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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Here's What The Daily Times Didn't Tell You About Interum Salisbury Zoo Director

I am married with three children. I have a degree in Art Education. I have had a varied of jobs including teaching for 11 years. I currently work as the Family and Community Program Manager at EdVenture Children’s Museum for the past 3 years. I also have been working at the Salisbury Zoo as an Education Curator for 7 years.

Publishers Notes: It's no wonder the Zoo lost their accreditation. I'm not suggesting she isn't a wonderful person but I cannot believe a teacher is running the daily work schedules at the Zoo. Your Mayor is a buffoon and no one in City government gives a damn about these animals.

I'll just say this about today's Daily Times article. How convenient they forgot about the scathing article they published several years ago flat out challenging them about the 5,000 animal deaths and the evidence I delivered proving of such. There is no oversight at this point and time and what I am delivering to you is factual information. Their article absolutely softened the severity of what is really going on. 

As I stated earlier, it is one thing to MAINTAIN your accreditation. It is another to lose it and THINK you are going to get it back. The Salisbury Zoo has been failing the AZA for decades. The exhibits are not even sub par. The Zoo made promises for years to the AZA that they would upgrade to meet their standards and rarely ever did. It's about time the AZA walked from their commitment with the Zoo. 

Finally, WHY did it take SBYNews to expose the Zoo lost their accreditation with the AZA over a year ago and today the Daily Times finally published a story about it. Because that paper and your Mayor covered it up. Even their own article admitted it went viral elsewhere, (here) but failed to mention SBYNews. They credit all other news sources but steal articles and information from us. 


  1. It begs the question, why wouldn't they want the Zoo to be as successful as possible? Of course, to be successful, you bring in the most qualified staff you can find and make the Zoo a prime reason families visit Salisbury. You know, if the Mayor or the City managers don't like SBYNews breaking this news, then do things right. The accreditation is crucial for a super Zoo. How do they get insurance coverage when they operate this way? I have to think either they pay extreme premiums or are prepared to pay extreme settlements when something goes wrong. SBYNews makes us all wonder who, what, when, where and why.

  2. A buffoon, really?


    a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.

    You should find a more appropriate word.

    1. Who the F are you? Webster?

    2. 1013- We get it, though.

    3. Grammer police? gotta be a libtard. Ta rah rah goon de ay.
      Look that up.

    4. Webster, meet Merriam. Merriam reads all of the definitions of a word to decide if it is the correct usage. Merriam, what say you?
      Yes, the usage was correct in this case. Both Mayor Day and Webster are buffoons, as described in the second definition.

      Definition of buffoon
      1 : a ludicrous figure, clown
      2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person acting like a ridiculous buffoon

  3. Petitioners should be at both ends of the zoo, when animals are disappearing and expos closing...thats when you'll get recall signatures and petitions filled. When kids and parents see it and are saddened, hurt and angry from all the neglect.
    I dont live in city limits so I cant vote, but being a wic co resident this POS fake day totally affects my quality of life by destroying Salisbury.

  4. My biggest thing is how many people on the zoo payroll? And how many volunteers? Yet no one can be bothered to pick up fallen brush and trash. (no pride) Power wash the buildings and put on a fresh coat of paint? The zoo is trashy looking. None of that requires any certifications or degrees.

  5. That explains it , teacher running a zoo , hell they have screwed up the BOE , now they move on too screw up other things . Teachers , the last pitch for communism .

    1. You ignorant ass! Not all teachers are bad. The good ones get a bad rap. With that being said, I agree a teacher shouldn't be running the Zoo.

  6. Can't be that bad the bear just had a baby cub.

    1. What do you think the teacher had to do with that??

    2. The last bear they had died pacing back and forth for months on end. Any idiot could tell it was in distress

  7. Here’s a harsh reality. A zoo costs an absolute fortune to operate. The truth is Salisbury simply can not afford to subsidize the operating cost of the zoo and should consider closing it down. The time for a zoo has come and gone. Someone commented on the Daily Times article that the Zoo should start charging a $10 fee to enter fee. You’ve got to be kidding. No way in hell would I pay $10 per person to walk my family through the Salisbury Zoo. That total $50 and for what remind me?

  8. Truth is, Salisbury could afford to subsidize the operating cost of the zoo and did it for years and years. That was before there was an idiot mayor wasting tax payers money on unnecessary and unused bike lanes, the amphitheater joke, and traffic circles that nobody wants. Take a drive through the park and notice the disaster done to that road, sure looks good on paper but not from behind the steering wheel

    1. Dont forget the paint for gay pride or the streets they are destroying along with businesses!

    2. Couldn’t agree with you more

  9. I have better qualifications , since I was born and raised on a farm caring for cows, pigs and horses. How do I get that job.

  10. I have a question. If it is Salisburys amphitheatre why is it called pohanka amphitheatre?

  11. 12:57, you got it!

  12. This is farmland take the kiddies to meet a cow or pig pet them and explain they are what's for dinner. There has never been anything exotic about the Zoo except maybe what has gone on in the Bamboo thrushes.

  13. I'm liking the thought of a County zoo at Pirates Wharf.

  14. How does an ART degree qualify for a ZOO Director ?? DUGH

  15. What happened to the Zoo Director?

  16. Joe
    See if you can find out who she is friends with or hooked her up with this job. That person is the one at fault; shoot, she probably just needed a job. Someone must have approached her. That job was not on a jobs board, that's for sure.

    Let them coordinate protests, prove animal abuse and have the critters resettled.

  18. Same with the housewife at humane society what a joke
    Wearing sunglasses on her head at a night time meeting
    No clue on her numbers
    Went out there the other week and still treated rude by that short lady out there

  19. Woof. So...they now have a dog running the zoo. Got it.

    1. How dare you? So unnecessary.

  20. so what does having a art background have to do with animals? It all goes hand in hand with the boi mare and his arts and pride image for da bury. Who is she related to or how did she get that job? Not qualified.

  21. "Your Mayor is a buffoon..."

    Yep, you got that right.

  22. Jake Day hires unqualified clowns for these positions. Look at the fire department and John Tull. Look at the city police and Babs.


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