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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Wicomico County Is Facing Very Serious And Damaging Issues

Yesterday we published an article that delivered two videos, one of which was extremely powerful. I hope most, if not all of you actually watched the first video in its entirety. 

One topic of great concern that was slightly touched upon was the beef between the Council and the Executive referencing the Finance Director position. I would be doing you an injustice if I didn't also mention the beef between the County Attorney position as well.

Look Folks, I'm a very busy man as most of you know. I got up at 3:00 this morning to review that video myself as it did not become available till late yesterday. These issues are some of the most serious issues I have ever experienced in my lifetime when it comes to Wicomico County.

According to this Council, we have no attorney or finance director, which means the County is literally crippled. Most business cannot be done while this beef continues. As one Council Member stated, this has been going on for TWO YEARS. This crap needs to end and we've already been through one Council President, now we have another and this crap continues.

As one public commenter sated, we can take the million additional dollars gifted by this Council to the Public Library and move those funds to more serious and pressing issues desperately needed in the States Attorneys Office, case close. Screw the Drag Queen Reading crap and move those funds to them instead. 

In the mean time, contact whomever necessary to pass final judgment on weather or not the county attorney and finance director are legal or not, period. The DRAMA needs to end immediately.

What I also found interesting from this meeting is that I personally approached the County Executive several months ago about possibly becoming a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. His reply was, you're the first person to request this. I am so pleased local citizens are coming together for this request but I must inform you, this is only an honorary request. In other words, (and Sheriff Mike Lewis is well aware) we can create such legislation but the reality is that we MUST follow State guidelines. If our representatives in Annapolis create legislation against such a position we MUST follow and that goes for Sheriff Mike Lewis enforcing their demands. 

Now Mike can scream at the top of the mountain, he can even resign after pounding his chest but let me assure all of you the only thing Mike will gain from such is his first step into his next job and that will be to run for political office. It's a grandstanding position IF he doesn't expose the TRUE outcome of Annapolis/State legislation.

As for the main part of this meeting, well Folks, I told you so well in advance. Well ahead of ANY local media source. In fact we broke the news on all of the topics at hand in that video. Mayor Jake Day and Police Chief Barbara Duncan need to resign immediately. Between the major issues with Jake's wife and the fact that they conveniently made that sting for TWO pills OFF school grounds and never took the word of other students and the extent of what allegedly did happen on school grounds just makes us sick. The extent of what the public does not know about just how serious this mater actually created for one student truly pisses me off. I'm refraining from that exposure because I don't want to create any further damage to this individual. Just know that she, (Jake's wife)  created a lot more damage then you know.

As for the Salisbury Police Officers, I can tell you that what they did personally affects my own household. We are retaining the best attorney on the Shore as the charges in our particular case were illegal and flat out wrong. I exposed this major flaw several years ago to a Judge, (on the record in court) and I was told that nothing could be changed because of a plea deal. We have already received a letter from the States Attorneys Office referencing this mater and here's what I want ALL of you to understand. We will be going after the City of Salisbury as we strongly feel that this was in RETALIATION of Salisbury News, (me personally) and the City will pay the price for such retaliation. There is NO question the charges were wrong and illegal. These Officers are sh!t and deserve everything they get in the end. People served and are serving years in jail for felonies that were not felonies. I'll leave it at that and we will see the outcome after our lawsuit is finalized. 

These are deep and serious issues Folks. The lawsuits will be massive and as I've stated before, this could take up to ten years to get to the bottom of thousands of cases. It will cost taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars, hence why I am demanding their resignation. Let me explain one last issue to prove how crooked your Police Chief is. If you'll recall back in the day the alleged phone spoof by then Mayor Ireton. The phone call originated in Delaware and was received in Delaware. According to Chief Duncan's own records this is a known FACT. She decided to create an investigation within the SPD yet this was NOT at all in her jurisdiction. Her goal was to ACT as if this issue was resolved to save face for her BOSS, Mayor Ireton. YOUR tax dollars were spent to halt EVERY single case in house and have every single detective instead investigate that alleged phone spoof. 

