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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Southern Poverty Law Center Now Has $162 Million Stashed in Offshore Accounts

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which last year faced accusations of racism among its highest ranks, reported $162 million stashed in offshore investments and paid its disgraced former leaders over $1 million.

The controversial group has continued to build its massive war chest by tens of millions of dollars even after employees claimed that the group's leadership allowed sexual harassment and racial discrimination against its minority staffers. The ensuing media firestorm ultimately led to the ousting of cofounder Morris Dees, longtime president Richard Cohen, and legal director Rhonda Brownstein from the group in March 2019. New forms, covering a period beginning Nov. 1, 2018, and ending on Oct. 31, 2019, show that Cohen and Brownstein each received six-figure severance packages.

Critics of the SPLC in recent years have characterized the group as a money racket that labels conservative organizations as "hate groups" to fundraise, and its most recent financial forms may fuel that criticism.

More here


  1. They should bring the money home and hand it out to those in POVERTY.

  2. That would make too much sense 7:38 AM. This is just another tentacle of the Soros empire established to alter the world.

  3. Take away their tax exempt status. Then require proof of where the money come from when they spend it. The government makes us fill out forms if we pay cash, was $10,000 and now $5,000 for anything. Also if you deposit these amounts at one time.

  4. AG Barr is watching you freaksApril 30, 2020 at 9:34 PM

    The peace Alliance of the lower Shore donates big money to this Anti Gun lobby.....
    using John Wrights Unitarian fellowship church as a front to launder large amounts of cash


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