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Sunday, May 31, 2020

And So It Begins!!!


  1. Taking a stand!

    GOOD FOR YOU guys, we need a lot more like you.

  2. It's ridiculous to expect a business to police it's customers about this mask wearing There was a security guard who was shot and killed in some other state for confronting someone not wearing a mask Who issued this ticket? They need "unmasking" so they can be publicly shamed.

  3. Pressure is building among Patriots

  4. I drove by Creightons Trailers 2 days ago and their lot was empty. I cant say if they have moved or shut down but no trailers are on the property. I hope they can keep their doors open.

    1. Creighton’s closed and/or sold their business before Covid and it had nothing to do with Covid. Lucky for them they made that decision when they did and avoided this nightmare.

  5. What a stupid hill to die on.

    Being asked to wear a mask to protect others is not tyranny.

    You have to wear pants in public, right? Is it tyranny to require people wear shoes in a store? There are social rules to help ensure all Americans can enjoy their freedom and liberty, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.

    There is a global pandemic with no vaccine or cure. Wearing masks reduces the chances of you spreading this if you are infected and asymptomatic.

    Those who think this is some political issue, you are fools, and you have been played by people making this a political issue to control you, and the irony is that it is making you less safe, less able to enjoy your freedom and liberty.

    Our ancestors didn't die so you don't have to wear a mask.

    This is temporary to help save lives.

    This is the stupidest thing.

    1. 9:34. Naive. Other than N95 masks, the rest are useless. The masks are being used by liberals to push compliance. It is very unhealthy to be breathing in co2 all day. If you are worried...stay home.

    2. 9:34
      You are helplessly mind controlled.
      Enjoy the Facism my friend.

    3. Wow. How much of this can you support with good solid facts. I’m waiting for your reply.

    4. @9:34. Well said! Thank you for speaking up. Even cloth masks help as a contributing factor to reduce the R0 to below 1 which is critical in getting and keeping the virus under control. Every little bit helps. Thank you to everyone who is doing their part during a public health crisis.

    5. The constitution wasnt made for some to twist it how they feel about germs, morals or anything else.
      If you dont like it, go to a different country. I dont know if I would close for good but good for them to not
      bow to the tyrannical government

  6. God Bless them! Their patriotism runs deep. They would have me for a customer for life if I lived nearby. Can a private business be forced to enforce such laws under the Constitution? For example, could the business be required to enforce any items of clothing or attire if so directed by the State?

  7. Seems they have made their choice.

    But cowering out like this is not what people want. The laws are not enforceable. Neither are the fines.

  8. What LAW are they enforcing??
    It appears to me that a private business allows freedom to\be conducted as they see fit.
    I know of no LAW promulgated by legislation, all others are policies
    not enforceable by local jurisdictions.

  9. It could be a life and death situation for someone with health issues. I think you really don't care about your fellow man. Do you wear a seat belt or do you think that is tyranny also. Do you allow smoking in your establishment ? It is just a matter of safety for everyone. If you don't care that much you should close . I wouldn't come to your establishment with your kind of thinking. Remember EVERYONE would like to enjoy those freedoms and liberties you speak of but many have died due this this invisible virus and the least we can do is have some respect for those that are vulnerable!

  10. Start the hanging, gentlemen.

    They have, long ago, forgotten their place.
    They need a long overdue reminder.

    Just like the great Thomas Jefferson warned us about.

    Keep cheering. The wolves are on the way.

  11. God Bless them!!! THIS is unfortunatly the only way to get through to government! Its called making a SACRIFICE! and if more Americans that truly support our Constitutional rights did this, the impact WOULD make a difference. Unfortunatly, very few Americans are willing to make sacrifices, or endure "temporary" discomforts, like BOYCOTTING Hollyweird, facebook, amazin etc. The good folks at Ocean View Auto parts have shown thet have the Spirit America was built on!

  12. Ocean View Auto Parts, God Bless you and thank you for taking a stand.
    Oath Keepers,and all Patriots Help! Our time is here.

  13. read up about the kulaks of russia. They were the small businessmen of thier time. The state is trying to kill off all self sufficiency.

  14. Sure. Lose your business over a silly mask. So Smart.

  15. Then you have the perverse like this thing practically having an orgasm over a business closing He seems he could be a dirty sexual deviant with other men telling him he's cute and all so it would be perfectly normal for him to get off sexually by a business closing I am glad he is so for masks. I wouldn't want to breath the same air as someone so beneath me.

    Scott Wozny
    1d ·
    LOL! That'll learn 'em!

  16. Just for the record this auto parts store is in Hawaii and not in DE.

  17. Sorry you have to close for not forcing people to wear masks. I'm sure your loyal customers would help you by wearing masks or coverings if they knew it would support your business.

  18. WAY TO GO AUTO PARTS at least you have the balls to open up in the first place... I will pay your fine, in cash if you stay open!!!! The rest of these business can shatter for all I care, you pussies don't deserve rights since you won't even fight for them, SLAVES!!!!

  19. 9:34

    You are the kind of idiot that lets it happen because it's slow. You are a stupid fool!

  20. There was a choice. They made theirs.

  21. Yep,...we'll show them, we will defy and just go out of business. Good plan. Stick it to the man

  22. That's their decision to make. If they go out of business, someone else will just be glad to take up the customers.
    Cutting your nose off to spite your face.
    Really stupid decision to give up your business over people wanting to wear a mask and be safe. If your not wearing one I'd want nothing to do with you..
    Yes, stay your course, will help someone else who needs the work and abides by the law..

  23. Wouldn't a "proper attire required" sign at the entrance remove liability from the business owner? With a follow up call to report the violater to the policeing agency EVERYTIME non prepared customers show up.Any lawyers want to way in? Who is the agency with this new power?

  24. 9:34 don't be stupid...N95 masks are the only masks that work...IF you want to stay safe, stay home...but leave the rest of us alone!!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    What a stupid hill to die on.

    Being asked to wear a mask to protect others is not tyranny.

    You have to wear pants in public, right? Is it tyranny to require people wear shoes in a store? There are social rules to help ensure all Americans can enjoy their freedom and liberty, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose.

    There is a global pandemic with no vaccine or cure. Wearing masks reduces the chances of you spreading this if you are infected and asymptomatic.

    Those who think this is some political issue, you are fools, and you have been played by people making this a political issue to control you, and the irony is that it is making you less safe, less able to enjoy your freedom and liberty.

    Our ancestors didn't die so you don't have to wear a mask.

    This is temporary to help save lives.

    This is the stupidest thing.

    May 29, 2020 at 9:34 AM

    Didn't Dr. Fauci say that the masks don't work? Isn't he the top dog in this debacle? If you don't want to die of covid then stay home.

  26. No masks "work" as a solution, but they help.

    Is it worth it - yes.

    Is it not worth it - no.

    Bigger fish to fry - preferably fresh flounder, but thats another story!


  27. not a good stand. So you are willing to destroy your lively hood because you do not want to follow what the government is telling you to do. That is not smart that is stupid. So now the business you built for all those years and you are walking away like that. Not a smart move at all and I am a Republican saying that.

  28. Misguided symbolism.
    Wearing masks helps. This is not a big deal.
    I’m sure you don’t want to endanger your customers or yourselves. You just don’t want to be told to do anything. That is called, vanity.
    You are simply cutting off you nose despite your face. Nothing more.

  29. you are bowing to stupidity.

  30. I'm going to stop using my turn signals. That's government overreach to force me to do that. I know when and where I'm turning, so I don't need them, and certainly won't accept a government fine for not using them. I'm a Patriot.


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