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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Community Rallies For Meal Pickups During School Closures

BERLIN – Local businesses, organizations and churches are spearheading efforts to ensure no child goes hungry while schools are closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.

When Governor Larry Hogan announced last week that all Maryland public schools would close from March 16 to March 27 to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), members of the community began mobilizing support to ensure students that typically benefit from school meal programs continued to receive food.

Within hours of Hogan’s press conference, for example, Baked Dessert Cafe owner Robin Tomaselli and her staff launched an initiative to provide free food to students in need during the two-week closure.

“Many people don’t know that some students rely on school programs for breakfast, lunch and dinner …,” she said. “Our knee-jerk reaction was to do something to help.”

That effort, however, quickly grew. And by the next morning, Tomaselli said she was inundated with offers of help and messages from those wishing to donate nonperishable items.

“The response has been completely overwhelming …,” she said. “Our community has been generous and kind.”

Now, the café is working with several community partners – including SonRise Church, the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce, Pittsville Volunteer Fire Department, The Iron Horse, Boxcar 40, Willards Lions Club and Uncle Willies – to collect and distribute nonperishable items to students in need.



  1. Sorry but they get WELFARE $ and if you can't afford to feed em don't .........

    1. 3:18 I totally understand and agree; however, it is NOT the childs fault they parents are irresponsible and unprepared

    2. By that logic farmers shouldn't receive crop subsidies either right? Since its WELFARE $

    3. @4:32 We need farmers

  2. In many places restaurants under forced closure are donating all their fresh and perishable food to food banks and kitchens that feed the needy.

  3. Shame on you 3:18. Truly disgusting point of view. Those kids are innocent. Glad the world has more compassionate people like these people than people like you.

  4. Parents won't feed their kids take the kids away and put them in foster care, and take their food stamps away. The get way to much money in SNAP and are too damn lazy to feed them.

  5. Doing nothing but raising a culture of entitled, handout dependant people

  6. Imagine being 3:18 and thinking children deserve to starve because they were born

    1. Wrong I believe I'm not responsible for your F..... G kids want socialism move to NK dirtbag ? You will be crying a week later to come home ..... HYPOCRITE.

    2. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    3. Spot on 5:12! 👍👏👏🤛

    4. Haha this is the best response you could come up with?

  7. This makes no sense where are their parents. Why cant they feed them ? I worked 100 hours a week to build my business for 16 years straight and took care of my family . Why cant these low IQ bastards quit having the kids if they cant feed them

    1. I love All the libs on here crying wolf ask them too post there address.

    2. Let me guess, white male boomer?

  8. March 17, 2020 at 3:42 PM cry me a river. A 49 billion $$ river of the money we give to schools. How much do we spend in food stamps?

    They can make their kid a sandwich, with the food stamps food and quit sucking up the resources we should be providing to the truly needy.

    Enough of the liberal crockadile tears. There are people that are truly needing these resources. Your older home bound neighbor. Your younger neighbor with two minimum wage jobs.

  9. I like that this is solely volunteer.
    No forced taxpayer money (Baked Dessert Cafe).
    You want to help you help.
    You want to find someone else to help you do that.
    Help your family, neighbor, friend.

  10. Ask them if it comes to feeding there kids or someone else's ???? I bet they say they would feed THERE KIDS #HYPOCRITES.

  11. Oh they can feed them if there is $ left after the liquor and cigarettes

  12. The problem is we have a tremendous influx of the New York idiots that have already relocated here and brought their liberal propaganda with them.

  13. 5:45
    Same here! Or, Hear Here!

    I guess what they say really is true: it takes a village to raise a child. These people are ADMITTING they are incapable of raising their own children.


  14. What about a gathering of no more than 10 this violates the rules!
    Tell the parents that now are not working because most places have shut down, to get off their lazy ass and cook for their kids!

  15. They have kids because the more you have the more welfare they receive. We are rewarding individuals (parents) for not taking responsibility for their children. You may not want to hear but there was a time in this country you could give your children to a church orphanage just because you couldn't afford to take care of them. The orphanage would accept responsibility. I'm sure you heard of that. They cared for their kids but knew it was best.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    2. Welfare peeps have more than 10 Kids.

  16. When you feed the rats they become dependent on it and keep coming back for the handouts, this is what is happening here. Time to make America great again by making people stand on their own two feet!

  17. These are citizens providing sandwiches, why are you all so angry about this? There are no tax dollars involved. This is still a semi-free country and if these people want to hand out properly prepared and handled food they are within their rights.

  18. Where is the line for seniors living on SS?


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