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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Based On These Restrictions Caribbean Joe's Will NOT reopen This Weekend

With all due respect towards Worcester County requirements  we have chosen to hold out for phase II  to reopen. 

The mere fact that we feel it will overwhelm so many different departments to approve or even disapprove these requirements and so many businesses in need of inspections we have chosen to hold out till phase II and see where things go from there. In order to make outdoor seating for a simple weekend, (financially) makes no sense at this time. One week just isn't worth it. On Thursday we went out, (once again for three weeks now) and purchased everything necessary to restock for opening Saturday and ultimately we received the requirements below helping me to make this decision. I'm growing tired of expenditures only to get shot down once again. 

As you will read below I'm confident all of you will understand why it is just impossible to meet all these requirements. Trust me, we want more than anything to stop this roller coaster ride to end and get back to work but how can we do so within just hours to make it happen and each and everyone to enjoy what "used to be". We will see what phase II brings and go from there but I have to admit, we're very disappointed and we're sorry we cannot deliver. 

I had in depth conversations with my entire staff and they firmly agreed with this final decision. ALL of us want to go back to work but the conditions are NOT what bars and restaurants are here for. We wish the very best to those who do choose to open and hopefully in the very near future we can all go back to business as usual. Thanks for understanding.

Must follow current MARYLAND STRONG: ROADMAP TO RECOVERY and all CDC Guidelines General Guidelines for Outdoor Seating

• Must adhere to all conditions of the Governor’s most current executive order as it pertains to physical distancing, face coverings and hygiene for retail and food service establishments.
• Outdoor seating space, tents and barriers shall not block fire department access for emergency apparatus, sprinkler fire department connections, fire hydrants or knox box accessibility.
• The outdoor dining area shall be clearly delineated by railings, stanchions, or other suitable barriers and shown on the plan. No service shall be permitted outside the delineated area.
• Handicap access to and from seating to the building, restrooms and parking areas shall be shown. Must maintain a clear, marked path for pedestrians, a minimum of six feet.
• Outdoor seating or new use areas may not be located within a required yard setback, stormwater management facility, drainage area or closer than ten feet to any well.
• Outdoor seating will be limited by state restrictions on restaurant capacity, but in no instance can previously permitted seating levels for the food service facility be exceeded.
• Seating that is not used due to state capacity restrictions must be removed or roped off and restricted for public use with appropriate signage.
• Customers shall be served only when seated at tables. No standees.
• Must maintain six feet between tables as measured from the closest chair to closest chair as measured when occupied.
• Adequate on-site parking must be provided as required by the Zoning Ordinance for the size of the use area as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
• No outdoor food or beverage prep shall be permitted, nor shall a bar structure be permitted.
• No outside music or sound system shall be permitted in the temporary outdoor seating area.
• Social distancing must be maintained. No waiting queues are permitted; patrons required to make reservations or have a mobile device notification.
• Outdoor area must close the earlier of 10:00 P.M. (Sunday – Thursday) / 11:00 P.M. (Friday and Saturday) unless required to close earlier by the Board of License Commissioners.
• The plan should identify any lighting or other safety measures to be utilized during the evening hours of operation.
• Signage of customer requirements shall also be posted at each buffet table and for restrooms. Directional signage, ropes or stanchions will be required to manage the flow of customers through the buffet lines and back and forth to the restrooms to ensure proper physical distancing.
• Must contact Environmental Health Department for operational procedures, including cleaning and sanitizing.
• No portable restrooms shall be permitted.

NOTE: A separate permit will be required to be obtained from the Worcester County Health Department.



  1. This is no longer public safety, but tyranny from an over zealous government. I think the public in general and the small business owners are fed up.
    Open the damn businesses, and quarantine those who are sick or at high risk and lets get the economy running again!

    What we need is mass civil disobedience.
    The government is supposed to work and serve us, and not the other way around!

    Enough is enough!

  2. This is insane. We thought we needed to worry about Hogan but it looks like we need to worry about our local officials too. Who put together these rules? We are now on a curfew if we chose to dine out? No music? These people only care about power and not safety. We need to start naming the people who were on the committee that that made up this list of nonsense.

    1. Exactly 8:04, names needed to posted for the public to see.

  3. Wow and some of you want the government to control heathcare and every aspect of civilization.(communism).Only going to get worse.
    who does HOGAN work for again? Is It going to take a revolution or mass defiance by bussiness to get things back on track?

    1. Yes, looks like mass defiance is the only thing that will correct this over reach of the law

  4. Sounds like the house rules for a new prison inmate.

  5. These regulations were written by a power-hungry politician whose primary purpose was to let everyone know who is the BOSS.

