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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Salisbury City Councilman Resigns Md. GOP Central Committee Post; Intends to Leave Republican Party

Boda resigns from Maryland GOP, Republican Party

The vice president of the Salisbury City Council, a Republican, resigned Saturday from theWicomico County Republican Central Committee and the Maryland Republican Party.

Muir Boda, now the former vice-chair of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee, emailed his resignation letter to his local Republican central committee shortly after the Maryland Republican Party concluded its Saturday convention.

“So, effective Sunday, May 17, 2020, I am resigning from the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee and the Maryland Republican Party,” Boda wrote.
Read Muir Boda’s Resignation Letter.

“Over the course of the past month or so, it has been clear that the Maryland Republican Party is no longer a unified organization or representative of where I stand politically,” Boda wrote.

“This is a road I can no longer travel politically.”
State GOP Chairman takes punitive action

Boda pointed to the Maryland Republican Party’s intensifying internal dysfunction as a reason for his immediate departure.

He coupled that with “certain actions that were taken against members of our party, specifically 1st Vice-Chair Brandon Cooper and 2nd Vice-Chair Tony Campbell.”

Cooper and Campbell are elected members of the state GOP’s executive committee who have been threatened and politically targeted by state Republican Party Chairman Dirk Haire in recent weeks.

Haire stripped Cooper of his co-chairmanship with the Maryland Black Republican Council after Cooper publicly endorsed former Maryland Republican Party Chairwoman Diana Waterman over incumbent Nicolee Ambrose in the contentious state Republican National Committeewoman race.

After signing onto a letter that called for Haire to reinstate Bowie City Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu’s invitation to address state GOP convention attendees this spring, Campbell said Haire called him, cursed him out and threatened him.

Haire is also targeting Maryland Republican Party Third Vice-Chair Matthew Adams, who is dying of terminal cancer, with a cease and desist letter, written by President Donald J. Trump’s presidential re-election campaign.

Haire forwarded Adams the letter written by the Trump campaign on May 1.

Mr. Haire has since accused Adams of intentionally leaking internal Party information to the Maryland press as well as illegally operating a Maryland for Trump Facebook page and website.

All of this was enough for Boda to call it quits.

“Though I personally supported and voted for Nicolee Ambrose for National Committeewoman, I was extremely disappointed in the treatment of those who supported Diana Waterman,” Boda wrote.

“Those actions were not representative of Republican values and further divided our party and disenfranchised those participating in the process.”

Ambrose defeated Waterman yesterday at the Party’s first-ever virtual convention.

Ms. Ambrose will serve another four-year-year term representing the Maryland Republican Party at the Republican National Committee and at the upcoming Republican National Convention this summer.



  1. This is a big deal how?!!!

  2. Concerned RetireeMay 17, 2020 at 4:17 PM

    I have been stating the MD GOP is just a social club for the ones who think they are the ELITE. They have no conservative agenda and allows all Socialist Democrat ideas to be enforced. Just look at their endorsement and praise for Adolph Hogan, aka Hitler, ruling HIS Third Reich by proxy given to the Socialist Democrats and the ELITE.

    1. Just like in Cecil county. HORNBLOWER is backed by the CCRP and CHAMBER of COMMERCE. All are corrupt and supporting this do nothing woman over the incumbent. Only because her husband is a STATE representative. Who has RAISED TAXES EVERY YEAR. The Maryland Republicans are a JOKE. They are the BUSH POS REPUBLICANS.

  3. Best news of the day! Don’t let door hit ya in the Boda.....

  4. Good, now maybe we can get a Republican In there to run it.

  5. Boda always was a RINO, come to think about it he didn't even qualify as a RINO, he always has acted like a Democrat.

  6. Good riddance. Hope you do not believe his bullshit explanation.

  7. GOOD didnt know he was republican. NEVER like his politics he stood for what? boda who? Stood For what again? So its no wonder he was rubbed the wrong way. Dump the rhinoS...NEXT!!

