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Friday, April 10, 2020

Marine who Served in Afghanistan Is Murdered in Chicago after Gang Pushes Him in Front of Train

Retired Marine Mamadou Balde who served in Afghanistan was murdered in Chicago on Tuesday night after a gang pushed him in front of a train.

Mamadou reportedly walked away from the men before they pushed him in front of the train.

Police are looking for the killers.



  1. There is a disproportionate number of Blacks being murdered in Chicago do to the spread of dumbocrat policies. Why isn't Mayor Lightfoot investigating this?

  2. They might want to vote in a true conservative and see how it goes. What do they have to lose?


  3. She's too busy getting her hair cut in violation of her edict on going out, etc.

    She's planning to be Biden's VP choice since she hits all the pandering race, gender and sexual preference flavors.

  4. identify the gang and execute all members.

  5. 351 deaths from corona-virus in Cook County so far.
    756 murders in 2016.
    564 murders in 2018.

    What is here to be learned?


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