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Friday, April 10, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Annapolis looks nice.......Salisbury......not so much Jakeass and his photo ops


  1. Hahaha, who came up with that location to take his picture. It looks like one of those old style prisons. Haaaahaaaa! This guy is sooo entertaining.

  2. He wants to be a big Deal so badly.

  3. did they make them from the panties of their boy friends

  4. Slumsbury will always be a dump.

  5. Just a small town girl livin in a lonely world

  6. Salisbury will never look nice like Annapolis. They have a mayor that has some sense, unlike Jakey boi. They don't have homo rainbow crosswalks either!

    1. Annapolis isn't what it used to be


  7. What? Jake managed not to get his pic taken against the backdrop of the zoo, Main St. destruction, goose poop amphitheater, drownabout, congested bike lanes, evidence locker at SPD, pastel crosswalk?

    Suprize, suprize! (sp)

  8. You idiots elected him and his drug seeking wife. Deal with it.

    1. No we didn’t lack of voter turnout did

    2. Wicomico County ResidentApril 10, 2020 at 10:22 PM

      We live in Wicomico County and are affected by Dick Jay's taxes.

      Things would be different in Salisbury if they allowed all of Wicomico County to vote for the City Mayor

  9. Is this for real?

  10. What an embarrassment this photo(shop?) is. The whole thing reeks of insecurity. Day stands with his arms folded, in a defensive posture, in front of shabby One Plaza East with its stained facade, looking down upon the viewer. Don't let them see the closed businesses and torn up sidewalks nearby.

  11. Should have been made of Jim Iretons panties.

  12. Jake is such a wanna be. It’s so pathetic.

  13. Jake is such a wanna be. It’s so pathetic.

  14. Jake is such a wanna be. It’s so pathetic.

  15. 10:55 We all didn't vote for Jake your ass-umption is stupid some of us voted for the good guy Wayne King which we would now be better off with. Wayne believed in repairing things in the city and actually getting the jobs done quickly not over the 5 year period the streets are still not done. Wayne did not endorse things like orange bicycles for the 1st Festival, painted sidewalks, round abouts, bike paths that are not even being used, every block up Rt13 North has at least 1+ block of smelly tire stores, little blue things on the roads in the city for the Fire Dept (NOT) 2 failed festivals and I guess another one after the virus, a downtown demolished for more bars and 3rd Fridays. No it was not the city that voted for Jake it was the drunks, and buddies for the future 2ND INNER HARBOR, and the stupid City Council that doesn't have a clue and never has. WE ALL DO NOT DRINK THE CHILD MAYOR KOOL AIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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