  8. Jake Day's whipping boy!! Salisbury you've officially hit rock bottom when you have someone like this on your council

  9. Boda always has some kind of issue going on. I remember when he used to be a Libertarian.

  10. This guy's not right in the head. First a libertarian then a Republican now is leaving that party. He doesn't know what in the hell he stands for himself. I say Good- Go- Good Riddance- and don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.


  11. His conduct was ghastly during the last mayoral campaign so he really should not be throwing any stones at others glass houses. It is almost comical that he calls them out for being dysfunctional when in reality he was a total traitor and buffoon last election

    The 3 stooges of the republican party.

    Then you have the progressive party.... lol.. a total clown car, with their pets in tow, I think I am somebody Rayne, I dont pay my rent McCoy and everyones a racist Yamakawa.

    He probably thinks if he keeps kissing jakes butt in 2 years when jake runs to annapolis, jake will endorse him for something... anything.

    1. Annapolis, lol this guy will never get past the bike lanes in the bu-y.

    2. The Wicomico Republican Central Community is a freakish joke. I was an active member who quit and distanced myself from many of its members who all they did at their meetings were bitch about this and that, never act, then leave and head to the bars thinking they accomplished something great. A bunch of losers.

  12. Muir Bodas replacement on the Republican Central committee is Julie Brewington. Maybe she can help to get a grip on a deteriorating Wicomico party.

  13. Jake Day made him resign. Just like the rest of Jake Day's agenda BODA had to eventually "come out of the closet" and show his true progressive liberal agendas. I wonder what Boda's drag queen stage name is??

    1. Peppermint Patti. What's yours?

    2. It's people like you @ t 6:58 that me sick down to my core. I live in severe pain every day from being blown out of a building by a suicide bomber 10-23-83. I ask myself was it worth the sacrifice to fight for the rights of assholes like you and the liberal lunacy that is ruining this country. I want you to understand there are people like myself that won't have a problem putting you out of your drag queen, transgender torture once shit hits the fan. Old saying we had in Marine Corps " kill them ALL and let God sort them out". Careful what you wish for assholes

  14. Boda was nothing more than a democrat in GOP clothing , a real piece of crap.
    I call it a traitor , and a known slime ball . When will we ever see Paladin again ?

  15. I wanted to join up back in the TEA party days, but after seeing all the members' names, they're all Dems! It wouldn't have been a good effort for me to jump into that crowd. I think Julie Brewery was a member back then, too.

  16. He has NEVER taken his membership in any party as anything more than a way to sit his adequate (yet somehow inadequate) behind in a chair voted on by people who extended their trust to him. Boda switches parties as the wind blows (a Chairman Mao Little Red Book strategy) as long as he gets his $10K per year without actually doing anything except sucking up to the mayor and, especially (which may have been the deciding factor for him to change parties) the ridiculously wealthy and singularly determined Real Estate/Landlord PAC that owns (yes, OWNS!) Salisbury's city politics.

    1. John Cannon/Palmer gilliss own Salisbury politics.

    2. @7:45 don't forget Randy Day and Perdue farms. They would go under without the liberal immigration process policies

  17. Didn’t Boda run as a Dem & lose, then ran as a Libertarian and lose? Had to label himself a R in order to finally get elected just to be a turncoat.

    That’s how low….

    1. He ran for ever office, chair, etc. under every party possible and lost. The boy was a career politician and ready fo retire before he happen to hit a position. Then didn’t know what to do when in the job.

    2. To think I voted for this boy because I felt sorry for him. I know, that isn’t a reason. My thoughts were he had tried out for sooo many seats. I figured persistence was a good thing I’ll give him a chance. Well, he made it that time and has fooled me every since. I’m a slow learner but it won’t happen again. Got to hand it to him, he fits well we’re he is with left wing nut jobs.

  18. Damn! The boy said he's leaving. Can't you let him leave without kicking him in the ass? Hahaha!

  19. Progressive Liberal just like Matt Adams...working to destroy the Republican Party from within.

  20. Hey Boda...this isn’t an airport...no need to announce your departure. Just leave. What a hissy fit throwing baby. Just leave. No need for a dramatic..,attention seeking exit.

  21. This isn't about anything but Boda. A responsible member would remain and help to steady the course, not abandon the ship in the last lifeboat to the next election. Boda has never stayed a course long enough to accept any measure of responsibility. He's all fair weather sailing.

