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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump talks about reopening US amid coronavirus fight after virus takes toll on economy, way of life

President Trump, who previously warned on Twitter that the country's efforts to halt the spread of coronavirus cannot “be worse than the problem itself," appears poised to begin reopening parts of the economy as unemployment soars to Depression-era levels and residents of several states chafe under orders to stay in their homes.

The unusual and dramatic restrictions put in place by federal, state and local governments relying on projections from epidemiologists have caused the economy to grind to a halt and prompted many Americans to claim that their civil liberties are another casualty of the disease. People have been barred from going to church, visiting relatives and holding weddings and funerals. But Trump's main concern appears to be the economy, which has shed more than 16 million jobs in just three weeks.

“If it were up to the doctors, they may say, ’Let’s keep it shut down ― let’s shut down the entire world,” Trump told reporters last month. “You can’t do that with a country ― especially the No. 1 economy anywhere in the world, by far … you can’t do that. It causes bigger problems than the original.”



  1. I for one don't want to go back and stand in line for surplus food as I did as a child.

  2. Thank you 11:42, I don't think people realize just how hard life was. I'm not old enough to have been through it but I appreciate those who have. My grandfather told me stories that broke my heart. I have an appreciation for my life, I will pass these things on to my kids.

  3. He needs to lay down before he ruins his election !!! He can't, not anyone
    else control when a virus will end !!!

  4. He will do what is right and best for America!! He cares!! I love Trump!!


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