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Friday, April 03, 2020

Rhode Island Using National Guard To Monitor State Borders

The Rhode Island National Guard is ready to track who is coming into the Ocean State.

According to The Hartford Courant, the soldiers began appearing at checkpoints near the Connecticut border on Wednesday, April 1 to track the information of those with out-of-state license plates.

That information will then be relayed to the state’s health department. From there, the health department will contact those visitors to check on their well-being and assess the risk that they are carrying coronavirus. Currently, anyone entering Rhode Island for non-work purposes is required to self-quarantine for 14 days. Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo issued that executive order on Saturday, March 28.

The American Civil Liberties Union is not happy about these measures.



  1. chaaaaaaa CHING!

  2. And the D with ears from New York City says he's gonna sue...

  3. Hope people remember this when it is time to go on vacation, or where they spend their money.

  4. Insanity whats the difference between a worker non workers risk again?? Welcome to the new AMERIKA folks.DEMS lost last election and biden obvious upcoming loss. So they just decided to go full steam ahead with the transformation. Perfect timing i guess?


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