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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Too many bodies: Detroit's Sinai-Grace runs out of space to store dead

The grim and chaotic scene unfolding at Detroit Medical Center's Sinai-Grace Hospital may have just been summed up in two photos.

Shared among staff and obtained by CNN, one image shows more than a dozen bagged bodies lying in what's reportedly a refrigerator storage unit. Another shows bagged bodies in a room typically reserved for sleep studies.

Sinai-Grace, the only hospital on Detroit's northwest side, has been grappling with an onslaught of COVID-19 patients and a shortage of staff and resources to deal with them.

Staff tell CNN the rooms were repurposed to hold corpses because there was nowhere else to put them.

The two sources tell CNN that at least one room ... was used to store bodies because morgue staff did not work at night, and the morgue was full.

"All I know is we ran out of beds to keep our patients on so we couldn't spare any for the bodies," said one ER worker, who witnessed the bodies in the room.



  1. So, what? The hospital administration didn't anticipate the very real and imminent need, and neither did Detroit's city government reach out to mitigate the problem. Of course, CNN was there to stoke the fire and make the hospital's immediate response to the need seem over the top.

  2. The Mayor is looking into a process to turn them into food for pets and the homeless. A Green type cracker that is full of vitamins and nutritional.

  3. 10:05 this is how you know it is fake or not as bad as they to say... they have media, using fake pics from supposedly Italy to say it is our hospitals, they did this twice even after being called out and publicly apologizing... They all tell you to social distance, yet the got people on live tv don't do this!!! Cops are releasing criminals and stop going to petty crime calls yet will lock you up for not staying of the beach????? You have the govt on live tv say they are counting anyone who tested positive before death or after death as a covid-19 case no matter how they died... IF you killed yourself and then they tested you, you are a covid-case not a suicide case... So the numbers are fake!!!! No one on here, can shoe me a death certificate, show me hospital bills, show me they know someone, or they know someone who knows someone that died, or got sick or got sick and recovered!!!! Yet there are so many cases right??? You have the govt say it takes 6 feet to be protected for social distancing, yet MIT who is supposed to be smarter than them, say it could be up to 20+ feet needed for safety!!!! They you have clowns saying the virus lives on surfaces for days and weeks, or stays in the air for hours if not days... This is all a lie!!!! Or we would have every deceases and even Ebola laying around on everything...

    So tell me again how this is real???? I know people who work in the hospital, and it is not bad as you clowns make it to be or say it is or the media... Hell the satellite offices of the hospital still see patents even after some of them came in positive, so do you really think its that bad when you have people allowing this to spread??? I mean after all, you bitch and moan like JOE does about out of state people who own homes here, who have a right to be here... But no one seems to offer any proof of anything, but the fake numbers from John Hopkins!!!!

    If you people get any more stupid, you will literally need someone to watch you 24/7 to yell at you to breathe every 5 seconds or you will die...

  4. It is my understanding that the "funeral homes" are not operating - hence backup at hospital. If that 8s the way Detroit handles your lived ones body - say away. I believe it is another CNN Fake news.

  5. I used to think a lot more of Anderson Cooper. He is an Vanderbilt in the end.

  6. Should be used to it with all the shootings

  7. Anderson still showing the same Detroit picture. Keep stirring it CNN, keep stirring it.

  8. so tell me who is doing the tests? this is all supposedly a new virus. How do they know what to look for while doing the test? Have they been trained? Do they know what to look for? How do they know that the test even actually looks for a specific virus? Can somebody that works in a lab explain all of this to us? What training did you get to know what to look for? How accurate is the test? How many are actually being tested in Wicomico? Somebody give us some insight.

  9. 1602 dead to date in the entire state of Michigan since this began. you would think that someone in that state could figure it out. but this is the state that can even figure out clean water

  10. Plenty of refrigerated tractor trailers in America !!!


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