  22. So much for being a team player.

  23. He has no business calling anyone or anything dysfunctional when he is the Poster Boy for dysfunction. He can't make up his mind which shows not just how dysfunctional he is but also just how unprincipled he is.

  24. Until Maryland Republicans try to pursue getting Trumps 7 of Maryland's 10 electoral votes - and giving them back to Trump instead of Hillary - it's no wonder Trump's campaign manager issued a Cease and Desist order to Maryland's Republican Central Committee.

  25. What a mess....it's a dog eat dog world where u know must eat your own and hope to survive. Damn

  26. Just get rid of the political parties.

  27. He also treats his foreign wife like a slave. Seen it first hand.

  28. Crickets from the Central Committee and the MRP. They don't miss the dead weight. Whoever gets him next will figure that out tout suite. Maybe they have already raised the alarm, "Nodding know-nothing approaching. Stand by to pick up slack. Lots of slack."

  29. That will be your next mayor because you all our to lazy to vote.

  30. Boda sounds like a cry baby to me!

  31. Julie Brewery Bahahahahaaha

  32. Children playing politics rather than being public servants. If Boda spent more time reading his briefing book than grandstanding Salisbury would be better off.

  33. Good riddence to bad rubbish.

  34. unfortunately the Republican Party in Wicomico County is a total farce...not really True Republicans in any sense of the word. too many out for themselves, too many in it for social reasons...sad times ahead...glad Boda is gone.

  35. I wrote this back in August. Everyone knew Boda was a progressive, and they are just getting around to ridding themselves of him now? Boda should have been kicked out and never had the opportunity to resign. People have been asking him for at least two years when he was moving over to the Dems. I went to ONE meeting and it took me 2 seconds to realize that the GOP is totally busted in MD. There are way too many self proclaimed Republicans in MD that have the values of a Democrat. That includes Hogan. We need a strong, true conservative running this party that has some Libertarian (not liberal) social views. That is the new GOP and Trump represents it. The old time Republicans are dead.

    Read on:

    Dear Chairman Haire:
    My name is Wayne King and I am running for Mayor of the City of Salisbury, MD. I am a diehard Conservative/Republican. I am sorry and I regret to inform you that I found an issue with two of your members. I was invited to and I attended the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee meeting on Monday, July 29th. After the business of the day was at a conclusion I was asked if I wanted to say anything. I said "yes" and I asked Vice Chair Muir Boda if he could help me get a PIA on the 2018 Folk Festival. I orally requested a PIA to Chris Demoan a couple months earlier and he basically sent me no information and told me the information was unattainable. He could not find the information I requested. I wanted to know how much did city tax money went toward the festival. Anyway, I brought this up with Muir Boda and he snidely gave me a silly answer. I could tell he had a bad attitude toward me, and he never even met me. So, I asked him who he was voting for as Mayor of Salisbury; he said JAKE DAY, the current democrat mayor. He then preceded to tell me what a great job he is doing and that Jake has done things that were not done in the last 60 years. I then preceded to ask him questions that I knew the answers to... "Like what happened to the geese in the city park and who asked for the fed to come in and euthanize them." He lied, he told me maybe a neighbor called and complained or the feds just came in without anyone at city hall knowing. He just kept lying to me and I proclaimed in front of the members present is that Muir is not a Republican and I was not coming back if I see his face again at a committee meeting. I believe he should be asked to resign from Vice-Chair and removed from membership. I personally feel extremely uncomfortable speaking about party topics and strategies in front of this man. I do not believe he is keeping our conversations private and he is not a Republican.
    In addition at the same meeting, the Chair Marc McIver, not only has he not lifted a finger to help my campaign, but when I called him to discuss what happened at the meeting, he said, "what are you, now calling me to argue with me?" I wasn't at all, I just wanted what he thought about that committee meeting. Anyway, after a little more banter, he said, "you are not getting FUCKING elected!" And then he hung up on me. As chair of the Republican Central Committee, as we all know, he is supposed to help other Republicans get elected. Back in May, by Annapolis' direction, I called him. All he spoke about were his boats and he told me he would get back to me. He never called back. I hear Mr. McIver is very selective with who helps and supports. Although the Mayor's election is "supposed" to be non-partisan, we all know that is not true. I am a diehard Republican and I get zero help from the Republican Central Committee. Jake Day is a progressive/democrat and gets a lot of help from his party. Maybe the Republican Committee's agenda should be revisited when it comes to supporting GOP candidates.
    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing what action will take place based on my complaint for the future of the Party.
    Best Regards,
    Wayne King

