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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Governor Hogan Statement Regarding Fiscal Relief for the States

Nation’s Governors Urge Congress to Take Action to Support States’ COVID-19 Response on the Front Lines

Governor Larry Hogan, Chair of the National Governors Association, today issued the following statement:

“Today, on behalf of the nation’s governors, I led another teleconference with the Vice President and the White House regarding our coordinated response to COVID-19.

“Governors are on the front lines of the on-the-ground response, implementing aggressive measures that are beginning to successfully flatten the curve of the spread of the virus. The COVID-19 response is resulting in catastrophic damage to state economies, and fiscal assistance is critical now so that we can continue leading this fight.

"The nation’s governors are urging Congress to act immediately and appropriate $500 billion specifically for the states and territories to meet our budgetary shortfalls that have resulted from this crisis.

“Without sufficient federal relief, states will have to confront the prospect of significant reductions to essential services, which will in turn devastate the economic recovery and our efforts to get people back to work.

“As I have said from the very beginning, this is not a time for politics. I have spoken to the leaders of Congress in both parties about the need for this relief. We have asked the administration to weigh in so that we can break this logjam in the Senate and get this done for the American people.”


  1. We can start with reopening our business's. Relief from the Federal government comes at an enormous cost.
    Let's work to eliminate the need to be dependent on the Feds.

  2. Time to start opening back up Larry

  3. Logjam in the Senate - it's Nancy who is logjamming.

  4. Gov. Hogan surely you know the logjam is being caused by the democrats. Since you so easily criticize Trump, truly you should be able to criticize the democrats specifically, should you not?

  5. Yeah, and they'll still raise our taxes as if they didn't get it.

  6. Need Trump in 2020 more than ever to beat back those rabid dogs.

  7. “As I have said from the very beginning, this is not a time for politics. yet he is leading the charge in playing politics.

  8. This point is that is absolutely political. The blue states like Md, Va, Ny , NJ, IL, Ca want to steal $ from the fiscally responsible red states to pay for their failed liberal policies and bloated underwater pension systems for retired gov employees. Thats all

  9. 11:37 MD already as, called the kirwin plan, and all of that SI ON TOP OF everything else tax and fee related, ON TOP OF what ever the federal govt will do to make the money back up, I.E. more taxes!!!!

    But this shouldn't bother you, and you shouldn't be worried, becasue remember, you are a good slave and don't care about all of this mess right??? I mean after all, those who yell the loudest never do anything to solve the problems, they are always part of or helped cause the problem themselves right???

  10. Larry said "Nuck, nuck, nuck, geez I think I did do-do in my pants! Moe help me out!"

  11. We don't need anymore stimulus we need to open up the economy. Yes Hogan you are one of the biggest using this for politics

  12. Md better get on the ball & get those checks out Now !!!

    We all SHOULD get back to March 29 , back pay @ 600 wk (Fed $) + any
    Unemployment due from MD !!! Hold MD accountable !!!!

    Md is holding the 600 (Fed $) until this Friday > NOT Right !!
    They are just collecting interest on OUR $$$ as long as they can !!!!

  13. The gov. shuts down businesses and destroys people's livelihoods. Then he complains that the state is suffering financially. Boo-hoo, and what did he expect? Attention lawyers: How about some nice class-action, pro-business suits against the state?

  14. Maryland needs to start spending on priorities and not Democrat desires. Hogan is not only raising taxes but still stealing from the State of Maryland Employees Retirement Fund that is the employees money they contributed to as mandatory a condition of employment. Hogan is not making any effort to repay these millions back with interest.

  15. how about some fiscal relief for the taxpaying families of the peoples republic of maryland? didn't think so you rino commie pos!

  16. Governors , including Hogan, are using the corona virus to get money for their states structural deficits that they had way before the virus. This is democrat states looking for bail outs after spending all their funds on social programs. Oh, and Maryland is one of those states. Hogan is looking for bail outs for Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Montgomery County. Did you notice that 80% of all requested funds for Kirwan will go to these failing areas. Way to go Democrats, you get what you deserve.


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