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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Rand Paul on His Coronavirus Experience: ‘No Symptoms’

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), fresh off of his bout with coronavirus, told Fox News Channel on Monday he had what he deemed to be an “extraordinarily mild case.”

According to Paul, who is now serving as a volunteer at his local hospital, he did not show the symptoms others had because of the virus.

“Well, you know, in my case, I had an extraordinarily mild case,” he said. “I had no symptoms. Never had a headache. Never had a body ache. Never had a fever. Never had a cough. I didn’t really have any symptoms. In fact, I would not have even gone to the doctor’s office had I not known this was about and that I had been traveling so much.”



  1. You had no symptoms becasue you didn't have the virus!!!!! You got tested with a bogus test that is going around from china... When have you never had a fever with the flu??? I'll wait!!!!!!

  2. 1115-Between 1/3-1/2 of all Coronavirus cases are asymptomatic, meaning little or no symptoms.

  3. So, why was he tested if he didn't have any symptoms?

    1. High profile person... high up on the food chain


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