  36. Wow, who would have known this dude was registered as a Republican. That is crazy, nuts, lol

  37. It took him this long to figure out he was a liberal back....

  38. 6:59 I'm with you. The local Republican "so called leaders" are a cocky, incestuous bunch of self promoters. They have been ever since John Bartkovich & Luis Luna held the power on the Republican Central Committee. You couldn't pay me to join the local Republican crowd!

    They need to widen their tent and stop calling everything and everyone a RINO just because some one might have more moderate views on an issue. I don't trust any of them, and they sure don't represent me. John Cannon & his cronies are NOT the answer either!!

  39. I think that guy was on the fishing boat I went out on off of OC.He actually had color on the way out but he looked like death warmed over coming back in.

  40. Gosh, sounds like everyboda likes him so much!

  41. He may have been registered as a Democrat but never operated as one was a poser all along was a Democrat---glad you dropped because you're a looser!!!!

  42. 5:36 Julie Brewington have you been under a rock for the last 3 years, she has metal screws in her head. She is a out of control alcoholic see some of Salisbury News coverage on her, is arrested all the time intoxicated verbally abuses cops when arrested, and sicked her dog on a motorcyclist driving in her neighborhood. Has never done anything for her party but flirt outrageously with all the men, has been known to abandon her children and not even know where they are when asked. Stay away from this mess!!!!

  43. As a Republican since 1971 I hung on to vote for Weld in the primary and against Harris

  44. It's a good thing, huh!?

  45. I haven't had a lot of contact with Wicomico County's Republican Committee, but enough to know it's poorly organized and run. By chance a few years ago I saw a post about the committee having a crab feast. I like crabs and the price was right so I bought a ticket. I showed up, ate, and made my observations. It as an election year so most of the people were politicians up for reelection of people hoping to get elected for the first time. It seems everyone there already knew everyone else. I was the anomaly, the fresh meat. No one from the committee bothered to come up and introduce themself and learn more about me. I don't know if this committee seeks new members, but talking to a new face would have been a great way to get someone new on board. I don't know Ms. Brewington personally, but have seen and read enough about her to know she has some personal issues. She was there that day looking for support for her run at, I believe, the county council. She looked like a hot mess. If memory serves me correctly she received the fewest votes of any candidate. That she was selected to fill a vacancy on any committee representing Republicans is disheartening. I think Brewington's heart is in the right place, but she's someone you have working behind the scenes. Maybe the Wicomico County Republican Committee is so flaccid because they figure the Lower Shore has always been conservative and will remain conservative. I suppose they haven't been given much weight to the outcomes of the Salisbury elections. From what I saw during that crab feast, it seems those "leading" the committee are more focused on personal political aspirations then the state of the Republican Party and conservative values in Wicomico County.

    1. when you have 85% of the republican committee supporting the Democrat
      candidates it tells me there isnt too many Republicans in the Wcomico Republican committee.

  46. Another reason Muir Boda left the committee was 12 year old Nate Sansom was elected Chairman of the Central Committee. I’m surprised that Bob Laun, Larry Dodd, Julie Brewington and John Palmer allowed that to happen.

  47. A very vital question you should be asking Yourselves is why would they go to a highly liberal hack to tell and leak this information? Why would they do that? Think people! Matt Adams is joined at the hip with Julie Brewington, need I say more?

  48. Nate Sansom is a true conservative and willing to work for Republican issues. He is wise beyond his years. Let us hope Muir's vacancy will be filled with someone who works as hard.

