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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Adam Schiff's pathological lying heart of darkness

Now that the wholly fabricated case against Gen. Michael Flynn has been dismissed and the 53 transcripts of 73 witnesses who were called to testify against President Trump on Russia collusion have been released, the scope of Adam Schiff's treachery is more clearly than ever blowing up in his face.

He appears not to realize that fact just yet as he is tweeting and making public statements condemning Attorney General Bill Barr for the Flynn dismissal despite the volumes of proof that Flynn was set up and framed by the same crooks who set up and framed Donald Trump. He is still claiming that the transcripts prove Trump's guilt when in fact they prove exactly the opposite. He continues to attack Trump for addressing these revelations while COVID-19 is still ravaging the elderly in nursing homes, as if the two issues were related. His tweet on Sunday:

@Adam Schiff: Over 70,000 Americans dead. More than 20 million newly unemployed. No national testing and trace strategy. What was the President's message to the nation. That I am "dirty" and "going down." I have said he's unfit for office, and every day he proves me right."



  1. There is something pathologically wrong with this man.

  2. Soooo when is he going to be arrested and tried for treason.

  3. This is the tactic of a person who has lost all dignity and credibility. Schiff has proven himself to be a liar and manipulator who once took an oath to preserve our democracy and defend the constitution. He debases the halls of congress and makes mockery of the law thumbing his nose at the American values,

  4. Agreed 3:35. He seems to be living in an alternate universe but I think those men in the white coats will soon be leading him off to a nice room with bars.

  5. Gotta figure his district..HOLLYWOOD.

  6. WHOAH... wait... did this author say Schiff was melting down?

    Didn't Donald Trump send a tweet every 7-1/2 minutes on mothers day?

    Wasn't it Trump that when directly asked what crime he was accusing Obama with, that he gave no direct answer and gaslight the question?

    Just exactly WHO is it that is melting down here?

    Did we all forget that Flynn plead guilty. TWICE!

  7. There is some extreme mental issue with schiff. I wouldn't be surprised to find out dirty little secrets like his mother and father were forcing him to have sex with them as a child was going on in the schiff household when he was a child His constant lying is not normal and many times is the result of a very traumatic childhood.

  8. 8:05 AM - Mueller report, nothing. FBI investigations, nothing. Russian collusion, nothing. Ukraine, nothing. Clear and compelling evidence of all of the above, despite Schiff's hundred statements that that stark evidence of wrondoing was in plain sight, incontrovertible, ready to be exposed to the public, zero. Impeachment hearings, a thousand hours of wasted time and millions of taxpayer dollars in a bad circus act, zero, just an overload of the same tired and disproven rhetoric.
    For three and a half years, Adam Schiff has been on the President's back like a bug-eyed, toothless tick looking for the blood meal he'll never get. How many more times must he be discredited before even Blue Dog Democrats get the picture that he is not to be believed, not to be trusted, that he's been playing us all as fools?

  9. Shifty Schiff cannot look in a mirror since they always break when he gets close to one.

  10. Schiff has conclusively proved himself unfit for public office.

  11. Schiff should be censured and impeached in Congress. He represents nobody but his own delusional self interest.

  12. SCHIFF AN Nadler sitting in a tree, Nancy came along an tried to help them.


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