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Friday, April 10, 2020

Senate Democrats block additional $250 billion for small business loans

Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a move by the Trump administration and Senate Republicans to add $250 billion to an emergency fund that is helping small businesses keep employees on the payroll during the coronavirus pandemic, even as another 6.6 million people applied for unemployment benefits.

Democrats objected to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s bid to approve the extra money by unanimous consent, which would have allowed passage without requiring a majority of senators to travel back to Washington to vote in person.

Sen. Ben Cardin, Maryland Democrat, said the move was a “political stunt.”

Senate Small Business Chairman Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, said funds for other programs from the $2.2 trillion CARES Act have not yet been disbursed, but “demand for the Paycheck Protection Program remains incredibly high.”

“We are seeing a rate of $3.5 billion an hour on a nearly $350 billion program,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement after Democrats objected. “We have days, not weeks, until PPP runs out of money."



  1. My life or a senators life. Which is more important? Well 350million angry citizens is not a pretty picture.

  2. @₢؋֏௹₥₤¤ Democrats!!

  3. The small business program is a sham! Nothing but pandering for votes. Why, as a small business owner, do I want to keep employees on payroll who are NOT selling my product or service? Why would I go into debt to keep them? Give full support to Unemployment Benefits and I'll simply lay them off. Will call those same folks back as soon as I can open my doors. Everyone is so hyped up over partisan political kool aid on both sides, they aren't using common sense.

  4. They want added to the bill more for SNAP and illegals to receive checks of $2500.00 to get them thru this.

  5. If you would actually do your research on it, it's because Democrats want MORE done for small businesses. Take off your red vs blue blinders for 2 seconds.

  6. When members of a political party (Cardin) cannot agree to immediately increase funding in an area that has demonstrated a true need, but wants to “muddy” up the process, demonstrates a degree of callousness that is incomprehensible.

  7. Democrats want this stimulus to go to Minority Owned businesses and women owned business not helping all small businesses. They again are angling for their own way and not for the betterment of mankind!

  8. WAKE up America , Now you know WHO your Enemys are > Democrat !!!

    Fire them ALL 2020 !!! MAGA TRUMP 2020 !!!

  9. Good. Businesses have no guaranteed future in the new economy or may have already been in bankruptcy and/or ran by corrupt individuals looking to take the money and run. The business owners can live off of the individual payments like everyone else, or is that not good enough? Capitalism, don't we love it? Windfall opportunities are created by unforeseen circumstances. Or should we protest with the chant, "privatize my gains, socialize my losses!"?

  10. Speak for my self 46 years self employed, if you cant hang for two or three years an pay your way an your employed People. Your not self employed. You sneak in an grab what you can an run. Fly by night I see a lot of them. They do a bad job and you have to pay them.


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