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Friday, April 03, 2020

CV19 Made in China — Send Xi the Bill

There is a clear and indisputable liability case to be made against China, which should include remuneration of the economic costs to our nation.

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. … This could be a hell of a bad two weeks.” —President Donald Trump in reference to the coming surge in testing and deaths resulting from COVID-19 disease

In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump based his campaign on taking care of Americans first, and particularly on being less dependent on China and bringing our businesses home. As president, his actions to achieve those objectives with China have been much bolder than any president in history.

Given the current CV19 assault on our nation and the world, Trump’s efforts to unhitch America’s economy from China’s corrupt regime seem more prophetic by the minute.

People, we are in a “war,” as Trump has declared, and the first salvos were fired by our primary global adversary, communist China. That war is not only dangerous to the health of America and the world, but it is also having a significant impact on our national-security readiness — and I can assure you our adversaries, including China, are taking note.

As I’ve written previously, extricating ourselves and the economy that sustains us from the massive shutdown necessitated by the spread of this disease is going to be incredibly difficult and expensive, both in terms of human life and national treasure. Formulating and implementing an exit strategy will be the most difficult and complex policy decision by any president in decades, and I’m grateful that this unprecedented shutdown began during a record strong economy. Were it not, we’d be in a much worse place — as hard as that is to imagine.

But on the other side of the immediate crisis looms this fact:


  1. Very interesting article. I think everyone can agree China is complicit in this perpetration on the world; intended or not. China stood to gain with a vision of world economic dominance and to what cost...a few million dead Chinese? This nation cares little for human life which is abundantly clear. They care nothing for the environment, again proven facts. Greed and world dominance are the order of the day, at any cost.

  2. Send them a missile to take them out !!!

    1. Yup.
      Its time.
      No more messing around.

  3. sanitize red china with nuclear radiation

  4. 10:20

    Exactly what I said weeks ago .

  5. This should help reduce our deficit, (the China part)! Give them our Bill!

  6. They did this as a test to see what can be done & how the world reacts !!!

  7. The US government is in cahoots with China
    US is Facist, China is Communist

    2 sides of the same coin


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