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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pollak: New York Shows No Government Was Fully Prepared for Coronavirus

The assessments of the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak have already begun.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) — who was holding his doomed impeachment trial as coronavirus arrived in the U.S. — has proposed a bill to create a 9/11-style commission.

That bill is likely dead on arrival, but some kind of examination is inevitable.

When it happens, it should note that no government — federal, state, or local — was fully prepared to meet the challenge of the new pandemic.

Take New York, for example. The New York Times — which is determined to scapegoat President Donald Trump, and conservative media, for the outbreak — nonetheless reported last week that New York State had been slow to respond.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio encouraged residents to go on with life as normal, well into mid-March.



  1. This should be no surprise to anyone. All states, including the Governor of Md., worry more about providing monies and services to illegal aliens than having funds and equipment for emergencies such as COVID-19. It is a darn shame. Hopefully voters will have a greater awareness of this behavior once this is over. Governor Hogan you cannot hide behind Trump forever.

  2. How many people died as a result of Democrats incompetence?

  3. More excuses for Trump. He held campaign rally after campaign rally in February taking literally no action against the pandemic.

  4. 12:27 democrats established the Pandemic Response team that Trump's administration disbanded years ago. Just shut up.

    1. It wasn't disbanded, it was reorganized to be more streamlined so the right and left hand knew what the other was doing.

  5. Takes a genius to be a Monday Morning QB.

  6. America's Govt's are NOT ready for Anything anyway !!!


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