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Friday, April 03, 2020

In desperation, New York State pays up to 15 times the normal prices for medical equipment

State data shows that New York is paying enormous markups for vital supplies, including almost $250,000 for an X-ray machine. Laws against price gouging usually don’t apply.

With the coronavirus outbreak creating an unprecedented demand for medical supplies and equipment, New York state has paid 20 cents for gloves that normally cost less than a nickel and as much as $7.50 each for masks, about 15 times the usual price. It’s paid up to $2,795 for infusion pumps, more than twice the regular rate. And $248,841 for a portable X-ray machine that typically sells for $30,000 to $80,000.

This payment data, provided by state officials, shows just how much the shortage of key medical equipment is driving up prices. Forced to venture outside their usual vendors and contracts, states and cities are paying exorbitant sums on a spot market ruled by supply and demand. Although New York’s attorney general has denounced excessive prices, and ordered merchants to stop overcharging people for hand sanitizers and disinfectant sprays, state laws against price gouging generally don’t apply to government purchases.



  1. Sucks doesnn't it! How many years were we raped by the medical system???? That $0.50 bag of iv solution that you jacked the price up by 1000% was ok as long as you got paid, so shut up and pay the people!

  2. LOL got to love those Proactive Democrats .

  3. New York pays premium prices for everything, right on down to pigeon poop.

  4. Then charge for GOUGING then !!!

  5. Throw in some hand sanitizer and it's an offer you can't refuse.

  6. Do any of us give a crap? New Yorkers suck, they are rude, and nasty people.

  7. Well if they hadn't thrown billion + down the toilet on all their failed green deals they would be better prepared

  8. A victim of their own tax greed

  9. F those Lib states . They worry more about 🌈 and manbuns and socialism.

  10. Maybe they shouldn't have spent so much money on the illegals, maybe then they would have been prepared.

  11. Those NY voters wanted it.they sure got it and will continue to get it. Cant fix stupid til you vote out your democrats

  12. Those NY voters wanted it.they sure got it and will continue to get it. Cant fix stupid til you vote out your democrats


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