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Thursday, April 30, 2020

AG Barr orders DOJ to start investigations into states violating constitutional rights, civil liberties

According to US Attorney General Bill Barr, some states might be in for more than just a slap on the wrist for their over-reaching policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cristina Laila of The Gateway Pundit reported:

“US Attorney General Bill Barr on Monday issued a 2-page memo ordering US Attorneys to be on the ‘lookout’ for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens amid the Coronavirus pandemic.”

She further said that it is believed that state and local officials have overstepped their bounds of authority by issuing “lockdown” orders that not only surpass their position’s ability to issue such orders, but violate the constitutional rights of their citizens.



  1. Please please make this happen, and make examples of officials. We need somebody in our corner or we're going to lose our rights.

  2. Well that would be ALL OF THEM - a few less than others.

  3. You have the right to be an idiot when it only affects you. When the infowars readers are sneezing all over the produce because the government told them to wear a mask it starts to affect everyone. Now, if the government wouldn't have placed restrictions well, I'm sure the lot of you who got infected would still demand treatment

  4. Perhaps they should investigate the White House awarding a $55 million contract to a bankrupt company with 0 employees to produce n95 masks.

  5. Ain't doing any good to bother !!! Govt can do what it wants , and Just did !!

    Can suspend the "Constitution " / Martial Law / & More !!!

    If people don't like it > TUFF

  6. 8:20

    Please enlighten us on your absurd post.

    Or are you talking about the dimwit dumbocrat of Califarnistan that awarded a 1 BILLION dollar contract to a Chinese electric car manufacturer for masks?

    Maybe your just a little confused like uncle Joe.

  7. Great he is doing this. However, I want to see these pols and others prosecuted an thrown in jail. Just pointing the finger at them is not enough. Put them in jail!


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