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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nikki Haley: US Must 'Stop Being Naive' About China

Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said Friday said America has to “stop being naive” about China, warning that the communist country has “a full strategy in place” to cement itself as dominant world superpower.

In an interview on Newsmax TV’s “Greg Kelly Reports,” Haley said that in her U.N. role, “I saw how they work. They absolutely know what they’re doing.”

“We have to stop being naive thinking that they're going to become more democratic if we’re nice to them,” she said. “That's not going to happen. It's a communist regime, they want to be communist.

“They have a full strategy in place and that strategy is they're building up their military. ... They're stealing $50 billion or more of intellectual property from us a year. They want to become a surveillance state."

She added that China invests “all over the world” with a purpose: to run up the debt of a country. In this fashion, she said, "they can turn around and say, ‘Give us your utilities, we want to put in military installations.’

“And more than that, the most important thing President XI [Jinping] is saying [is] that anyone that comes and does business in China has to work with the Chinese military,” she said.



  1. I will add:

    Americans must stop being naive about the US Government

  2. Dang, I wish she'd reconsider the VP slot. Shes an asset to this country.

  3. Americans need to stop being naive about denocrats..between them and china no differences. Except location

  4. I will 2nd 1:39 comment:

    Don’t be naive about the US Government
    It prints US Dollars out of thin air
    The Emperor has no clothes

    It is erecting s Totalitarian Government

  5. Haley is taking money from China. Just like half of Congress. We have spies in our government. Working for our leaders and they know about it. They have spies in our Universities and work place. Hell Congress has given appointments to these spies to our military academy. WTF Our leader's our sooooo CORRUPT. All for a buck


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