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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

To Serve And PROTECT?


  1. this aint about your safety, it's all about controlling you! sheep being led to slaughter!!

  2. Serve and protect. They forgot their oath and who they work for years ago. No better then the pos politicians.

  3. Since when do they have to follow rules that the rest of us are supposed to abide by.

  4. Would you like to donate some?

  5. Be nice 755. Their choice for that profession, they are trying to keep us safe and are not politicians.

    Its that time of year May until end of Sept when Rt50 is patrolled on a regular basis.

    Nothing has changed except everyone being on edge the last 60-90 days. One way to get that edge released is getting in a car and speeding - which in the big scheme not only could hurt you, but others too.

    Enter our LEOs to protect us from us and others.

    1. Good little sheep when the civil war starts stay on there side I pick the Sheriff's side not controlled hogan Nazis.

  6. Wait until they have to pick a side with the Sheriff and the people or the Hogan's side ?

    1. Ohhh it's coming and they better take a knee to the people and the sheriff or Else

  7. 8:50 I agree. Give the State Police a break. Love all the people who complain about them, but wouldn't do the job. These are trying times. We have no idea the kind of calls they have to go on with people going crazy being confined OR violating orders that they are required to enforce.

    As far as wearing a mask, I'm sure they do when needed. There have been pictures of members of the Berlin Barrack wearing black masks.

    It would be nice to see some support of law enforcement on this blog.

    1. Yawn
      They are NOTHING but paid ticket writers aka Traffic agents for the State the real test when the Sheriff's go at it with REAL SOON.

    2. These idiots enforce Statutory Laws against the People. Traitors to the US Constitution

  8. Will someone explain to me what SMH and LEO is?

    1. Go back sleep.

    2. Why go to sleep?

      That would be: GTS


  9. I respect the police. They do a job that I wouldn't do. Having said that with all the police officers we have running around Wicomico County shouldn't crime be going down? It only seems to get worse. Maybe instead of writing tickets they should be tracking down drug dealers, murderers and illegals.

    1. Lol I haven't seen a sheriff in 3 months.

  10. I respect the police but most of them have let the job go to their head and have forgotten to uphold the constitution. And don't forget that the US Supreme Court had upheld that the police have no inherent duty to protect the citizens from harm, and if you don't believe me feel free to Google it. So be careful how far you stand behind the police cause they do not have to protect you but they do have to uphold the law and most will not take a stand against unlawful orders.

  11. This is not true....the Officer running the gun didn’t have a face mask....but the one that wrote me the damn ticket did....he was polite....if that matters?? But he did have a mask!

  12. They do what leadership tells them to do.

  13. 10:06
    SMH - Shake My Head
    LEO - Law Enforcement Officer

  14. they are not here to protect you. they are here to protect the government from you!

  15. Yeah the assholes wrote me a ticket for not having a properly tagged vehicle and failure to display registration on request. I bought a car in March in De, live in Maryland have yet to get real tags and the temp tag expired. De dealer offered another temp but I can’t drive to De legally and they will not mail it. Car has a Maryland Title and a legal tag linked to it they just never sent the tag. MVA is shutdown and I can’t get answers. I had the Maryland title in the glove box and all and I was still ticketed. Also I was not speeding I was pulled over for the tag. Going to fight it in court how’s any of this my fault. Trooper was a giant prick even while I stayed polite the entire time saying yes sir and asking questions in a normal tone and demeanor. He had no mask on and I put mine on before I rolled down the window. I was pro police being im a veteran prior to all this but between the police enforcing unconstitutional orders and this I’m done. Tried to call the barracks command to ask him how I legally drive if your going to ticket me over this and he has yet to call back.

    1. This is very sad to hear but they took the job bc part of that job is to become a prick Nazi and now they are giving out tickets knowing that the Majority of people are UNEMPLOYED Thanks for NOTHING COMMANDER AT MSP.

    2. ✔️✔️✔️

  16. I can’t keep up. Are we for opening or not? Mask or know mask? Are we For out of state tags or Against? Let me know and I’ll make up a story thanks

  17. The day is coming when gov Hogan sends in the MSP and they ARE going to be going up against the local Sheriff's and the PEOPLE.


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