    1. BHAA HAA HAA HAA Nate boy is a 21 year old , inexperienced in business, paying taxes, book taught child. I will admit he’s a pretty good bowler. He mows absolutely nothing, and I emphasize NOTHING about the real world. And he’s the Chairman of the Wicomico Republican Central Community??? BHAA HAA HAA HAA.

  49. I’m Linda’s sister, let me tell you something. Linda works her Ass off to help get Republicans elected. A couple of weeks ago she made hundreds of phone calls to California and Wisconsin to get those Republicans elected. She spends a lot of time and her gas to take signs and shirts to people. Some of you have no idea of how hard some of these people work.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Boda always was a RINO, come to think about it he didn't even qualify as a RINO, he always has acted like a Democrat.

    May 17, 2020 at 4:25 PM


  51. Anonymous said...
    Jake Day's whipping boy!! Salisbury you've officially hit rock bottom when you have someone like this on your council

    May 17, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    Thank you, you beat me to it.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Spill, aisle 8.

    May 17, 2020 at 10:44 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Walmart's little janitor clean up boi!

  53. Wow! He is 47 and doesn't even have a real job and never has. What a fricken all around loser in life.

    1. Neither has Nate boy Sansom and he’s the Chairman of the Wicomico Republican Central Community. BHAA HAA HAA

  54. Anonymous said...
    I’m Linda’s sister, let me tell you something. Linda works her Ass off to help get Republicans elected. A couple of weeks ago she made hundreds of phone calls to California and Wisconsin to get those Republicans elected. She spends a lot of time and her gas to take signs and shirts to people. Some of you have no idea of how hard some of these people work.

    May 19, 2020 at 6:44 AM

    Wait!! Linda Luffman worked her Ass off to help get Republicans elected in California and Wisconsin?? She was elected to get Republicans elected in Wicomico County and she made hundreds of calls to get Republicans elected in California and Wisconsin? I could have sworn she told Wayne King that she couldn't support him for Mayor of Salisbury because she didn't live in Salisbury?? Last time I checked the City of Salisbury was in Wicomico County and California and Wisconsin aren't.

    Thank you Linda's sister for ratting her out! Every single member of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee that didn't support Wayne King needs to resign.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Nate Sansom is a true conservative and willing to work for Republican issues. He is wise beyond his years. Let us hope Muir's vacancy will be filled with someone who works as hard.

    May 18, 2020 at 6:16 PM

    Hi Nate! Now go back to bed, you have to get Jake's coffee ready for him in the morning.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Another reason Muir Boda left the committee was 12 year old Nate Sansom was elected Chairman of the Central Committee. I’m surprised that Bob Laun, Larry Dodd, Julie Brewington and John Palmer allowed that to happen.

    May 18, 2020 at 12:20 PM

    Bob Laun is not a Central Committee member.

    Nate Sansom wasn't elected to the Central Committee, he lost his election. Mark McIver weaseled him in.

    1. This speaks volumes about the Wicomico Republican Central Community.

  57. The rino won't be missed.

  58. On the Republican board,
    Claims to be a libertarian,
    Acts like a socialist

  59. Nate worked on Jake's campaign.

  60. Buh Bye! Douche Bag RINO with your illegal alien old lady!

  61. Anyone that supports Jake Day as much as this POS isn't a Republican or a RINO. He is more left leaning and he joined the Republican Party so that he could run for a county council position and he got spanked big time. He lucked out and landed a seat on the city council because Jim Liarton split the districts in order to get rid of Debbie Campbell, Teri Cohen and Tim Spies. No one wanted to run for these new seats and this is what we now have in this $hithole. Muir Boda was so desperate to get elected that he settled for this low seat in a municipal election. What a low life.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Nate worked on Jake's campaign.

    May 24, 2020 at 1:37 PM

    And he still volunteers for Jake Day in the County Government Office Building. Jake is Nate's man crush.

  63. Bye....QUITTER

  64. Anonymous said...
    Good, now maybe we can get a Republican In there to run it.

    May 17, 2020 at 4:25 PM

    Not when you have the same idiots that put little boi Nate Sansome in charge of the County Republican Central Committee. This little boi wasn't even elected to the Republican Central Committee and the clowns that were, gave him Dave Goslee's seat and then made him the chair. If only the conservatives that voted for the Republican Central Committee knew what the Hell was going on in their party. Expose them all!

