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Friday, April 03, 2020

The Story About 3M Masks Being Sold Overseas By The Mainstream Media Is Just Plain Misleading

I used to be a manufacturer. Here's how a manufacturing business works. I manufacture and distribute products and then sell to Master Distributors around the world. That Distributor then sells my product to Dealers who then sell the end users.

Once my product is sold to my Master Distributor, I have NO SAY as to who and where they are allowed to sell that product. 

The Mainstream Media is not telling Americans the truth, or they simply do not understand how business works because not many of you understood this process to start with. Instead they are blaming 3M as if they are purposely hurting Americans. I'm confident 3M is working diligently with their Master Distributors to encourage them to only sell into the United States at this time but let me assure you, this may not be possible according to their contractual agreements with them currently.

I just wanted to clear the air and let the rest of America know this is not 3M's fault. Oh sure, some Liberal will come back in comments and claim 3M should've known better or whatever. NO ONE ever saw this coming. It is the mainstream media who is deceiving the public on this mater because they are too young and too stupid to completely understand ANYTHING about how a real business is run.


  1. Leftmedia now trying to destroy businesses and make things worse,I think it’s their master plan.

  2. Do you really expect the media to understand business dealings? Ha! Ha, ha! LOL! ROTFL! ROTFLMAO!

  3. I'm going to take Trumps word over yours, for the simple fact...his resources to be in the know are far above yours, but we've all noticed youve swung hard left lately.

  4. I believe nothing the media reports

  5. Left with a master plan? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Even if u gave exact directions to the palace, they still couldn't understand.

    Remember, they propped up Hildabeast several times and look what happened. Now granny remains and cannot catch any tv time to studded their master plan.

    Master plan? Bwhahahaahahah. I needed that.

  6. The problem is 3m is in CHINA.

  7. A Liberal really well im not one so i will come on here and challange your stupid bussiness model. 3m can sell direct if they want too!! Its FEMA you idiot not some dumb libtard bussiness like you may opreate. Its scumbag bussiness morons like you who got us here to start with!!


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