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Friday, April 03, 2020

Be Very Careful Where You Get Your SANITARY Masks


  1. Disturbing. People assume sanitary work practices are followed overseas. They are not..period. I work in manufacturing and even in the USA companies cut corners.

  2. Awesome! Saves us the trouble. Comes pre-loaded with germs.

  3. Buy Duct Tape , The Fix ALL go to !!!

  4. China Brand !!! The ones they send to America !!!

  5. They call this cottage industry. All nations did or are doing it, including the US and everywhere your family came from, even Atlantis.

  6. And the New England Patriots plane just went to China (where this crap started) to get masks to bring back here. Nice, just real nice. If they can't kill Americans one way, they'll do it another way.

  7. From a Nationality that dosent believe in using TP either.

  8. Most of the masks being sent to America from China have been test fitted on a face of a virus carrier so you know they fit.

  9. They get to claim they are sanitary masks because they have only been used once as a feminine sanitary napkin. Breath deep, they have not yet been used as a sanitary mask. Different use and allowed in what ever 3rd world area that was made in. OMG, it looks like Salisbury---for use in Salisbury!!!


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