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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Surgeon General Jerome Adams Challenges ‘Big Momma’ Political Media Firestorm

Surgeon General Jerome Adams expressed the frustration of trying to communicate the principles of health during the coronavirus crisis in a partisan politicized media environment.

In an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, Adams said it was “shocking” his words were wilfully “mis-portrayed” and “mis-characterized” by many in the establishment media.

“It’s the challenge of communicating in a highly partisan and political environment,” Adams said. “And I just want to talk about health and medicine … unfortunately, we’re having to deal with the fact that everything is viewed through a political lens.”

White House reporter Yamiche Alcindor challenged Adams for using the terms “Big Momma” and “Granddaddy” and “Abuela” on Friday while speaking to the black and Hispanic communities about fighting the spread of the coronavirus.

“We need you to do this,” Adams said. “If not for yourself, then for your Abuela. Do it for your granddaddy. Do it for your Big Momma. Do it for your Pop-Pop.”

Adams said he was speaking from his own experience as a black man and having a Puerto Rician niece, who referred to her grandmother as “Abuela.”

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  1. Liberal democrat run news media is just full of scumbags. Leave the man alone it is called speaking from the heart.

  2. Really? In the midst of this, speaking truthly means so much. Spewing hatred via CNN, MSNBC et al 24/7 really needs to end.

    Or when the time comes (based on history) and there's an administration change it will be lather/rinse/repeat with the other side. You did it, now its our turn mentality.

  3. 1018 why do you clowns continue to run your mouth about "liberal dem media". You do realize that much of the media, conservative and liberal, are all selling you BS stories to keep you watching and listening right? If you are against propaganda, then be against it no matter the source. Else you come off looking like an idiot.

    On this story, the way its written the media did just as bad a job as they did last week on the whole firing of Cpt. Crozier. Media reports of the Navy Sec. calling the Cpt "stupid" were grossly inaccurate. That is not what he said or meant.

    In this story, they are saying people are upset because the Surgeon Gen reference "Big Momma". That is NOT what people are speaking out about. People are calling the Surgeon Gen. out on his BS for spreading some false narrative that blacks are getting sick and dying from COVID at a higher rate because, without any evidence to back it, blacks are supposedly out drinking and doing drugs and ignoring the COVID precautions. This is an absolute garbage BS narrative that certainly a black man in his position would understand is dangerous to spread. Blacks are getting heavily impacted in the cities because they are the essential employees going to work, often they have to crowd into public transportation to get there, and they are dying due to a number of pre-existing conditions. These pre-existing conditions are the same ones taking out people from across the racial spectrum.

    The issue here is STOP spreading nonsense BS stories, whether its the media or officials, and stick to the facts. Time for all of the American people to demand facts and truth, stop soaking up whatever nonsense strokes your political ideology, and actually hold officials accountable no matter what party they are from.

  4. So petty to make an issue of a man’s right to free speech...

  5. Agree. It's time we drop the political correctness. Unfortunately it will never happen. Thank God for Trump.

  6. The "PC" crowd just really irk me sometimes. He was speaking from the heart. I think some of the "offended" should just suck it up. I think the lady took exception because of the "big" in "big momma." Why else would that comment offend her. Granddaddy, pop-pop, big momma. There is nothing wrong with either of those names. I have heard a black man talk about his "big momma" who was actually his Grandmother and she raised him. What is the problem. I hope this isn't the kind of stuff they teach people today.

  7. 11:14 Did you listen to the whole thing???? I think you need to listen again and take some notes.

    he spent 5 minutes talking about how to avoid social contact, the fact that African Americans live in closer proximity housing and have jobs that don't always allow them to work from home. Some may live in multi-generational households.
    he did not ONCE in the whole speech push a narrative. He mentioned to avoid being close to one and wash hands, check on family and because because blacks have higher stats on heart disease and other illnesses that can contribute to a bad outcome.

    In passing he mentioned a whole slew of things to avoid, he said "avoid drugs and alcohol" and that was the only mention in the entire speech!!!

    How does one get that he is pushing a narrative??? everthing he said was true, I lived in Inner City Baltimore and had friends & relatives like this!

  8. He's clean and articulate.


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