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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

GOP Activist: Suspend All Work Visas Until U.S. Graduates Get Jobs

GOP and Democrat politicians can win massive support from millions of young graduates by just opposing the inflow of foreign visa workers into the good jobs that American graduates need to pay their college debts, says Charlie Kirk, founder ofTurning Point USA.

“You’ve got 5 million kids that are scheduled to graduate, with no ceremony, in the next three to four weeks [and] they’re going to be entering the worst job market in American history,” he said in an April 9 tweet:

You want to win the youth vote? Suspend all visas. That’s right: Every single visa so every single one of those college kids can get a job.

Foreign nationals should not be getting the jobs that our college kids went into debt to go get. Every single one of those kids should be given preference and precedence over some foreign national that might be able to take advantage of our visa process, and that’s why I called for a total and completemoratorium on all visas till we get to pre-pandemic unemployment levels, and even after that, we should pass the RAISE Act by Sen. Tom Cotton which cuts our visas dramatically.

Turning Point USA has built many groups on many U.S. campuses, where many students are rising up against their universities’ growing and profitable participation in the visa worker economy. The wave of activism has gained strength as the coronavirus crash has destroyed 2020 job opportunities for many soon-to-be graduates.



  1. Wow - something that makes sense, yet the lather/rinse/repeat mentality will not like it.

  2. This is my third recession. What do they all have in common? Republicans in charge.


  3. Go one step further-- suspend all work AND STUDENT visas to Chinese nationals.

    Give them 30 days to leave the country, and be sure they do. Jail them if they don't.

  4. if the kids in the past didnt want the jobs what makes you think they want them now. this is why work visas were created.

  5. Sorry, but most college graduates don't have the skills and rigor to compete with students who attended schools in colleges in Europe and Asia. I'm a teacher and I have lived in both Asia and Europe. Look at international standards and you will see for yourself.

  6. Well 935 - those with skills and rigor from outside the USA can...well STAY away from here on out.

  7. Seriously ,. why then , just before the pandemic, were 7 million jobs open. Americans DO NOT WANT THEM


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