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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kimberly Guilfoyle: Nobody Is Excited for Sleepy Joe, and the Proof Is in the Numbers

If it seems like people aren’t exactly ecstatic about Joe Biden, the latest fundraising numbers should remove all doubt.

Biden has always been a lackluster fundraiser whose campaign has had money woes throughout the Democratic primaries. Only the reluctant support of the Party establishment allowed him to prevail in the race against Senator Bernie Sanders and his army of enthusiastic small-dollar donors.

After the carefully timed withdrawals of Elizabeth Warren, Mike Bloomberg, and Pete Buttigieg handed Biden the presumptive nomination, the Democrat establishment clearly hoped that Sleepy Joe would finally start amassing a serious war chest. Initially, it seemed as though Biden might actually come through. Now that the final figures for March are in, however, it’s obvious that the enthusiasm just isn’t there.

The Democrat Party bosses got the candidate they wanted, but it’s not a candidate who inspires the kind of support necessary to defeat Donald Trump.



  1. How in the world has this man lasted in this game so long. Just goes to show how far you can go in the ass kissing game.

  2. So amazing to me that Warren, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and the others are supporting Biden. These were hard core pitchers of their own ability to lead America. I get the lock step mentality of the party line but these are supposedly intelligent people who are reduced to heap praise on a buffoon who has corruption and questionable moral ethics in his closet. Talk about swallowing the bitter pill.


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