  6. Who would even want to go out with all these restrictions? Sounds like a dumb plan.

  7. This S.U.C.K.S!! Adolphus Hogan, I really hope you go to hell.

  8. Don't want you to have music becasue you might catch the fake virus easier than if you didn't play music!!! just like I am more likely to get the fake virus on a speed boat versus a sail boat!!!! That is why I can get on a sail boat with 20 people but not a speed boat with 20 people!!!!

    1. You get the virus faster on a speed boat. Lol

  9. Sorry.

    Going to be an interesting weekend with all establishments trying and no real oversight.

    Protection for all??? Really???

    All stay safe.

  10. Hope you open soon Joe. The writing was in the wall though as to what phase one would be. Hopefully we enter phase 2 soon.

  11. I don't get this one at all:

    • No outside music or sound system shall be permitted in the temporary outdoor seating area.

    1. The vibes from the bass blow the virus around. Lol

  12. Why follow unconstitutional law?

  13. Good news, they are shipping Day to Africa!

  14. As usual, only the most connected will get all the needed approvals. Cracks me up they say you can put tables in the parking area, have fun getting all the necessary approvals for that in time to open!

    I was hoping you might be throwing Jake a going away party this weekend, haha.

  15. What the F_____? This restrictions are impossible to meet. Absolutely impossible, and what the hell does MUSIC or SOUND SYSTEM have to do with the coronavirus? So what if we all wither up and close all of our businesses, will that make them happy? Ghost towns everywhere, no jobs, everyone on government assistance. There is absolutely no logic in this. None whatsoever. Joe, you are handling it a hell of a lot more diplomatically than I could, but you probably have to. Talk about grin and bear it..damn

  16. 8:04am..EXCELLENT suggestion! Name the officials who designed this stupidity.

  17. Insanity, fear, anxiety and stupidity reign! It is amazing to me, that we the people are tolerating such tyrannical behavior from our government, especially the local government. Do we have some options?

  18. Did the CDC recently determine that outside music and sound systems increase the spread of the virus? or is this not about the virus anymore.

  19. The beatings will continue until moral improves.

    OR until injunctions are filed!

  20. So essentially there will be no new approvals or openings. This list is ridiculous

  21. Mass disobedience is needed to get things back. This is ridiculous.

  22. 922 - there is a huge noise ordinance in OC. Skye Bar (66 st) had to redo their bar on the roof because of 1 unhappy local.

    It pays to be in the OC Circle!

  23. NO STANDING! Did you also notice the county would shut my business down by 10 PM weekdays and 11 PM weekends! Remember folks, people will be taking cell phone pictures all weekend and IF images are taken of people standing within close proximity and post it on the Internet that business can get fined $5,000.00. There are so many reason NOT to reopen.

  24. So sorry to hear that Joe, we were looking forward to coming over for one of those great 1/2 lb burgers and a cold beer but we'll see you when you do open. John Palmer.

  25. Joe again, you are correct..no standing, people taking pics to sabotage businesses then bitch because nothing is open. damned if you do, damned if you dont.

  26. There is never again going to be "used to be". Like it or not this virus has changed everything. We will find a new normal. If you don't find it in your best or healthiest interest to open at this time, don't. That is why there are phases, to ease back into whatever our normal will become. I know bank accounts don't recognize that. However, as a responsible business owner, you will need to find what solutions best work for you, your employees, and ultimately your business. I wish you the best of luck in navigating uncharted waters.

  27. Only one reason, lack of management control....don’t see anything that’s unreasonable! If a loyal following goes under these conditions to their favorite watering hole they will be mindful of the regulations....if they are a$$holes and try to cram in regardless then they are not that loyal to you to begin with!! Real loyal customers would want you or any bar owner to be successful!!!

  28. I guess that means all the other business' will have customers now, due to you not opening. Lucky us.

  29. It's really amazing these health officials can write all these BS rules with little or no facts to support them. Enough is enough. The curve is flattened. The political games are over. Open all local businesses now at 100%.

  30. It's amazing how these health officials can create all these Bulls**t
    rules with little to no facts to support them.
    These are often unelected people creating public policy being called "experts" yet they are wrong more often than not.
    Enough is enough! Open OCMD at 100%.

  31. @10:28 AM There will only be a "new normal" if weak sheep Americans allow it. The old normal is what real Americans want.

  32. face it joey you are a loser

  33. The offseason cannot happen fast enough.

    Why? Its in another 90+ days and we will know more then.

    Hurt until then - yes....but it can't come fast enough.

  34. Waiting for that next stimulus ck ?

  35. Why is Worchester County being so much stricter then Wicomico County. Wicomico County was easy to work with.

    1. Who the f*** wants to go out to any establishment in wicomico county?? Please name just one that isn't full of ghetto trash and white heroin addicts everywhere??

  36. Man , That pool looks good!


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