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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Ingraham: Are Americans starting to tune out blue state politicians?


  1. Sorry Laura, Americans are starting to tune out ALL politicians.

    I sure as hell am!

  2. I would imagine so. The liberals have no platform and are supporting a dunderhead for their candidate. Americans should be fed up with the distractions...i.e. Russia collusion, Quid Pro Quo, impeachment. Americans should be fed up with the attempts to derail Trump from the get go all the while this administration has put America back on top. It becomes painfully obvious that Trump has done more in three years than Obama did in eight showing the difference between competence and incompetence. It is also painfully obvious that the liberal left is plain and simply jealous of Trump's success and turning the country conservative.

  3. A Blue state politician - is that the tidy bowl man?

    Sorry snowflakes - look that up on your google machines!


  4. America will be Tuning OUT Democrats Period !!! 2020 MAGA

  5. No, we are listening to them more. She's just a mouthpiece for Trumps failed policies.
    Surely making a fortune as Trump continues to help the 1 % and not the rest of us.

    1. Through all of this, this is what I have witnessed. The rich got their money, now we are sent back to work. Oh it will be safe, just go. But, the RICH got their money.

  6. I have been doing that for months. But I still check in now and then to keep an eye on them. If no one watches them just imagine what they would try to sneak thru.


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