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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Senate GOP unveils $1,200 direct cash payments in massive stimulus proposal

Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a $1 trillion stimulus plan to combat the economic damage caused by the effort to control the coronavirus.

The measure includes a plan to send $1,200 checks to individuals and $2,400 to couples earning below a certain income to help them survive the economic impact and layoffs caused by the coronavirus.

It also would provide a cash infusion for small businesses, the airline industry, and healthcare providers scrambling to test and treat patients afflicted with the virus.

“This legislation takes bold action on four major priorities that are extremely urgent and very necessary,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said before introducing the measure Thursday.



  1. “earning below a certain income”
    More welfare paid for by the taxpayers.

  2. The way I read it, the old folks on social security are about to be screwed again...

  3. 9:17 at least you get social security. Millenials entered the job market in a recession. They're in a recession now with children AND social security that they pay into will be dried up when they hit retirement age.

    1. We get Social Security because we paid into it. A mandate by the Government. Social Security is not free.

    2. Do you even read and comprehend what this point person is trying to say? The money their paying into social security is being used to pay you and it will be resolved when their able to retire. The federal government is the biggest Ponzi scheme going and no one is ever held accountable

    3. So does literally anyone else that pays taxes..

  4. based on 2018 tax return? so, disabled veterans and people on social security get nothing because their money is tax exempt and they don`t file tax returns.

    1. My disabled husband sure as heck is taxed on his disability income..

  5. Income limits are 75k individual and 150k couple, additional 500/child.

    1. And your pint is to those who don't qualify.

    2. Forget the pint.
      Give me a 40!

  6. Still not enough to pay bills!!!

  7. 10:33 here's some advice I get as a millenial "pull up your boot straps and work harder, buy less avacado toast, avoid the newest phones and technology, don't go to college join a trade instead". Hope that helps you as well as it helps us

  8. And this isn't socialism because....

    1. It is. Just like subsidizing the dairy industry billions every year to keep it afloat. People pick and choose the aspects of socialism they like. Which proves you can have democratic socialism and not be communist like some of the cuckoo's on here think

  9. @1049 Because it's help during a pandemic and not cradle to the grave entitlement.

  10. based on 2018 tax return? so, disabled veterans and people on social security get nothing because their money is tax exempt and they don`t file tax returns.

    March 20, 2020 at 9:42 AM:

    You don't know what you are talking about. Social security IS taxable, if you are receiving while still working, as many of us do. Just because one is collecting SS, doesn't mean they don't have to file tax returns. Where did you get that idea, or are you just uninformed and making baseless comments?

  11. If they have this kind of money to give, then we are all WAYYYYYY overtaxed. But then again, that's the "duh" statement of the day.

    1. They don’t.
      They intend to PRINT it out of thin air.

  12. That $1200.00 check just became two $600.00 checks spaced apart. Don't count on it all coming at one time.

  13. If to qualify you have to file a tax return. People on welfare don't pay taxes so hopefully they will not see a dime.

  14. March 20, 2020 at 9:42 AM:

    Social Security IS "taxable." Depending on a recipient's circumstances, it may or may not be taxed, but it is taxable. Some pay tax on it, some don't. SS is not exempt from federal taxation, but is exempt from State Tax in MD. Oh yeah, we still have to file a federal return, whether we owe taxes, or not. SS is income. Obviously you don't collect SS yet.

  15. Why not call this what it is... socialism.

  16. If social security is your only source of income you do not have to file an income tax return. I have been retired for 3 years and have never been required to file.

  17. Those on public assistance haven't lost any income so they should not need increased benefits!


  19. To all the senior citizens who are on social security and wondering if we are included in the Relief/Stimulus Package, (I believe) the answer is YES. It will either be $600 or $1200. Looking more like the latter. We shall see.

  20. Did I read the words “earned income”.. SS is not “earned income” on the tax forms...

  21. Those on Social Security should be FIRST IN LINE & get

    Twice as much Plus increase their checks PERMANENTLY BY

    50% !!!!

  22. WE need that much PER-WEEK with today's cost of living !!!

  23. Pelosi will call this " PEANUTS " !!!! " Scraps"

  24. Crumbs !!! Make Unemployment PAY you Every Week
    What you made at your job , for as Long as it takes !!! Tax Free

  25. Make ALL 50 states Kick out some damn $$$ too for ALL of
    the citizens who reside there & pay Taxes there !!!

    Not just the federal Govt's job , state's Too !!!!

  26. Make sure those payments aren't sent to all those "He ain't my President" Libtards!


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