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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Eggers: ‘Fair to Assume’ Illegal Aliens Will Get Mail-in Ballots in California

Government Accountability Institute Research Director Eric Eggers, author of Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election, says it is “fair to assume” that many illegal aliens will receive mail-in ballots in California for the 2020 election thanks to a plan by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Eggers said California’s automatic voter registration coupled with providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens opens its elections to a host of fraud.

That fraud, Eggers expects, will be exacerbated by Newsom’s statewide mail-in voting plan for the 2020 election.

“This is really where the left shows a level of hypocrisy, which they’re not regularly held to account,” Eggers said. “What if the ballots go to illegal immigrants that willingly or unwillingly ended up on the voter rolls and maybe they just don’t even know they’re not supposed to be casting ballots? Because remember, elsewhere in California and elsewhere nationally, it is legal for noncitizens to vote in certain local elections.”

“Basically, what you’ve got is this hodgepodge of a lack of oversight, lacks regulation, and confusion by the general public,” Eggers said. “And oh, by the way, there’s a global pandemic, so many people are focused on other things at the moment. And so … here come all the ballots, and yes, many of the people that will get the ballots will be legal voters, but many of those ballots will end up somewhere other than in the hands of legal [voters], and that’s exactly where the recipe for fraud can occur.”

“The only person standing in between a noncitizen or an illegal alien just getting their driver’s license and the voter rolls is a DMV employee,” Eggers said. “You’ve got these people … often times are confused or coerced by political operatives and told to register to vote. … The DMV officials are prohibited by law from giving real guidance on should you check the box and register to vote or not.”

More here


  1. Wrong on so many levels.

  2. How many dead will cast ballots?

  3. Some will be delivered to last known addresses, where the current occupants can sell them for Cas to ballot harvesters. Everyone will have that opportunity and many will take it, times being hard and California being California.

  4. They will get them in every State. If address is wrong someone there will fill out a bogus Ballot with a forged signature. Democrats way of fixing elections.

  5. Get your ammo stocked and keep em oiled and clean..no way in hell this election will be stolen.gonna be hell to pay if this is allowed to happen.

  6. DMV Voter registration is automatic in MD DMV

  7. What the hell has become of us?


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