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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Governor Hogan To Speak At 5 PM Today

Who wants to guess what he'll say about bars and restaurants?


  1. I posted this on Facebook: A local restaurant charged $79.00 for 12 tacos this past weekend. I was paying a $1.99 a pound a few weeks ago, now it's $5.99. Do I go from $10.00 for a burger to $20.00, or even more? Most restaurants here pay $10,000.00 a month, (and a LOT more) to rent their space. Cooks, bartenders, waiters/waitresses, gas & electric, insurance of all kinds and the list goes on and on. Add a couple Lifeguards, someone to test the pool water every 2 hours at my place. Then cut out 50% of your seating for starters, (minimum). A burger should cost around $30.00 each by the time you look at your losses. How convenient poultry, pork and beef plants have all been shattered by this alleged virus and now the food supply is cut off, for the most part. People sit on the outside and just THINK us bar/restaurant owners make millions. While there are some, (maybe 1%) the rest of us do it for the passion. I'll see what Hogan offers today and see if I'll remain closed, possibly for the entire year.

  2. Caribbean Joe’s the main point of discussion in Annapolis as I type I hear.

  3. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 27, 2020 at 12:06 PM

    Easy, He'll say what Cuomo has told him to. 'Hoggan' is not an original thinker which is what this Country was established on. He reminds me of a spoiled kid who when he's screwed up thinks he's done something 'cute' and wants attention. I feel bad for the guys who try to succeed in business and multiply the harvest through paychecks for the help and benefits for their families. Tough nut to crack. Someway they make it until some incompetent ass like Hoggan comes along and the rube he is, makes it that much harder to accomplish that. I'm having trouble distinguishing Hoggan from Biden. I guess the obstacle for me is why the electorate would put a half or more Dumbocrat like him in office. Well, the spirit in America is to soldier on and hope enemies like him fade away and regular ways of life could return to normal. I can hope that this is a lesson the voters never forget. Shoo away fat boy political impersonators like Hoggan and vote for a real 'man' like the President.

  4. Should be able to open with the only restrictions if they feel the need is no standing at the bar. Only seating allowed. All tables should be able to be full. Everyone should be allowed to make their choice on whether they want to go to a bar/restaurant or not. Everyone knows the risks. If they don’t feel comfortable don’t go.

    After 9/11 there was no restrictions on flights, people were just scared to fly. That’s the same as this. People will be apprehensive about going out.

    1. youre wrong they shut down all flights for quite awhile

  5. Joe: Not only that, they are doing it so they can force import of tainted meat from their world countries!!!! like beef!!!! It is to bypass regulations and inspections... Soon you will be eating a donkey or rat claimed to be beef!!! I mean burger king was using horse meant soon as the law receded on horse slaughter houses... Wendy's even said they were goign to take hamburgers off their menu, bc of the shortage...

  6. He’s gonna open bars and restaurants effective 5 pm Friday, the 29th.

  7. Send that pos this 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  8. For what it's worth Joe I saw a man who has a grocery store chains in NY and he was on FoxNews the other day and he said he was assured meat prices would be going down soon by industry reps. How long soon is will be determined by location it seemed. So some places sooner then others. I've noticed the prices have soared in the grocery stores especially on beef. People don't realize the costs behind doing business.

  9. I will guess it will follow Delaware. 30% and outside seating as well. Lots of restrictions. People go out to enjoy themselves and relax. It will not be an enjoyable experience.

  10. He is not going to let you open up at 100% - there is no way - after what happened on the boardwalk - whether the pictures were doctored or not - that was what the news media decided to report on. You will be lucky to get 50% - with social distancing and face masks. Me, personally after witnessing the boardwalk this weekend - I say open everything up!!! Its completely unfair and by the way - schools need to start in the fall - and federal employees need to go back to work.

  11. The one thing I learned from this pandemic is that pretty much everyone business owner no matter what type of business operates on a razor thin margin and when times are good they do good, but when times are bad we are all two paychecks away from total disaster. Today, if you are lucky you will get 50% with social distancing. I just hope you get outside seating - that will really help and your restaurant is perfect for it.

  12. 1:24 you are CORRECT!

  13. What ever he says.....

    I'm staying home till my "bars" are back to normal - no masks or 6 feet.

  14. I'm afraid it will be outdoor seating only this next phase. You are right about the food prices and that's even if you can get the stuff. Good Luck this weekend to all Restaurant establishments in Maryland.

  15. Not on the food subject but has everyone noticed from Cambridge to OC gas went up to 1.99.9 a gallon last Thursday that is 30 cents a gallon here in Cambridge. What's up with this I thought oil and gas was so cheap.

  16. When you go to the bar or restaurant, leave cellphones in your cars, so they will not be within 6 feet of others. Maryland's tracking system is fully operational, and it will be a tool used to bust the Owners of these establishments. Owners should put up signage to this effect.

  17. 12:44 I got one for him now, the second one will open up for "phase 2"

  18. You know people don't leave their phones in their cars! What would they do without them?
    They would have nothing to stare at or fiddle with when they have real live humans across the table they could be talking to.

  19. I do not think this will end well, opening up when cases are still averaging a 1000 a day and acute patients are on the rise.

  20. Please respect my King Hogan , us serfs respect his decision to die hungry and without meds.., However he is nice piece of $hit , who is going to make crap decisions , cause he can .

  21. Maryland a bad dream..wake me up honey when we are over the border

  22. 5:29: just turn off Bluetooth and WiFi on your phone. Cellular alone isn’t accurate enough to say how close you are. Also both Bluetooth and WiFi being on allows stores to fingerprint your habits and sell the data. Even if you don’t connect to anything. Just having it on is what creates the tracking issue. It also allows anyone to compare your unique token to someone else’s. So if you say you never saw someone I can prove you were within 6 inches of them from the dB level of your token to their phone via their history and the local beacons in the stores. Big brother has been this way the last few years. Google WiFi and Bluetooth honeypots in retailers. Same concept of how McDonald’s uses the hidden receivers to know where your number is for them to bring your meal. There’s a Bluetooth transmitter in the number. They also collect your phone information and sell it.

  23. Stenny Hoyer. Nancy pelosi’s bitch.

  24. Of course Everything will Go Wide Open !!! The Rules are There are
    No Rules !!!


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