So yes, I now have a stake in this corruption and while some of it is personally embarrassing, I'm at least being honest and forthcoming. "You cannot fix something you are not aware of". I live by that rule and always have. It's amazing to me how so many people involved in all of this since 1997 were made aware, (not once but several times) yet they never FIXED the problem. Several people will go down for this corruption and UNFORTUNATELY the taxpayers will ultimately pay the price financially for their corruption!


  1. Time to put an end to local corruption!!

  2. First off I love your site but you really need spell check or a proofreader lol. 2ndly I don't see any major axe dropping on any of these corrupt officials until authorities not on the Shore are involved. Having moved away to Florida 4 years ago, I amazed how a normal city not the good old DMv operates. The shore is truly one of the most backwards behind the times places I've been. The questionable dealings in the Mayors office go back to Tilghman as best as I can remember. I hope you take them all down Joe, keep up the fight!

    1. Read your first sentence then apply the same to you.

    2. When someone responds to an informal forum with a grammar critique you know they are a liberal weenie so disregard anything that follows

  3. Joe, you know who’s fault it is that Wicomico County doesn’t have a legal Director of Finance and a County Attorney? Bob Culver. I know you are a Bob Culver friend but Culver is the culprit of this mess. Michele Ennis’ signature is on countless County checks and documents without the proper authorization. It’s only a matter of time before that blows up in Wicomico County. We have County officials and sitting County Council represents who ignore the County Charter (our Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc) and believe they can do, and vote, any way they feel like. A Capital Improvement Plan that the County has no money to fund and already has gone ahead with projects based solely upon the idea that the money will be reimbursed (pay go). A minimum wage increase that will hit $15/h that County officials have already stated will cost the County an added $7M a year. And recently, our elected official In Annapolis vetoed a tax increase bill that would have helped fund the Kirwin Education Program. That veto will push an even greater responsibility to pay upon the local county government. Money Wicomico County doesn’t have. It’s all going to come crashing down in a few short years, if not within 2020. Just wait and see. Then, who in their right mind would want to run for the position of County Executive and inherent this mess (at a full time salary of only $85,000). What idiots will run for a position on the County Council? Only a bunch of fools.

  4. It's that damn in breeding.

  5. 7:43, My job here is to present t facts. I have done so in this article. Look, the Executive says one thing and the Council says another. It's a power play between both parties. Today I will deliver documentation stating the Finance Director is legal. The Council has yet to provide any contradicting documents stating the position is in fact illegal. I was told the Council even took this to the Attorney Generals Office, yet they've not been able to provide documentation stating what Culver did was out of line. It seems to me it's all about how you read the charter and in my honest opinion the whole thing is ridiculous. Your Finance Director is more then qualified for the position. Hell, the County has never had someone more qualified. While everyone is pounding their chest for power, do your damn jobs so we can move forward.

  6. Joe,
    Unfortunately I think you are correct. Wicomico County is in some very dangerous waters. Coming from a family that has many generations born and raised here I have never been more concerned. I encourage our leaders to seek " Across the bridge " help and oversight on these many issues. Whether or not someone thinks these problems can be fixed from within or not, it's all about BUILDING FAITH AND TRUST BACK INTO THE COMMUNITY so we can get back to operating effectively and efficiently. People will assume AUTOMATICALLY if these problems were handled locally that they were not handled correctly. I love my community. I look at your site almost everyday. It hurts me to the core to see what is happening to our community. Let's pray for our leaders and ask GOD to give them clarity and the help they need. At the end of the day I think we all want things back to normal. We have to fix all this so we can hand the next generation a clean plate. When the dust settles on all these issues it will be important that the community believe in their local Government. In closing I'm praying for all of you and Joe thank you for keeping us up to date on these sensitive but important issues.

  7. Problem #1 - Bob Culver needs to follow the County Charter and hire a real County Attorney and a Director of finance. Bob Culver is the problem for violating the Charter and could possibly see jail time. Tread carefully on this one.

    Problem #2 - Barb Duncan, Jake Day, Jim Ireton and the entire city councils are the problem, not the county. The City Police Department is the problem and the City Administration are the ones keeping these thugs employed, not the county.

