her, or 5 years in prison.

  6. Cut out her tongue!!

  7. So gross. Animals are more civilized then some people.

  8. Just maby she an outhers are beening paid to do this . When you try to figure out whats going on money usually is at the base.


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