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Friday, April 03, 2020

MD has only received a fraction of medical equipment it requested

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - Maryland could face a blow in its fight against the coronavirus, as it received only a fraction of the critical equipment requested from the federal government.

The state’s request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency included more than 778,000 face and surgical masks, but received just over 260,000. The state asked for just over 330,000 gloves, but received less than half that amount.

“This is a very disturbing report. Unfortunately, it’s not a surprise,“ said Senator Chris Van Hollen. “We got to get this done. If we don’t do this, then we’re going to obviously be losing people on the front lines if they get sick with coronavirus. [People like] those healthcare workers can’t be there to help others, the first responders won’t be there to help others. 


Editor's Note: The last sentence speaks volume "According to FEMA, the state also requested 15,000 body bags, but hasn’t received any."


  1. And ONLY a Fraction of UNEMPLOYMENT People able to FILE !!!!

    State needs to get the NEW system UP NOW !!! So we can FILE !!!!

  2. Got to ask this question, did the state plan ahead of time for this pandemic or are they just whining now because they did not. Is the federal government prioritizing where they send equipment until more can be manufactured. We so far have 36 dead and you are asking for how many body bags??

  3. According to the Murray model, the one used by the Administration, the absolute upper bounds of possible deaths in MD is less than 5000. And that is through summer after things slow. The request for 15,000 body bags is unwarranted and ridiculous. MD is trying to stockpile like other selfish states are. Good on the Fed for saying "no".

  4. Singing a different tune Van Hollen? You too are a day late and a dollar short.

  5. Don't expect ANY $$$ from Govt for 4 weeks or more !!!

  6. So Maryland was not prepared at all for any kind of epidemic or pandemic now it's the Federal government's fault. No it's the elected officials in the state of Maryland's FAULT. Quit kicking the can down the road and blaming your lack of doing your job by Democratic finger pointing. It's the responsibility of every state to have their own stockpile of protective equipment for such things. They had the money given to them by the federal government to do it but choose to spent it elsewhere.

  7. April 3, 2020 at 10:17 AM:

    Amen brother. You hit the nail on the head.

  8. It's interesting to note that FEMA and the federal government only serve as a holding party for the materials the states advise could or would be needed in time of emergency. Each year the states compile a list of items they would like to have available in case of an emergency like this. The federal stockpile is based on the state's requests.

    This certainly an out of the ordinary emergency that could be planned for at some level but not this large. Our President was being called a racist for taking actions early, imagine where we would be if he didn't.

  9. Van Holland should be asking how many do we (Maryland) have on our shelf? FEMA is a backup not a primary source for these types of requirements. When Maryland conducted it last (SPR) Stakeholder Preparedness Review was Pandemic one of the Threats they considered when they conducted there (THIRA) Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment? Should Maryland expect FEMA to send them (Maryland) "stuff" they have in stock when other locations around the country may have exhausted their supply. People complained about citizens hording toilet paper... is this an example of Maryland not being a good corporate citizen. I fear they aftermath of this pandemic will bring out the worst in us rather than serving as a wake up call that we are not invincible and in times of national emergency we must work together.

  10. It seems as though the “leadership” of our state is lacking. As the question has been asked, were sufficient materials and equipment being stored for this and similar disasters by our state emergency agencies? To ask and seek such astronomical numbers From the Federal Government seems to indicate no.
    In addition, as has been pointed out in the above comments, the Governor needs to get priorities in order; requesting 15,000 body bags does not seem to be one of them, but the unemployment system functioning and response timeliness should absolutely be.

  11. Stop your whining. Tell the MSM to do the same.

  12. But some hospitals, like Hopkins have seen the Fed. response long ago was a complete failure. They have prepared on their own and are in fairly good shape. They do 1000 tests a day in house that have the result within 18 to 24 hours. Building a baseline to try to see the apex in Baltimore.
    They went rogue you might say as they saw Trumps failures.
    I have doctors there. Much different scenario in their readiness.

  13. Obamacare put a special tax on medical equipment. Whenever you tax something you get less of it. Duh!

  14. Quick question. What did Maryland have in it's emergency stock pile before the pandemic hit? Are we like New York who did absolutely nothing but now wants to put the blame all on the feds or did we really do something? How do we find this answer?

  15. MD is a liberal Democrat State and will continue when you never get a true Republican elected. Hogan is not a true Republican. Hogan is a rhino that always sides with the socialist Democrats. Van Holland is a follower and not a leader. IF he was he should know the dangers that Marylanders have to look forward to, since we are in the middle of DC and Dover. Van Holland is a typical socialist Democrat that does nothing and accuses every body else after the fact.

  16. Has Only recieved a FRACTION of Unemplyment Claims because noone

    gets to File until New System is up & running !! Still Waiting 2 weeks now

  17. Van Hollen replaced the Toad in the Senate. What has he been doing for the last few years IMPEACHMENT.


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