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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Niece Megan Was On The News In Virginia Beach! Dat's My Girl!

Virginians ordered to wear masks inside public buildings. Here are the exceptions. GO HERE to watch video.


  1. is she allowed to think for herself? where's the brownshirts! must been home schooled! go git her barney! crucify her so the rest of the sheep will fall in line!

  2. So In the interest of calling the governor hypocritical, she thinks wearing a mask is “pointless”. Most health professionals would strongly disagree. Very sad that mask wearing (or not wearing) has become some kind of political statement. Pure stupidity.

    1. 1:29
      Most doctors also recommend accepting poisonous vaccines too.

      Try thinking for yourself.

    2. She didn’t say wearing a mask was pointless she said making them mandatory this late is pointless!

  3. "a March 8 video clip from CBS’ “60 Minutes” showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, saying: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

    1. Dr Fauci did recommend no masks before they became aware of how the virus could spread. Remember that China was not forthcoming with much Information regarding the virus and their findings. Once the US had more info the CDC and Dr F changed their stance. You can’t pick and choose how you quote people unless you give the entire story.

  4. 1:29
    EVERY health care professional without exception unless they are a quack are going to tell you it is pointless to wear one in an attempt to prevent infection. Again every single one WITHOUT exception. What they will tell you is it may prevent spreading infection.

    Taken from the MD Strong Roadmap to Recovery= "“My mask protects you, your mask protects me.” The best current science shows that,
    while you might not be showing symptoms, you might still be a carrier of COVID-19.
    Because there is no vaccine or effective treatment for the virus at this time, the best
    practice is to continue wearing cloth face-coverings while in public, indoor places"

    What I would like to know if all you mask proponents wear them at home? If not why not? Protecting complete strangers is more important to you then protecting your own family?

  5. March 8th was before they knew a lot about the virus and before thousands of people died from it. Wearing a mask can help you or others. Take your pick on who you want to protect. If you choose neither you or others, you just don't care about anyone.

  6. Our Doctor advised us this morning

    our Migraines are a result of wearing masks and being not able to breath freely.

    Hogan, you suck azz

  7. Where is her Mask ???


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