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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ben Shapiro scolds CBS reporter for 'dumba-- question'

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro did not mince words Tuesday in response to a fiery exchange between President Trump and CBS News White House correspondent Weijia Jiang over the administration's ongoing touting of the amount of coronavirus testing in the U.S. compared to other countries around the world.

"This is all insanity... the media have lost their minds," the "Ben Shapiro Show" host said.

During Monday's news conference at the White House, Jiang asked Trump why he compared the rate of coronavirus testing in the U.S. to that of other countries.

"You've said many times that the U.S. is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing. ... Why does that matter? she said. "Why is this a global competition to you if everyday Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?"

Shapiro blasted Jiang's question as "utterly stupid, truly idiotic" and a "typical gotcha question."

"It's a dumba-- question," he continued. "Of course, we should ask China! This is China's damned fault!" Shapiro said.




  1. What has come over Weijia? She is in full attack mode at every press conference that involves Trump.She seemed so meek and modest when she was at WBOC.I suppose people change,but for her to call the race card is ridiculous in her case.

    1. That's what the liberal left pays them to do

  2. to show blatant disrespect to the potus is just rude.revoke her press pass.go back to china you race baiter!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. They are very rude and disrespectful and only interested in sensationalizing a story to make a name for themselves. And the whole racist thing...well he would have said the same thing to any race that asked the question.

  3. She should be fired!!

  4. She's been at the morning indoctrination meetings at CBS. She's beginning to realize that she was chosen for having a pretty Asisn face (although of South Korean descent?) and schooled on how she can capitalize on it at every turn.
    She's not the top pick from the CBS stable in any other respect, so it's a ber that she was sent there to ask the questions she was instructed to ask and to prod every way she could.

  5. reporters ask some of the lowest level of questions.....do they think the people that listen to them are so far down in education they ask questions only suited for 3 grade students

  6. She got her start at WBOC - enough said!

  7. She interviewed a good friend of mine when she was in Salisbury, and was just as rude and disrespectful. How she ever got to the White House is anyone’s best guess. She’ll fall, and it won’t be on her knees.

  8. Reporters ask hard questions. They are not there to stroke Trumps ego, his supporters do enough of that. That's part of the job, to answer questions. She was neither rude nor disrespectful in her questioning, he just didn't have an answer and went on the defense. He is always rude and disrespectful to the press because they tell the truth about him. If Trump can't handle it, he needs to stop dishing it. Treat people how you want to be treated. He's done nothing but race bait, be divisive and point fingers at everyone to take the focus off of his lies and failures and always Obama, Obama, Obama for the last 3 years. Not everyone has fallen for this con man that he is.

    1. Are you kidding me? Treat people how you want to be treated . Well in that case she got what she gave. She was argumentative and condescending. He didn’t answer her because of the way she asked the questions. You must be a delight to talk with if you think speaking to the President of the United States in the manner in which she did is acceptable.

    2. 4:26 What a typical liberal way to spin it๐Ÿ™„

  9. 4:26 By "Hard questions" do you mean like when Stefenopilis asked Biden "What are your thoughts on Tara Reade"...WHEW, that's a tough one! Thats it, 1 question, no rebuttal asking why he was SO firm on ALL women to be heard through the Kavanaugh debacle.....silence. Trump is constantly asked ignorant questions that are aimed to make him look bad, NOT to find FACTS! I dont know why I'm even attempting to be rational with you, because as always happens, with Trump haters, there's just too much HATE, and it makes rational speak impossible.

  10. What a joke 4:26-The left wing fake media never tells the truth re TRUMP-NEVER!!!!!!!The democrat kool aide has INDOCTRINATED YOUR BIASED YELLOW DOG HEAD...

  11. No one asked Obama a hard question in 8 years. If they did they would be called racist. Talk about a con man. Came into the White House broke and now he buys a house in Martha’s Vineyard with all his “constituents “. You morons don’t see they’re all full of crap republican or democrat. They only serve to enrich themselves. Trump terrifies them because he’s not one of them. You cannot tell me anything he’s done wrong. You just don’t like him. That’s fine. I didnt like Barry either. But he was our president so we had an unarmed revolution and gave you Trump. Now you tell me he/ cant handle it? If Clinton was our president you’d be eating Chinese food with a hint of Wuhan virus. Give me a break.

    1. 8:02 Yes๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป Well said!


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