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Friday, April 03, 2020

Easy De-contamination of Used Masks

This idea came from a pre-med student in Bowling Green, Ohio who has been working as a hospital nurse's aide while waiting (and waiting) to get accepted into medical school.

He is also an Eagle Scout.

I thought this was an exceptional idea, using materials at hand to solve a pretty critical need. Though his plan uses their blanket warmers, it would also be theoretically possible to do this with a crockpot, which could be placed in the nursing areas.

If you know a healthcare/first responder in similar circumstances, maybe you can share this with them to help them get through this temporary crisis till they can get re-supplied with more masks.


  1. 60 seconds of strong UV light sanitizes masks not exposed to deemed positive patients. Many facilities all ready have UV boxes to sanitize phones etc. and are using them to clean the one mask that health care workers are given. Sadly the non N95 masks given most workers and you see the population at large wearing really only protects others from YOU not you from them or anything else.

  2. Use UV LIGHT!!! This is fake, it will ruin the integrity of your mask!!! And you think these retarded monkeys want to help us???

  3. I just soak it in good bourbon.

  4. masks are like gold now days. If you have one you will need to reuse them so, clean with care!


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