  65. Republican Candidates - Vote for up to 9
    (54 of 54 election day precincts reported)
    Name Party Early Voting Election Day Absentee / Provisional Total Percentage
    Wendy Anspacher Winner Selected
    Republican 323 1,130 66 1,519 7.7%
    Muir Boda Winner Selected
    Republican 358 1,176 59 1,593 8.1%
    Shawn A. Bradley Winner Selected
    Republican 344 1,269 63 1,676 8.5%
    Julie D. Brewington Winner Selected
    Republican 340 1,363 71 1,774 9.0%
    Larry W. Dodd Winner Selected
    Republican 455 1,640 83 2,178 11.1%
    Joan Frances Gentile
    Republican 214 742 50 1,006 5.1%
    David L. Goslee, Sr. Winner Selected
    Republican 376 1,408 67 1,851 9.4%
    Jim Jester
    Republican 244 917 41 1,202 6.1%
    Linda Raye Luffman Winner Selected
    Republican 286 991 56 1,333 6.8%
    Mark G. McIver Winner Selected
    Republican 327 991 57 1,375 7.0%
    John Palmer Winner Selected
    Republican 356 1,288 72 1,716 8.7%
    Nate Sansom
    Republican 275 836 47 1,158 5.9%
    David Louis Snyder
    Republican 263 974 52 1,289 6.6%

  66. you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  67. All I can say is before he finally got a job no matter what party he panders to he was a loud mouth know it all at Walmart grand standing like he was somebody, and letting anyone in ear shot hear that he was the man for office. Pity is the only office he qualifies for is back at Walmart ,shame their is no pet shop at them anymore. He'd be great on a hamster wheel.

  68. Anonymous said...

    His conduct was ghastly during the last mayoral campaign so he really should not be throwing any stones at others glass houses. It is almost comical that he calls them out for being dysfunctional when in reality he was a total traitor and buffoon last election

    The 3 stooges of the republican party.

    Then you have the progressive party.... lol.. a total clown car, with their pets in tow, I think I am somebody Rayne, I dont pay my rent McCoy and everyones a racist Yamakawa.

    He probably thinks if he keeps kissing jakes butt in 2 years when jake runs to annapolis, jake will endorse him for something... anything.

    May 17, 2020 at 5:34 PM

    Wayne, since you are so miserable in Salisbury and it's obvious that you are not liked, why don't you just go back to New York! You had a miserable 200 votes for mare of da Ghetto'bury as much as people can't stand Jake Day they can't stand you even more. Poor Wayne... ROTFLMAO

  69. May 24, 2020 at 10:09 PM well don't you look a tad bit stupid. - May 17, 2020 at 5:34 PM is not Wayne.

    I don't have either a dick or a dog.

    You still rotflyao?

    Actually those 200 people who didn't vote for Jake are the ones rotfltao at the stupidity of those who did.

    Your f'ed up downtown people are fleeing, your constant cement circular road hazards, killing geese and lying about it, your 3+ million dollar 20 hour festival, the wasted 8+ million waverly useless bike lane, your over 70% rental rate, your over 40+ poverty rate and now you are running a gay campaign to beat out rehobeth for gay capital of the eastern shore.

    Such accomplishments!

    You are the one that seems to have a pretty miserable life going around anonymously mocking people you don't even know. Typical Jake supporter, mean spirited, ugly and stupid.

  70. May 24, 2020 at 10:09 PM jake bought his votes with political favors and taxpayer dollars, Wayne paid for his own campaign.

    The fact that you didn't know that makes you look enormously ignorant.

    jake got only 2K votes out of a 33K population and he is embarrassingly proud of that?

    The joke is you, jake and this town.

  71. This is Maryland. No matter whether a Democrat or Republican - totally corrupt

  72. HHHMMMMM lets weigh this out. Jake over Wayne. Both are pos. a loud mouth ass vs a loud mouth ass. that's why we didn't show up to vote. dumb vs dumber. What he said, Wayne if you hate things so bad here you can take your stupid ass back to NY and take Jake with you.


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