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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"We're At War, Make No Mistake" - White House Official Blasts China Over COVID-Contagion

Outspoken White House official Peter Navarro cranked up the anti-China rhetoric to '11' this morning, telling Fox News that the US is currently “at war” with China:

“We are at war, make no mistake about that. The Chinese unleashed a virus on the world,” the Trump adviser told Fox & Friends on Monday.

The outspoken China hawk went on to explain how mad he was about Disneyland...

"It crossed me that Disneyland in Shanghai is opening this morning, while my own Disneyland in my own homeland in Orange County, in Anaheim, where Disneyland was born, is still shut because of the Chinese Communist Party. That makes me mad."

And reiterated that China will owe the US “some form of compensatory damage” following the pandemic.



  1. This sounds like an attempt to heat up the rhetoric and get the world to side against China. A lot at stake but I do think China is complicit with not having given the world a heads up and the Chinese lackey W.H.O. is equally at fault.

  2. I will believe it when the attack begins. Until then, the US Government is complicit in my mind. Ditto for helping US Corporations offshore American jobs to China.

  3. No we are at war with Democrats..china communist russia same idealogies.

  4. The American people need to stand up and take our Country back. We our being screwed by politicians.

  5. The word war is always loosely used by politicians - some who have never been experienced service battle, protecting the country's interest 1st hand.

    When I hear politicians, celebs and entertainers use the word war - I just shake my head because they really don't have a clue.

    1. SMH

      I like this new way of communicating!


  6. If we have a national emergency , like the the wall was/is, why has Trump not declared this pandemic "a war" and divert funds instead of running us more into debt

    1. Congress controls the purse strings in the US, not the president. The president has limited powers in spending monies allocated by the House of Representatives. They are the ones who decide where are tax dollars are spent!!


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