  8. Whatever the County suffers in investigative and prosecutors' costs can be sued for from the City, and if that means it bankrupts the City, then that will simply turn the city and its Government over to the County, lock, stock & barrel. This will truly fix the problem that has plagued the County for YEARS. Let the shoot hit the fan.

  9. Joe just let me say you have done a great job on these issues. There is no way local media would touch this. In a perfect world heads would roll. Sadly just like Washington these politicians will skate unless an independent source investigates these matters. Stay the course Joe. Thanks for keeping the little guys informed. There is so much more involved here. Keep digging.

  10. The Executive - Council charter issues have NOTHING to do with what the SPD has brought on the SA office! Two totally different issues.

    The county council, their contempt for county exec, and their charter amendments campaign have hampered Wicomico. This is nothing more than presidential politics playing out in our backyard. If you don't like the elected leader, just place more laws (charter amendments) on him. The only thing the council has done is put in place more needless regulation that will only come back to bite us!
    The county elected Bob, the council is still mostly republican (if only RINOs), and needs to follow and backup the executive office's lead (get things done).
    If you don't like the way the executive going - vote him out - don't legislate him into a corner.
    John Cannon and the rest of the sitting RINO's ARE the problem! If it was up to them the CITY's mayor would be running the county by proxy!

    1. Are you including Joe Holloway in your list of sitting RINO’s? If you watch the video, Joe Holloway is right there backing up every argument that a John Cannon is making about Wicomico County not having a legal Director of Finance and County Attorney.

  11. Joe, if others have received the same letter from the states attorneys office, what should they do and what does it mean?

  12. Joe, you did a great job of laying all this out, but you really missed it regarding Jake's wife. This is the second time I've said this as I KNOW it's true...She was set up by Jake himself. There is much more going on here than you seem to know.

    1. Now Jake is really nasty to his wife and this is well know, but tell me, how did he set up his wife? Planted the drugs?

    2. Get a clue:

      Jake is a Freemason along with the father
      His bosses set up his wife.
      One CANNOT refuse Masonic instructions.
      They swear a Blood Oath - no messing around

    3. He told her to get them for him. She has to do what he says. (In my opinion, added for legal purposes)

    4. 12:31
      You are telling too much and you know it.
      Stop it now.

  13. It seems like there is the clarification about finance director. Did the council ever actually come out and give a reason not to approve the attorney and finance director? At this point the public should know why.

  14. Joe Holloway has lost his way...He's my representative and I'm very disappointed in him.

  15. 11:32, you're right, Jake is very abusive...but you don't realize how this was actually set up to make her look bad...not everything is as it seems...I KNOW this for sure.

  16. Although the police dept and state's attorney's office can do an internal investigation, the FBI is already involved and doing their own investigation. It's not something that can be brushed on the rug in the hope that it will just go away. I dont think many citizens are aware that the FBI becomes involved the moment the problem is discovered. Local law enforcement and the county do not get to decide if an outside investigation is necessary.

  17. Go get them,Joe. Make them pay. Shoe them they are not as important as they think they are and also not above the law. I would love to see these self entitled scum behind bars.

  18. "A stake in the corruption," really? You are not even a citizen of the county!

  19. was Liz set up in the event of divorce so that Jake has reason to get custody of those children?

  20. queen spoofer was at the council meeting and as soon and Dykes was finished speaking, spoofer got up and left. Why do you suppose she was there?

  21. Republicans are in the majority in this county and it's still a joke. Heck, the local party is now run by a child who interned for Jake Day. Nick Samson or whatever his name is was lined up to Chair the party by loser hairy ears McIver. What do you expect? We have babies running the show and in the kids case, he seems like he's a little light in the loafers as well.

  22. Nate has passion for conservative ideas and is dedicated to those Republicans that choose to run for office in Wicomico County, he rose to the position due to his hard work, a conservative value. Republications are lacking younger voter support, his age is an asset not a liability.

    1. 9:16 Are you talking about the 18 year old intern?


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