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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Viewer Writes - Democrats Perform Like Democrats At County Council Meeting

Did anybody watch the performance by the Wicomico County Democratic council members when Sheriff Lewis read out a proposed resolution in support of making Wicomico County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County? Now we all know that Democrats will follow each other in lock-step over the edge of a cliff if their leadership tells them to. That's just a party requirement.There are grey areas though in the 2nd Amendment issues. Many gun owning Democrats find it hard to do the walk that their leadership tells them because many are law abiding gun owners. Not the three Democrats on our council though. It appears they would walk straight over the edge with horse blinders on.

When Sheriff Lewis finish his statement I thought Councilman McCain was going to launch through the ceiling. His rant telling everyone why he couldn't support such an amendment and why the council shouldn't support it either was inspirational to all left wing Democrats. Someone should keep a copy of his performance to play back to inspire people how to vote for him in the next election. Next was Councilman Hasting who spent all his time telling everyone what needed to be changed in the Sheriff's resolution before he would even consider bringing it to the council. Not saying he would support it even if the changes were made. Realistically folks, we all know he will vote the same way Councilman McCain will tell him. It takes a lot of courage to go against the "Lock-Step" party and Mr. Hastings is still learning how he feels and how the Democratic party tells him how to feel.

Then there is Councilman Davis. You didn't hear hardly anything from him. If anyone can hear it on PAC 14, how about posting it so we all know. I personally believe Mr. Davis is torn apart over this issue. I think Mr. Davis wants to support this issue but is afraid to because of some backlash he will get from the minority community. You see a lot of our African American communities want to conveniently forget the parts of their American history where many black families were saved because they owned rifles and hand guns and had to actually fight with them when their homes were attacked by those wishing them harm. If not for their weapons and the knowledge and fortitude to use them they wouldn't have been safe. I think Councilman Davis knows this history.

So when this resolution is brought before the council, and I'm sure the Council President, Mr. Dodd, will not be wishy-washy about bringing this forth, it's really a simple vote. A vote YES is "FOR" supporting our 2nd Amendment Rights and a vote of "NO" is a vote against our 2nd Amendment Rights. Good luck America, it starts here.


  1. Well you know they will NOT VOTE FOR IT!!! Hell even the State police said the reason why they deny people for CCW in MD is becasue the cops are scared coward pussies and were afraid people with guns on the streets, legal law abiding people, would attack the cops... The god damn guy even admitted to this years later when he talked in front of the group or panel that was tasked at hearing about this good and substantial reason law...

    1. Hey yuhhh 12:21....You came pretty close to using Too many "CAPITOL" letters. This site's got policies ya know. Ya better clean it up Mister!

  2. Bill McCain is another local punching bag for Jake Day and Cannon. McCain's motives are all less than honorable for wanting to be on the county council. Let's not forget he will be attempting to pull a Jake Day move(permanent tax credit for city fire/police) for his wife and all her fellow county teachers. Hey McCain saw you jogging the other day looked like you had a broomstick stuck up your ass have you been hanging out down at Jake's favorite bar downtown mixing it up? Those roads weren't designed for the runners and cyclist that frequent it, sure would hate to see you end up in a ditch.

  3. Council President, Mr. Dodd, will not be wishy-washy about bringing this forth, it's really a simple vote

    Mr. Dodd is always wishy washy.

  4. Watched the Entire meeting...We Need this Declaration...We Must step up to the plate and let our voices be heard. McCain was really bad...Cannon was good and I was surprised about that.


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